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Chapter 613 – Dinner Discussions

§  Back in the days when we thought Ged’s accession to the throne was far in the future, before the southern lords shattered the peace of Orestania, Rod’s role, besides being spare prince, was to train as a military man. Ged also had to train, but his trajectory was a little more straightforward, as future king. In a kingdom where ...

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Posting is a tad irregular this weekend. I am on the road, since we held the memorial service and interment of my stepmom's ashes next to my dad several states away from the one I live in.

No chapter on Tuesday, but we will be back to normal by next Saturday.

For some reason, in previous chapters in this volume, I accidentally renamed Lower Pendor "Upper Pendor". I've corrected it.

If "Upper Pendor" existed as a name, it would be Tiana's territory, not Ansri's. Like Lower Egypt, the County of Lower Pendor is downstream of, but north of, The Duchy from which the two counties with 'Pendor' in their name were split. It is 'lower' with reference to the river rather than the compass.

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