signed :active member
Chapter 610 – Desert Feast

§ Spirit Folk tents are amazing.  When the threatening storm arrived at last, the Fire Folk were preparing to unearth some sort of buried barbecue, the kind where you cook your food in a covered hole, like at a clambake or a luau. They downed tools, secured the scene and hustled into the tents, whisking their guests along without letting ...

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Still no promises about Tuesday. This job is trying to kill me, I think.

What she calls 'luau' is properly called 'kalua'. It and clam bakes depend upon heating the wet ground to steam the food, so the Spirit Folk really used something more like 'pachamanca', a South American technique invented in the Inca Empire and still done today, or a similar Bedouin method that I think is called 'mandi'.

I decided to change 'spirit kindred' to 'spirit folk'. Can't really say why, but it just felt like it fit better.

Tiana called it 'delaying', but remember that Tiana is actually currently back in Narses and not delaying anything. I would call my addition of this side trip a 'delay' except I felt I needed to actually demonstrate tangibly the extra time that the male incarnations were getting to think and plan.

So did Fan Li or any of the others get any happy fun time out of this event? I'm going to leave that to the readers imagination.

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