Chapter 5:The Wolf Vs. The Lynx

They went to the stance of a boxer, they waited for the right time to punch and wait for the right time to block. Bawayan punched the air with swift moves, showing off his skills to Kyle.


Bawayan punch Kyle in the face at the speed of light, looks like Kyle didn’t like that.

They went neutral again, they are waiting. They are walking in circles. Bawayan continued punching the air.


Bawayan punched Kyle in the face again. Bawayan is taunting at Kyle.

*Smack Smack*

Bawayan threw a 2 punch but this time,Kyle blocked the second I coming hit. Looks like Kyle couldn’t take it anymore of Bawayan’s toxicity, he went forward then


He landed a strong blow went to Bawayan’s face. Now, looked Bawayan didn’t like that based on his expression. They started their clash, both started throwing punches at each other, it is like in a boxing arena but faster pace.

They dodge, they threw a left hook, a jab, tried an uppercut but missed. I watched in silence while the others cheered. Kyle took the most damage. Looks like he really couldn’t take it anymore, he leaped at Bawayan. Both of them fall the ground. Kyle went on top of Bawayan pinning him down.

*Smack Smack Smack*

 Kyle continuously started punching Bawayan’s face. Bawayan blocked some of the incoming punches but the other punches, he couldn’t.

Bawayan punched right back multiple times, both of them started rolling on the ground. Looks like Bawayan is on top right now, he throwed multiple punches at Kyle. Both keep on rolling, taking the position to be on top. While Kyle on top, Bawayan took the last punch.

Looks like Kyle got weakened and felt to the dirt ground, but he rolled to safety, away from Bawayan and stood up, he took deep breathes. Bawayan stood up too, they look at each other eye to eye, they looked tired.

I’m pretty sure, this looks like the best time to released that power again. A few seconds later, Bawayan started glowing, no it isn’t glowing, it is an aura. And this time, it is white aura, wonder what kind of animal this time. But meanwhile Kyle, there are no auras or any particles flying around him.

This looks unbalanced, Kyle’s eyes are widened when he sees Bawayan’s aura flowing, he looks around himself, around his body but there’s no aura. He doesn’t have any intention to surrender. He made a stance for another round for a fight, he’s waiting for his own one.

Some kind of movement caught my eye, I looked at Bawayan, there’s an image of a white wolf beside him. Bawayan readied his stance, Kyle is sweating. Bawayan gave him an evil smile, mocking Kyle. Aura blazed out of Bawayan’s arms, tiny circle particles float around it, the aura blazed like fire.

They look at each other eye to eye, Bawayan is full of aura but Kyle is not. We are waiting for the next move. Bawayan did the next move, he runs towards Kyle.The wolf disappeared instantly. Kyle raised his arms for a block, Bawayan did a right hook with an image of wolf in his right arm.


The right hook landed at the side of Kyle’s right arm, it was a strong blow and destroyed Kyle’s defence. Kyle’s right arm flew, his face is visible. White particles spread around, the aura on Bawayan’s arm is gone. With speed, Bawayan raised his other arm full of aura and did a left hook.


He hit Kyle’s face

Kyle backed off, we couldn’t still find any aura around him. Bawayan found the opportunity and jumped on top of Kyle like a wolf, he pinned him down. Kyle blocked at the right time. Bawayan keep punching.

*Smac Smack Smack*

Kyle kept on blocking.

Bawayan kept on punching, he got exhausted after the multiple continuous punch and stopped. Kyle saw the opportunity and swung his right fists at Bawayan’s face 

An aura came out of Kyle’s right arm, a white dark colored one. I saw some kind of a white image of an animal at Kyle’s hand. 


Bawayan got hit on the face, Bawayan backed off, he might have felt the power from the punch, Kyle stood up….


… He… is gone like instanly.

We are in shock and awe. 

“What the f***! Where did Kyle go!?” Someone shouted from the crowd

“He just vanished in the thin air!” The others joined in

“It’s like editing a video, deleting something from the video and it is gone like a pop!”

We all looked around, we can’t find him, not even a trace of him. I looked at Bawayan, he is looking around, being cautious. He is sniffing the air like an animal, why he’s he doing that? I wondered. 

Kyle suddenly gone, Bawayan sniffing the air like an animal. What the hell is happening! This is insane! This is insanity! A lot of things is happening right now!


A sudden sound, out of nowhere. It sounded like a cat, but high tone and loud sound. I looked at Bawayan, he’s looking everywhere and trying to locate where the sound came from. I saw something behind him, a human leaping. Bawayan looked behind, it was already too late. He got pinned down, by someone but who? It was Kyle.

Kyle is glowing, again it is an aura. Kyle’s aura is black mixed with white, I looked around to see what kind of animal he have but nowhere to be seen. Kyle keeps punching at Bawaya, white-black aura kept coming out of his fists. 

Each punch scattered around tiny white-black circle particles. Bawayan keeps blocking. The tables have turned. Some of us are still looking around to find Kyle’s animal while the fighters wrestled.


I heard a sound, it’s Kyle getting punched on the face. Kyle was surprised and stand up and went away from Bawayan. He scanned around, Bawayan stood up, they both looked tired again. I prossesed something, Bawayan’s punch sounded stronger than Kyle’s punch.

They just stood up taking deep breaths.


We heard growling, it sounded like a cat. It came from Kyle, we all looked for it. We finally saw the animal, walking towards the side of Kyle from behind. It is…… A Lynx…. a Lynx…. Something is… off, something felt familiar. I look at my phone again and find the article again.

*Wolves had a powerful jaw ability or so called bite force*

Now then the Lynx

*Lynx are skilled hunters and very stealthy near to invisible, they have a great hearing and their eyesight are so strong that they can even spot a mouse 250 feet away*

Very stealthy… very stealthy and near to invisible….. I thought to myself.

Hmmmm, Bawayan had the wolf and had a stronger sound when he punch with his aura, I looked at the article again.

*Wollf had a powerful jaw ability or so called bite force*.

Kyle has the Lynx and he went invisible for a moment. I looked at the article about Lynx again

*Lynx are skilled hunters and very stealthy near to invisible*

Near to invisible, hmmmm….. Near to invisible.

Wait… Don’t Tell me

— New chapter is coming soon —

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4 years ago

On the narrative it states that he’s just a vice president. But when he was introduce, he was president. How confusing…. hahahaha

5 years ago


5 years ago

Thank u for the chapter

5 years ago

Thanks for the update.

5 years ago

… I have no words for stupid…

5 years ago

thankyou for the chapter and aclown has apear to become green intestine in a year

5 years ago

Lol how shameless

5 years ago

Yeah, like it was a fair investigation if you never spoke to her or let defend herself. Sheesh. What kind of crappy deal are they going to try and pull?

5 years ago

Why shouldn’t she laugh at silly people who missed the chance to accept a super powerful girl that could lift the reputation of the whole school?

5 years ago

These adults are pathetic. Does he seriously think that the student who won an international competition for their country would cheat? What could possibly make it worth while to stop a student like this. Oh well, at least this way we get to see some good face slapping 😀 Thanks for the chapter!

View 2 Replies
5 years ago

Thank you for the chapter!

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