Chapter 41: Inn

Qiu Yutong picked up a jade token and could not help but frown.

The jade token was warm and moist, and the overall appearance was a transparent and deep emerald green, which was almost flawless. Obviously, the texture was very good. The two blood-colored seals on it, “Blood Prison”, were also carved with great precision.

Qiu Yutong hesitated for a moment, and pressed his thumb lightly on the word “Blood Prison”. As expected, his fingertips immediately felt a pure and faint aura flowing in the jade token.

“This is a jade token for access.” Qiu Yutong paused for a moment, then said, “Looking at the words ‘blood prison’ on it, I guess this is the jade token for the legendary ‘Blood Prison Secret Realm‘ that opens every thousand years.”

Lu Xiao also nodded and said, “Yes, when we were in the temple, Luo Wugou complained, saying that Gui Wuya only gave him three jade tokens. I think it must be these three.”

Xu Dongqing hesitated, “If that is the case, what should we do with these jade tokens? Will they invite disaster?”

Qiu Yutong looked at the jade token in his hand, and felt very sorry in his heart; he couldn’t help sighing, “Unfortunately, if my cultivation was higher, I would enter the secret realm… But in this situation, even if I enter the secret realm, it is estimated that it will be disastrous.”

Having said that, Qiu Yutong still caressed the warm jade token as if he couldn’t bear to give it up. In fact, his superficial cultivation was not the main reason for him giving this up. After all, he liked challenges in his previous life. The main reason for him giving this up was Lu Xiao.

Now that his little apprentice looked so pale, how could he leave him behind? If something happened, it would be too late to regret it.

Qiu Yutong held back and handed the jade token back to Xu Dongqing, “Dongqing, this jade token… you can sell it. I guess this thing should be worth a lot of spirit stones now. Maybe if you sell these three jade tokens, you can rebuild the Medicine Monarch Manor.”

Xu Dongqing took over the jade token with a very sad expression, “With my insufficient skills right now, no matter how many spirit stones I have, I’m afraid it will be…”

Qiu Yutong didn’t know what to say and was silent.

After a long time, Xu Dongqing slowly raised his head, forced a smile, and said, “What about the two of you? What are your plans?”

Lu Xiao looked at Qiu Yutong gently, “Shizun, what do you think?”

Qiu Yutong pondered, “I was thinking about this just now. Xiao-er, although you have used the panacea and your injury is a little better, you have still lost too much blood, so I am still not at ease. Also, your pulse is very strange, even the Eldest Master couldn’t understand it so it doesn’t seem to be an ordinary heavenly spiritual vein… As I’m thinking about it, I might as well take you back to North Snow City, and let the Sect… Leader take a look at you.”

With the last sentence, Qiu Yutong paused for a while and almost let it slip. When they were in the  Medicine Monarch Manor, the two brothers Xu Qiushi and Xu Dongqing always thought he was Qiu Yutong’s son, or the disciple of Xie Wanting, the master of North Snow City… Sigh, it was always awkward to lie, but he really couldn’t tell him about his situation. When there was a suitable opportunity in the future, he would confess to Xu Dongqing.

“You want to take him back to North Snow City? Do you want City Lord Xie to see his condition?” Xu Dongqing opened his eyes wide, “But North Snow City is far away in the Canglong Snow Mountain in the Western Regions, and it is thousands of miles away from here, how will you get there?”

Lu Xiao stared blankly at Qiu Yutong, his expression still a little dazed, and he couldn’t believe it, “Shizun, you… you want to take me back to North Snow City and have somebody to look at my condition?”

“En, if you can cultivate, that would be even better,” Qiu Yutong nodded, “As for how to go back, I have already thought about it carefully. Now that my cultivation is shallow, it is too dangerous to leave with a sword. The carriage is too slow. But there is another way – we can go to the Xianmeng Guild Hall in the capital, buy a message scroll, and send us directly.”

