Chapter 1912: Seed

With the average ‘Toy Soldier’ possessing the strength of a middling D-Rank Regular, the most difficult aspect of traversing the Quarantine Area was avoiding traps and other environmental hazards.

Fortunately, even without Vahn’s assistance, the girls could deal with most traps with an almost comical degree of ease. Musashi could detect most of them without any effort whatsoever, and, even when they had gotten themselves trapped in a chamber intended to be flooded with acid, Theo simply erected barriers to cover each spout while Scathach proceeded to create a massive hole leading to the next chamber.

Though the interior and exterior spaces were almost entirely separate from each other, the same couldn’t be said for the individual layers within the Quarantine Area. Thus, while it might have been difficult for others, Musashi and Scathach both possessed the ability to simply cut through or pierce the material separating the layers. This drastically reduced the amount of time it took them to head inward, but, in exchange, the black bars of their Good and Evil Monitors filled at an alarming rate as larger and far more durable Toy Soldiers sought them out.

If he were being honest with himself, Vahn wasn’t particularly excited about the prospect of seeing other versions of himself. The Hidden Floor obviously couldn’t replicate him, so, while he had yet to encounter a single instance of a Sworn Enemy, it was safe to assume they were originated from the knowledge and experience contained within the minds of those responsible for their origin. Thus, in a way, he would be seeing caricatures of himself based on how the person in question viewed him…

Assuming this was the case, Vahn couldn’t help but feel some trepidation regarding the version of himself manifested by Theo. The Sworn Enemies generated by Musashi and Scathach were bound to be fierce and somewhat lackadaisical warriors who defied common sense. Theo’s, however, was guaranteed to possess a substantial number of ‘quirks’, and, depending on how the Mirror of the Past interpreted her memories, there was a fair chance he might be dedicated as a bit of a pervert…

Fortunately, while their Good and Evil Monitors had almost completely filled with a black bar, their journey towards the center of the Quarantine Area remained relatively unimpeded. The Toy Soldiers couldn’t withstand so much as a single blow from any of the trio, and, as they moved closer to the center, an increasing number of traps had already been set off or disarmed entirely. This indicated that there were people inside proactively exploring the region, and, by the time they reached the centermost antechamber, even the Toy Soldiers had stopped spawning.

Though some might question the purpose of a ‘safe zone’ inside of a Quarantine Area, Vahn knew its primary purpose was to give the residents false hope while serving as their prison. The proof for this was in the coding itself, as, with the alteration of a single boolean value, the ‘safe zone’ function could simply be toggled off. This meant, at any point in time, Big Breeders like Chung could input a single command, and, in response, an infinite number of Toy Soldiers would swarm the region until everything inside was killed.

Shaking his head in mild exasperation, Vahn shifted his gaze away from the tower-like structure that represented the ‘Seed’ of the Fruit of Good and Evil. There were already a number of armed guards gathering to form a defensive line at the opposite end of a long bridge, so, in the hopes of avoiding an altercation, Vahn passed his gaze of the three girls, saying, “Remember, most of these people are victims. They might be a little hostile, but we should avoid injuring them as much as possible. If they insist on attacking us, focus on disarming rather than disabling them…”

Having already determined there were no worthy opponents among the gathering at the end of the bridge, even Musashi nodded her head in affirmation before saying, “If you provide me with snacks and something to drink, I can stand guard over the bridge. This area might be inaccessible to those little toys, but I doubt any Sworn Enemies based on you would suffer from such limitations. If we’re to assume there are three of you running around, leaving our backs exposed is the same as inviting destruction upon everyone here. You can be pretty ruthless when it concerns your enemies…”

With a wry grimace spreading across his face, Vahn wanted to refute Musashi’s words, but, unable to lie, the words never reached his lips. After all, he had literally targetted the Floating Castle of the Yeon Family, undoubtedly injuring a number of innocents just to teach his foes a lesson. He had also completely obliterated a base belonging to FUG, a facility that doubtlessly contained a number of resolute and determined individuals whose only desire was to liberate the Tower from the control of ruthless tyrants…

Restraining a sigh, Vahn manifested a gourd with the kanji for fire on the side, tossing it to Musashi as he said, “I would ask that you try to avoid a fight, but I’ll leave it to your discretion. Remember, if they possess even a semblance of my actual power, they should possess the ability to masquerade as pretty much anyone. They could even appear as multiple people to try and deceive you…stay on your toes…”

Thinking about the potential capabilities of Sworn Enemies based on himself, Vahn couldn’t help feeling a little helpless. Musashi, however, seemed rather excited at the prospect, playfully clasping the bicep of her right arm, flexing as she said, “No worries! I’m not going to let a single person get past me. If you’re that worried, you can just leave more booze. I doubt any of the data here has a tolerance even remotely comparable to your own. You’re also pretty shitty at acting, so it should be pretty easy to sniff out any imposters~!”

Though he knew her primary purpose was to secure some additional alcohols to add to her private collection, Vahn couldn’t argue with Musashi’s surprisingly sound logic. They had already confirmed that Data Humans could get drunk, so, while it might cost him quite a bit of OP, it would be worth it if they could sus out even a single version of himself. The longer they were allowed the roam freely, the more complicated things would become, as, if they were anything like him, time was something they could exploit to a truly ludicrous extent…

With Musashi and Scathach both watching over the bridge, Vahn was able to breathe easily even with more than twenty rifle-like devices pointed his way. The presence of Theo also helped in this regard, and, to a lesser extent, so too did the incessant sound of chewing emanating from his back.

