Chapter 71- Astrid Reborn Part 2

KMega6KMegacharacter was then forced downstairs to start cooking for the house. His obvious manhood caught the attention of everyone as he did so, causing him to feel extremely embarrassed. He wanted to take a cold shower, but Adams and Brian forced him downstairs before noticing it as well. However, as he cooked, his mind was working off his libido and normality returned. After making a simple dinner, they began eating when the front door of the house was thrown open.


Jenny, the mechanoid front desk attendant, instantly became alert and brought out a non-lethal firearm. She then aimed it at her presumed attacked, but after seeing who it was, she lowered her weapon and bowed. The human tenants missed it of course, as the six only stared at the newcomer in amazement. KMega was then the first one to speak up.

Astrid7Astridcharacter?” (KMega)

It was indeed Astrid, but she looked more mechanical since she was inside a mechanoid body. She then rushed over to KMega, but she quickly tripped over her own two feet and landed in his arms. At that moment, all the anger that she held inside was gone.

“Astrid….” (KMega)

KMega said softly, as she looked at him happily.


Astrid wasn’t used to her new body, and she uploaded herself outside in a storage shed. She wanted to surprise KMega during the night and go for round two during the day, but she wound up annoyed and had to explain herself to a room full of strangers. The body she was in was a top of the line prototype, but the technology hasn’t been advanced in several years because the lead researcher of the hardware died. However, her body was still unlike anything they’ve seen before. This put Astrid and KMega into Weise’s debt for several hundreds of thousands of coin, and KMega was sensitive to debt. However, maintenance and upgrades were free while she was testing the physical model. Being top of the line didn’t mean that Astrid had all of the right parts though, but she still had plans for KMega.


After being told how her body was made and who she was, she stared at the sulking Elsa.
Since she attempted to grope Astrid, she hit her with her tail to make her stop.

Yes, Astrid was still in her human hybrid form as a Mechanoid. Seeing and hearing with machines was still hard for her. She was also unfamiliar with the settings, causing her to actively change them and blink instead of mindlessly staring and twitching to voices.

She was actively assimilating into her surroundings without being told or programmed to.

This didn’t go unnoticed though, as Brian tried to sneak a grab at her, but she caught him instead.

“As I thought. No normal mechanoid would stop a person from attempting to access their access port in the back of their neck.” (Brian)

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“What do you mean?” (Astrid)

Brian then gripped his wrist after she let him go.

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“You aren’t some off of the line ai. You’re sensitive to your physical weakness.” (Brian)

Astrid tried to squint, but she then blushed, causing her face to look rather cute.

“What of it?” (Astrid)

Brian was about to continue, but a hand landed on his shoulder.

“Let it go, man. You’re making the new guy angry for ripping on his girl like that.” (Adams)


After the hype surrounding Astrid had died down, everyone decided that it was finally time for bed. Astrid then followed KMega up to his room where he skipped taking a shower. She joined him as if it was natural, and KMega didn’t mind since they’ve slept like that in games several times now.

After some time passed, Astrid opened her eyes to look at KMega’s face with a sad expression.

“It’s not the same.” (Astrid)

She said to herself, as she got up to sit in his chair before plugging herself into his computer.

- my thoughts:
Thanks to Michelle Ossiander on my patreon several chapters have been paid for 6 chapters for release I have missed giving out so for this week I will be doing double releases this week. bonus 6/6
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