When he said this, he coughed lightly, “It’s just that you will spend money…”

The use of the message scroll was very simple, and it could be used by cultivators with a little bit of spiritual power. It’s just that this thing was very expensive. It was a scroll that could be delivered to people thousands of miles away. It required hundreds of spiritual stones in the realm of self-cultivation and thousands of taels of gold in the human world. It would only make Lu Xiao’s treasury bleed.

Seeing that Qiu Yutong was not joking, Lu Xiao’s eyes lit up. Although his face was still pale, his face was almost radiant, and he nodded immediately, “No problem!”

Xu Dongqing blinked and asked Qiu Yutong suspiciously, “But, aren’t you worried about the sword formation of North Snow City? I heard that some people wanted to pay respects to Peak Master Bai as a teacher a few years ago, but there was no way to do so. Thinking out of the box, he used a scroll to deliver himself to Aoxue Peak, and ended up being trapped in the sword formation protecting the city, he almost died!”

“To me, that sword formation isn’t that scary,” Qiu Yutong said with a smile.

Uh, in fact, he made the sword formation for protecting the city by himself… He also often improved it and made many strange functions, so that the Sect Leader often sighed, “Yutong, don’t play with that sword formation, okay? Yesterday, Lingxi was still lying on the bed.”

Xu Dongqing made an “oh” sound before continuing, “That’s right, you are Qiu Yutong’s son, so naturally the sword formation would know you. Then, if you bring him in, there will be no problem.”

Lu Xiao looked at Qiu Yutong and said softly, “Shizun is naturally dependable in handling matters.”

Xu Dongqing glanced at Lu Xiao with a touch of envy in his eyes, then lowered his eyes, his expression darkening again, “Sigh, I also want to go to North Snow City.”

Qiu Yutong wondered, “You want to go to North Snow City? It’s not fun there, and it’s very cold.”

“I’m like this now, I’m not good at literature and martial arts. My medical skills are mediocre, and I don’t know much about swordsmanship… I, I want to learn medical skills well, and then learn swordsmanship well, and one day I can find out the truth and avenge my brother,” Xu Dongqing’s voice was a little hoarse. “I want… I want to pay respect to City Lord Xie as my teacher.”

Qiu Yutong was slightly taken aback, “You want to pay respect to him as a teacher?”

Uh, the Sect Leader does not accept apprentices easily.

Xu Dongqing shook his head and smiled bitterly, “Of course, I also know that this is impossible. Even Peak Master Bai and Peak Master Sang turned around and left when they heard that my brother’s bride was a demon, and City Lord Xie naturally…”

“It’s not like this…,” Qiu Yutong pondered.

The second brother hated evil and hated everything related to the demons. The third senior brother was a casanova, a little afraid of trouble, and rarely took the initiative to take matters into his own hands. But the Sect Leader was very open-minded and was relatively easy to talk with. Maybe it was really possible, and he was willing to accept Xu Dongqing as a disciple.

He owed Xu Qiushi a huge favor, so naturally, he should take care of the genius doctor’s only brother. 

Qiu Yutong thought about it for a while, and said slowly, “Dongqing, how about this, you come with us, and I will take you back to the North Snow City. But the matter of apprenticeship cannot be forced, it can only depend on your good luck. “

Xu Dongqing was stunned for a long time and suddenly cheered. He rushed towards and hugged Qiu Yutong, “Ah Qiu, you are so kind!”

Lu Xiao frowned and pulled him away, and said unhappily, “What did you call him?”

Xu Dongqing blinked, “Ah Qiu. Ah Qiu asked me to call you that, and he also asked me to call you Ah Xiao.”

Lu Xiao glanced at Qiu Yutong speechlessly, then turned to Xu Dongqing and said, “What do you mean by Ah Qiu and Ah Xiao? it’s too messy. You have to call him Immort… Mr. Qiu, call me Brother Xiao.”

“Cough cough.” Qiu Yutong touched his nose in embarrassment. He himself didn’t have much sense of the social ranking of the elders and the young, but he forgot that Lu Xiao always had a sense of distance when dealing with outsiders, and naturally he didn’t like this kind of random naming.

