Important Tidbit

The chapters labeled in (RE) are the canonical plot at the moment. The titled chapters are considered LEGACY and will be a “preview” for what’s to come. If the story feels disjointed at a certain point, that’s the reason.

Only allowed on

EDIT: I’ve deleted the legacy chapters due to the confusion.

Aside from the format, this note is for new potential readers. As you might’ve guessed, I don’t post often. In fact, I haven’t even finished the first full part of the series, due to constant backtracking, writer’s block, and of course real life. Expect not a consistent weekly release due to the previous reasons AND the fact I usually go with quality over quantity (the reason why I constantly backtrack).

Dear Readers. Scrapers have recently been devasting our views. At this rate, the site (creativenovels .com) might...let's just hope it doesn't come to that. If you are reading on a scraper site. Please don't.

I’m sorry for my loyal viewers who stick around for this series. Even though I gave the reasons before, I literally have no excuse for the poor release schedule. It’s understandable that people would drop this story due to it. However, I would say I am slowly getting back to it, but no promises.

At the time posting this, I will release chapters all the way up to 17.2. Doesn’t seem a lot but there’s a lot of “mini-chapters” in between the main ones. Hopefully it will suffice for now.

Thank you.

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