Since it wasn’t that uncommon for other quarantined entities to find their way to the safe area, the group of riflemen and women didn’t immediately attack. Instead, they trained the majority of their rifles on Vahn, laser sights dancing across his chest and body as a scarred man wearing a peculiar metal helmet, facemask, and black body armor made his way forward.

Though his voice sounded surprisingly soft and delicate, the gruff-looking man earned a frown from Vahn as he stammered, “W-W-W-Who are you? H-H-How d-did y-you find this p-p-place?”

Before answering the man’s question, Vahn had Sis analyze his data to ascertain the cause of his vocal tic. He didn’t have anything against people with a stutter, but, considering the man greatly resembled the Wandering Minstrels native to the Hidden Floor, there had to be a reason behind his peculiar manner of speaking.

Unsurprisingly, Sis found that the man’s mouth had been torn open, and, due to a specific line of code, the injury was prevented from healing even after a reset. This was obviously Chung’s hand at work, so, without pausing to consider the consequences, he had Sis remove the line of code as he answered, “My name is Vahn Aldrnari Mason. This beautiful woman at my side is my wife, Theodora Bashireia Herasu De Vesuperisujimia Mason. We have come here in search of a Data Human named Yu Hansung. I imagine you are well acquainted?”

Frowning in response to Vahn’s words, the man was about to answer when he felt an unbearably itchy sensation around his mouth. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced, and, due to the metal facemask he wore to cover the horrendous injury beneath, he couldn’t do anything to readily alleviate the sensation. This caused the defensive line to nearly open fire, but, before they were able to, Theo drew a red seal within the air, incanting, “Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat! Bakudo #9! Geki…!”

In response to Theo’s nigh-instantaneous incantation, a red aura spread across the entire group of defensive soldiers, completely paralyzing them. At nearly the exact same time, the masked man was able to momentarily ignore the itchy sensation beneath his mask, adrenaline pumping through his non-existent veins as he leaped back and fired two dart-like projectiles towards Vahn’s and Theo’s necks.

With the darts barely exceeding 1300m/s, Vahn was able to catch both using his Telekinesis and a simple wave of his hand. At the same time, he caught the masked man in the air, simultaneously pulling the rifle from his hands as he said, “Relax. The sensation you’re feeling is the wound on your face being healed. We’re not your enemies.”

To emphasize his point, Vahn pulled out a hand mirror while manipulating the metal bands around the man’s face and head, prying them away in an instant to reveal the rapidly regenerating wound beneath. Then, after telekinetically wresting the weapons from everyone present, he sent a curt nod towards Theo, subsequently restoring their mobility.

Seeing his own reflection, the formerly masked man, better known as Batis, showed an expression of disbelief as he tentatively touched his increasingly healthy-looking flesh. Chung had vengefully modified their appearance data to give them ghastly appearances compared to other residents of the Hidden Floor, so, for the last several hundred years, his face and complexion had looked more monster than man.

Though his first instinct was to ask how Vahn had managed to heal his wound, Batis managed to suppress his curiosity, stating, “Yu Hansung is not here. He generally spends most of his time near the data destruction and recycling center. You should have met him shortly after your arrival…?”

Hearing the sound of his restored voice, Batis allowed his words to trail off as an irrepressible smile developed across his face. He had once been the Chief of the Village of Wandering Minstrels, and, though he had always been most fond of his wife’s objectively poor singing, everyone had always considered him the greatest vocalist and songwriter in the land. Regaining his voice made him feel incomparably hopeful and nostalgic, a thin layer of moisture developing across his silvery-grey eyes until he promptly wiped it away.

Feeling an extreme amount of empathy for the man, Vahn couldn’t help adopting a smile of his own as he said, “Don’t worry. Now that I’m here, it is only a matter of time before Chung and the other Big Breeders are dealt with. For now, you should send someone to retrieve Yu Hansung or guide me to his location. I can track him down myself, but I imagine things would progress a lot smoother if there was a familiar face to explain the situation.”

Nodding his head in understanding, Batis was about to give the order when a young girl with steel-grey hair, matching eyes, and a giant red ‘x’ over her mouth came running over, shouting, “Baba…!”

With Sis providing data related to everyone he encountered in the Hidden Floor, a frown appeared across Vahn’s face as Batis, with an affectionate smile, bent down to pick up the smock-wearing girl who kept repeating the same phrase over and over. She seemed incapable of vocalizing any actual words, but, far more troubling than that was the fact that her primary function was to serve as both a location tracker and surveillance system for residents within the Seed…

Seemingly ignorant of this, Batis held the girl in one arm, smiling as he said, “This is my daughter, Medley. She was cursed by the Big Breeder so that she could never learn how to speak. Though it might be asking too much, I would be grateful if you could somehow remove her curse…”

Since he had actually been looking for a way to draw Chung’s attention, Vahn resisted the urge to reveal the truth as he suppressed a sigh and asked Sis to modify Medley’s code. He also had her remove Chung’s ability to make further changes, an action that served to alert and simultaneously provoke the horrendously profane individual who periodically used the poor girl as a tool to enact his petty revenge…

(A/N: Alternate Titles: ‘The fastest way through a labyrinth is to break down the walls…!’,’Musashi is an incorrigible drunkard xD…’,’Chung is in for a bad time…’) <-(p.atreon link)

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