Xu Dongqing pursed his lips, “Oh.”


The three of them could not stay in the forest for a long time. After resting for a while, they divided the forest, plucked the grass and went down the mountain.

Qiu Yutong and Xu Dongqing were okay, but Lu Xiao was injured too badly. Although he applied the deer antler ink ointment and took the bear gale red sage pills, his whole body was still weak, and Qiu Yutong could only half support his little apprentice. The three slowly walked towards the town down the mountain.

After walking for two full hours, they finally came to a small town at the foot of the mountain. Lu Xiao pulled some grass, the three of them painted their faces yellow with grass juice, messed up their hair, and dusted their bodies before entering the town.

This town was very small. There was only one street from east to west. There was only one inn on the street. The name was also very simple, it’s called “Li’s Inn”.

Lu Xiao looked at the old and faded red sign in the inn, and sighed, “There’s no choice, let’s just stay here for one night, it’s better than staying on the mountain.”

The three entered the inn. There were not many people in the lobby of the inn. The waiter enthusiastically brought tea and hot towels, “Do you want to stay in the inn, or do you want to stop for a snack while traveling?”

Lu Xiao took out a piece of silver, “We will have a meal then a stay in the inn. If there is anything delicious in the store, feel free to serve it.”

The waiter bit the silver hard, and his face suddenly filled with a smile, “Okay!

Not long after, there was braised beef, lamb stew, pig trotters stewed with snow peas, fried wild vegetables with eggs… There was a large table full of them. Although it was not exquisite, it was fragrant.

The three of them were starving so they buried their heads and slammed into their mouths to eat. Qiu Yutong didn’t care about his image; he grabbed a fat pig’s trotter and gnawed wildly until Lu Xiao couldn’t help quirking the corners of his lips. When he came to his senses, he became annoyed and said, “Eat your own food, why are you laughing…”

For the sake of Shizun’s image, he reluctantly endured the word “fart”.

Lu Xiao lowered his head silently and his shoulders were still shaking slightly. Suddenly, he made hissed softly, as if he tore open his wound.

“What’s wrong, is it…” Qiu Yutong grabbed the white and fat pig’s trotter and glanced at his apprentice worriedly. Lu Xiao couldn’t help laughing again.

“…” Qiu Yutong gritted his teeth, “You deserve it!”

Xu Dongqing gobbled beside him, and said vaguely, “This is delicious… This, this is also delicious!”

The three of them were like wind sweeping the clouds away. After a while, a large table of dishes was swept away. Lu Xiao asked for two more dishes of snacks. Qiu Yutong was stuffing a piece of mung bean cake into his mouth when he heard a voice chatting coming from the stairs.

He looked up and saw several female nuns in pale green shirts walking down the stairs of the inn.

“Senior Sister Yuxin, I heard that Chen Wushang burned Medicine Monarch Manor till there was nothing left last night… The North Sea Sword Sect is too much. I think they are even more terrifying than any demons,” the sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl said.

Xu Dongqing clenched his chopsticks silently, his face turned pale.

A stern-faced female cultivator of about twenty-seven or twenty-eight reprimanded in a low voice, “Yuzhu, don’t talk nonsense! Have you seen what the Demon Race looks like?”

“Little Junior Sister, Senior Sister is right, there are many people here, so don’t talk about it.” Another female cultivator pulled on Yuzhu’s sleeve.

“Oh,” Yuzhu stuck out her tongue secretly, she did not seem too convinced.

Qiu Yutong already recognized them. When he was in Medicine Monarch Manor, he had met these female cultivators. They seemed to be… the female cultivators of Qingxia Temple? Where was their master?

Several female cultivators sat down at a table next to them, ordered two pots of tea, and ordered some light vegetarian dishes. While waiting for the dishes, the little junior sister Yuzhu started chattering again, but did not dare to mention the matter of Medicine Monarch Manor and North Sea Sword Sect, and instead talked about other gossips, “Did Master go to Blood Prison Valley?”

