Chapter 69- Identity

After the duel, the five came together to have a chat.

“My in the game is The Immovable Jerk, but people usually call me TIJ.” (TIJ)

Astrid7Astridcharacter grabbed his hand, then the mage was next.

“Legilight is my IGN.” (Legilight)

Astrid grabbed his hand as well before the assassin stepped forward.

“Hey cutie, names Asgaber.” (Asgaber)

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Without warning, Asgaber pulled Astrid closer and tried to grab her chest, but she was then hit with a wicked uppercut to the chin and went flying backwards.

“Only KMega6KMegacharacter is allowed to fondle them!” (Astrid)

KMega looked at her confused to why he would, but then decided that it was a girlfriend thing and he would ask her if she wanted him to later, but not right now.

As soon as Asgaber was on her feet again, she lunged at Astrid before her foot caught the womans face. As her feet were more dragon4dragonspecies than human, this meant that her foot gripped the womans face and was thrown to the side.

“Darling, why am I meeting these people? Are they somehow important to Eastguard, or are they involved in the GSP?” (Astrid)

TIJ and Legilight became surprised that Astrid even knew about the GSP, or the system allowed her to talk about it.

“That’s right. These three and a few others are apart of the GSP. They’re actually also tournaments players.” (KMega)


Astrid became puzzled.

“Professionals? They’re so weak though! I mean, I knew you could take them, but I thought the best official players were stronger.” (Astrid)

Astrid then quickly sidestepped as Asgaber lunged at her again and continued talking as she pressed her foot on the girls back.

Legilight interjected.

“Well, to be fair, we did dial our stats down to about half.” (TIJ)

Astrid wasn’t impressed.

“Really? What’s an 80% stat penalty on a level 141 sound to you?” (Astrid)

This made them pause. With a penalty like that at that level, he wasn’t much more than a level 50 with decent gear. Even they were no lower than 100. It was a hit to their egos.

However, they had no more time to talk to her because Astrid looked away as if looking at a notice.

“Oh, my creator is calling me. I’ll be gone for a few days while I get use to my new body. Don’t do anything naughty to me while I’m gone.” (Astrid)

A logout animation then appeared around Astrid and she was gone from the vr space.


After she disappeared, Asgaber stood up again and looked at KMega.

“Okay, she isn’t a normal ai. Spill it.” (Asgaber)

KMega then feigned ignorance because he didn’t really know either.

Only allowed on

“Well, she’s a beta companion. I don’t know much beyond that.” (KMega)

It was true, but the other three weren’t buying that explanation.

“Is it true what she said? You have an 80% stat penalty?” (Legilight)

KMega smiled and put a hand behind his head.

“Well, it’s not quiet 80% right now. I’ve recovered some since the tournament.” (KMega)

After he said that, two of them instantly figured out who KMega was.

Since KMega looked like a normal knight with his current attire and he had more unique looking gear when he was being televised; it took awhile for them to put two and two together.

“Wait, your the Eastguard hero!” (Asgaber)

She the finally put it together and KMega nodded before responding.

“I’m the streamer2streamerstory mechanic KMega. That lady you met earlier is Astrid, my in game… spouse.” (KMega)

KMega paused and hesitated to say husband because he was afraid about their reactions.


After their proper in game introductions, the four started talking. While this happened in game, somewhere nearby in a private warehouse, an old factory came to life once more. There was a middle aged man named Weise Blackshore in a building called Blackshore industries working the master controls.

A display then suddenly appeared of a mechanoid body with a little dragon girls’ outline over it.

- my thoughts:
Thanks to Michelle Ossiander on my patreon several chapters have been paid for 6 chapters for release I have missed giving out so for this week I will be doing double releases this week.
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