
This time, he understood the word and really stopped moving.

With his head bowed, his eyes were on her, and for the first time this evening, Sharkey felt that King’s eyes had finally become focal.

He looked at her and looked at her with red eyes!

“Kiki… he gasps,” because… I’m dirty, so… don’t you? “

What? Sha Qi rattled, dirty?!

He loosened the clamp on her, rolled to the other side of the bed, curled up again, and a hand grasped the zhong-swell below, kept rubbing it back and forth, pulling…

When Sharkey saw what King had said, he was terrifying, red and purple, but no matter what he did, she-jing could not.

And his mouth was still murmuring, “Dirty… dirty…”

God! If that goes on, I’m afraid he won’t have to solve the drug, he can ruin it himself!

Shai Qi looked at Jun in shock, suddenly there was a kind of distress that could not be said. She did not understand why he was saying “dirty,” but she understood that she did not want to see him in such pain.

Taking a deep breath, Sharkey moved her body, When you get to the side of the king’s word, you have to touch him, But he heard his husky cry, “I… I will not control… don’t… touch me… Kiki.”

He can get himself out of hand for the first time, but he doesn’t mean that he has this perseverance to do it for the second time.

Sharkey did not speak, but his hand was pressed on the back of his right hand.

His action stopped instantly. “… dirty.”

“It’s just the relationship of medicine, so it becomes a little bad,” says Sharkey, And he opened the hand of the king’s word, and wrapped his hand in the purple and ferocious zhong-swell, Different from the cinema that time, this time, Far more direct and clear than it was then, “remember what I said before? Not dirty… “

His breaths were much quicker, his chest fluctuated violently, and the softness of her hand kept him wanting more… “Give me…”

His lips were half-stretched, his hands tightly held on to the bedding on the bed, and his nails were almost born to penetrate the quilt. The exquisite five organs, under the control of lust, have an inexhaustible charm.

Sharkey bent over her body, and lips proactively kissed the king’s willing lips, not because of the menace of the king, but because her heart determines the behavior of the moment.

Is it because she likes him? Or is it because it hurts him? Or is it because he was so reluctant to force her?

She didn’t even know why, she just knew, she didn’t want to see him go down in such pain…

In the moonlit city, although the surface is still as usual, but the staff inside know, is now a big thing.
In the other box, those who had come with King’s word, No one who dares to leave, no one who is silent, And Xiong Kai, the owner of the Night City, The face stood miserably, like an ant in a hot pot, anxious.

To open a top-notch nightclub in B City, Xiong Kai has his own backstage behind him. If it is someone else’s business, he has a hundred ways to learn about it.

Especially at this moment, standing in front of him or the President! If you can, Xiong Kai Pu prefers to face the monarch at this moment.

“Lieutenant General, it is a matter of good faith, it is my unfavourable care, it is such a matter, you are assured, I will give you an account anyway,” said Xiong Kai.

“Confession?” Jun Xingchen looked at Xiang Kai cold, “what are you going to give me?”

“This…” Xiong Kai is keen to ask the man in front of him what he wants to account for. He did not have much contact, but he heard a little from someone else’s side. After all, a man can expect to take someone else’s life for a moment if he doesn’t have his own life?

A circle of people in the box, “Who did the thing today?”

No one dared to speak, but the little one was wrapped in clothes and shuddered, and only now did she finally know what the king was. And that really made her feel frightened.

At this moment, a man went into the box, and whispered a few words in the ear of the king, and the king looked forward to the small.

It was a cold gaze filled with the superior, as if the death sentence had been given! The little man was sitting on the ground with his legs soft. Even shaking his head, “No… No… I don’t know the identity of the Jun… Is the way to bet with me, want me and three less – bed… “

Jun Zhichen did not even ask questions, but Xiao said directly, and did not forget to push the responsibility on Luoyao. After all, she would rather be offended than offended.

The eyes of all were on Luyao, and Luyao was usually the Lord of nonsense.

“You’re a biao, you’re doing it yourself, you’re going to drag me into the water?! I don’t want to mix it up in the b-city any more!”

“Less road, Ming Ming is what you say, As long as I can and king three less – bed, And you send me the outside car, At the time, it wasn’t for anyone else to hear it. ” He also pointed to the other two dancers. Both of them had been drinking with Luyao before.

At this moment, the two Miss Dancers admitted that they had heard it well, and that they did not admit it as well.

When Jun Cheng saw this situation, he had a number in his heart, and walked cold in front of him, “Well, he would count my brother.”

“Misunderstanding is a misunderstanding!” Luoyao argued.

“Yeah, it’s just a misunderstanding!” Xiong Kai also went to the side, only hoping to make things smaller.

“Misunderstanding? So if I was ruined here today, I could say it was a misunderstanding? “asked Jun.

Xiong Kai and Luiao immediately in the heart, they have not forgotten, the most popular people at night, was given by the monarch. The night was not without background and without backstage, but the monarch did what it said.

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