The elder sister Yuxin snorted coldly, “Master possesses remarkable abilities, and he left with his sword early in the morning, so it’s natural to arrive at this time.”

“Hey, I heard that Master Wuchen of Nanshan Temple still has more than a dozen jade tokens left; I don’t know how many can be left for us?”

“Master and Master Wuchen are old friends, no matter what, they have to keep five for us, right?”

“It’s hard to say, there are too few jade tokens for access, maybe by the time it’s our turn, there are only two or three left, or there is only one for Master.”

“By the way, I heard yesterday that the jade tokens on the black market have already risen to 8,000 spirit stones…”

“Really?! 8,000 spirit stones? That’s enough to buy a small mountain!”

“Exactly! The Blood Prison Secret Realm is very lively this time. It is said that there is some secret treasure that descended to earth, and everyone wants to try their luck!”

“Secret treasure? I think it’s a lie!”

“The Four Big Sects have arrived in the Blood Prison Valley, can it be fake? Those rumors are nothing, but City Lord Xie, Master Wuchen, Palace Master Lin, Gui… Island Master Gui, they have all arrived in Blood Prison Valley, just waiting for the secret realm to open. If not for the secret treasure, why else are they here? “

Qiu Yutong was stunned for a moment. The Sect Leader had left? He also went to Blood Prison Valley?

“Well, I heard that this time, North Snow City pulled out their full strength. In addition to City Lord Xie, Peak Master Bai and Peak Master Sang have all gone, and they have also brought many second-generation disciples. North Sea Sword Sect and Nanshan Temple will probably also bring a lot of people. Sigh, the four major factions, each faction has twenty jade tokens, so envious.”

“There is nothing to envy. The secret realm is so dangerous. I would not go if you give me the jade token for free.”

“Tch, who will give you a jade token for nothing, do you think you are beautiful?”

“Ha ha ha ha……”

Several young female cultivators started laughing as they talked, and the elder sister coughed a few times before they calmed down with their tongues out.

Lu Xiao frowned, looked up at Qiu Yutong, and said in a low voice, “Shizun, what should I do?”

“I didn’t expect this to happen.” Qiu Yutong had a headache and couldn’t help rubbing his temples. “How about we go to the Blood Prison Valley? We’ll go check your condition first and when they enter the valley, let’s go back to North Snow City, and find an effective cure to heal your wounds… If you can cultivate, North Snow City also has some effective panaceas to unblock the veins.”

Lu Xiao pondered for a moment, then nodded, “Good.”

Qiu Yutong hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at the next table, and asked softly, “Ms. Yuzhu, I want to ask you something…”

Yuzhu turned her head and was stunned for a moment, while the senior elder sister Yuxin said with anger, “Yuzhu, don’t pay attention to him!”

Before Qiu Yutong could react, Yu Xin glared at him again, “You lecher!”

“Lecher?” Qiu Yutong blinked inexplicably, he just wanted to find out how to get to the Blood Prison Valley, how did he become a lecher?

Lu Xiao pursed his lips and seemed to be holding back a smile.

Xu Dongqing coughed softly, “Mr. Qiu, I think it may be your beard…”

Beard? When did he get a beard? Qiu Yutong touched his upper lip in a confused way, and only then did he realize that when he just changed his appearance, Lu Xiao not only painted his face yellow, but also cut a bit of his hair and gave him a goatee! Although this was foolproof, it was really a bit… vulgar.

And the culprit, this unfilial disciple, was laughing at him!

Lu Xiao quickly pursed his lips to hold back his smile, tried his best to straighten his face, and comforted him very seriously, “Shizun, it’s alright, it’s not ugly.”

Qiu Yutong glared at him angrily and stuffed a big mouthful of mung bean cake into his mouth.


After eating, the waiter led the three of them to the door of the guest room on the second floor.

“I’m really sorry, there are only two rooms in our inn tonight.  Could you three squeeze a little? Right, if you want to take a bath, there is hot water and a tub in the inn, just call me,” the waiter said diligently.

- my thoughts:
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