chapter 26


Jungkook was unconscious. After examining him, the doctor came out. The look on his face was clear enough. Jungkook’s Dad was with me, Mom was with Jeongukk hyung. We still didn’t know what was wrong with hyung. But Jungkook, we knew it was his limit and he had reached it today. 

“Mr. Jeon, before you ask, I will tell you that if we don’t transplant this time, I am sorry. We won’t be able to save him. I don’t know when he will wake up. If he wakes up, well. If not…” He said and looked at us worriedly.

“Doctor, what number are we on the transplant list?” I asked him, my vision becoming blurry with tears. 

“10..” he said after pausing for a while.

Uncle sat on the sat unable to control himself. I held his hand and tried to calm him. I was crying myself. But then I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was the doctor.

“Yes..” I said.

“Mr. Jeon, would you like to come to my office? I have to discuss something with you.” He said and looked at me.

His look made me remember Jeongukk hyung’s words. F*ck!! I started sweating in the cold air conditioning hearing those words. We got up and went to his office.

“Mr. Jeon, I have something to tell you.” The doctor said.

“Uncle, I will tell you before hand, that I know about this. Hyung spoke to me about this, but it was the last option and he wished that day would never come. I am sorry for not telling you or anyone, but I had promised hyung. Now that hyung is in this state, and the doctors know well his condition, I thought I should tell you. You can blame me all you want, but keeping his promise was more important for me.” I told uncle and he looked confused.

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“Son, what are you saying? What promise? What last option?” Uncle asked me.

“Jeongukk hyung wanted to donate his heart to Jungkook. It was if at all Jungkook would have no other option. He already signed up for donation. And I am his witness.” I said and after that tears didn’t stop flowing from my eyes.

“What?” Uncle asked me and I took out the donation card and gave it to him. 

I looked at the doctor and he nodded at me and whispered thank you. I nodded back wiping my tears. Uncle was at loss of words. He kept staring at the card. I held his shoulder. He looked at me, he was already crying. I hugged him tight and cried myself. I saw the doctor going out after giving a pat on my back.

It was killing me just by thinking at how Uncle and Aunt would decide between their own sons. Both of them lying in hospital in a equally threatening conditions. Both were fighting in between life and death. But one thing was sure, Hyung wouldn’t last for more than a few more hours maybe. The doctors had explained his situation already…

I left the hug and wiped my tears and looked at uncle.

“You and I, both know, it’s difficult, but we still have to make a decision.” I told him and he agreed.

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I asked the doctor to come in.

“We’re are ready.” I said to him and uncle gave the card to the doctor.

“But, give us time to say our last goodbyes to hyung.” I told him.

“Don’t worry. For Jungkook, we have enough time on hands. As for Jeongukk, not more than 2 hours I guess.” He said and looked down.

“Ah, my colleague told me before of the situation. The thing is, a person, even though he is in coma or unconscious, they can still hear you. So the situation earlier, must be because, he was triggered when Jungkook felt pain in his chest and fell to ground. They are twins, it’s possible that he felt the pain. It can be possible with both of them. They can feel each other. We gave him sedatives, so he calmed down. So when you go in later, talk to him and tell him Jungkook is fine. It might help.” The doctor said and then we left.

The most important thing.. was to tell Jungkook’s mom now.

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