Volume 9, Chapter 44: Stage

Fire crackled.

Maomao added more straw to the stove.

(Livestock manure might be easier to use.)

It was likely that they had been provided straw instead of livestock manure as fuel out of consideration. But since it wasn’t firm like manure it could also fly in the hot wind. Firewood and charcoal are high-class items so they are rarely sold in the western capital.

Medicine was bubbling away in the pot. She’ll make pills after it’s been reduced, but she was so sleepy.

(So tired.)

Although she had been planning to do her duties as per usual, she also knew why she was tired.

You don’t notice you’re tired when you’re actually tired. It catches up with you when you relax after you go past the limits of tiredness.

And so, she was slow to realise that the sparks had flown and lit up the spare straw. It’s a bit hot, thinking that, she looked to the side and saw the rising flames. She panicked, was able to put it out without any incident, but the quack got worried for her and Tenyuu roared with laughter.

(Not good, not good.)

Fire grows when you let down your guard.

She focused herself.

And the fire wasn’t just a mere fire.




Day Seventy-Five:

There was an incident.

Maomao opened her eyes in the middle of the night to the noise outside. It was cold in the arid land outside, so she threw on a cloak and looked out the window. There were guards in the courtyard.

Her eyes, which had been half-awake, widened and she quickly changed clothes.

Downstairs, Rihaku was already awake and on standby. The quack, hugging a pillow, was still in his sleep-wear. Rihaku must have forced him awake.

“What happened?” Maomao asked.

“I also have no clue what happened, but I have several ideas,” Rihaku replied.

“What is it?”

“Huuueeeeee.” They ignored the half-awake quack doctor’s sleep talking.

“A few days ago, there was a message from the western fort. Foreign tribes have forced in and attacked our food storehouses.”

“Food storehouse, is it… that is, um…” Even Maomao who was ignorant about politics had too many ideas.

“Yeah, it’s the food reserves we’d somehow scraped up together. The voices for more support are getting louder.”

Being the western fort, it would have to be close to the border with Sha’ou.

“And so, a few days ago, the big shots held a conference discussing what to do,” Rihaku said.

“No wonder I felt the work has been settling down recently,” Maomao remarked.

It was the calm before the storm.

“They currently have their hands full even if they try to give support. So they moved to chat about something shady to figure out what they can do instead,” Rihaku said.

“Shady, you say?”

It seems Rihaku knew what Maomao didn’t know. “They went on to talk about starting a war.”

(I thought so…)

Stealing from other lands when there’s nothing to eat. Since ancient times, people, no, animals do end up on that path.

“But Jinshi-sama objected, right?” Maomao asked.

“That’s right. And now…”

They heard the hubbub of conversation. “The sheltered Imperial Prince-sama got scared and objected.”

It was evident and a matter of time, Maomao also thought. Rather, it might be on the delayed side.

(Well then, what should I do?)

What Maomao could do was worth nothing. For the time being, she prepared a farming cart and spread a rug over it. “Court Physician-sama. If you want to sleep, please sleep in here,” she said.

“Mm, mmm….” The quack doctor climbed onto the cart and fell asleep.

“Lass, what’s that?” Rihaku asked.

“It’s so Court Physician-sama can get away in time. Even if he ran, he might be slower than attendants with bound feet,” Maomao replied.

“Yeahh, lass aside, I won’t be able to carry the old chap under my arm.”

“But, to think, a protest towards the imperial family.”

As Maomao chatted with Rihaku, she stuffed salves and bandages into her bag. As for Rihaku, he moved the contents of an oil jar into a leather bag.  “If they do that at the capital, the ringleader will be executed and the supporters will be whipped.”

“They must be really incited.”

The people were ranting and raving in groups.

“How troubling. If we’re going to get killed, we’ll just have to kill.” Rihaku smiled bitterly as he wrapped a piece of fabric he tore off around a baton. There was no firewood he could use, so he had broken off a leg of a chair. Being a military officer, he must have been taught in the ways of war. “But since they’re doing this openly, their ruler is the problem.”

“I don’t know much about that,” Maomao said.

“You say that the citizens did it on their own accord, but it’s Gyoku’ou-sama who set it off. Even if you offer one or two commoner heads, it’s cheap as an atonement for hurting the honour of the imperial family.”

Even Maomao understood. The weight of the lives of the imperial family and the commoners were that different.

Rihaku continued. “No matter how you look at it, he blatantly overdid it with his bid for popularity. Master Jinshi won’t tolerate it, no matter how gentle he is. Even if Master is subdued, the people around him won’t settle with it. Didn’t they already talk about it in the capital?”

“….that’s true.”

Aside from Jinshi and the weirdo tactician, there was another big shot here, apparently. She had no idea who it was, but she doubted they would be negligent with their correspondences to the capital.

“I have a question, but do you know who is the big shot who showed up in the western capital now?” Maomao asked.

“Why are you asking that question at a time like this?” Rihaku asked back.

“I have no confidence in my memory of names even if I did ask.”

“Ahhh.” He sounded like he understood her anger. “Ummm, but he’s a low profile person. What was his name?”

“Isn’t Rihaku-sama not much different?”

“Umm, I feel that he’s the person who presides over rituals.”

“Rituals have nothing to do with this, right? Why is that kind of person joining us?” It was her honest opinion.

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“Beats me. But rituals are done by the imperial family, right? When Master Jinshi is away, that person will have nothing to do, so he came along to add to the number of people. Could that be it?”

It might be that.

While Maomao’s group was in the middle of preparations, she heard a loud sound. Was there a crowd of citizens attacking the villa?

“What’s happening?” Maomao wanted to give first aid if there were injured people, but her personal safety came first. When something happens, she could only light a makeshift torch and throw it.

(I don’t really want to do it, but it can’t be helped to protect myself.)

Amidst that, there was a knock on the door of the medical office.

Maomao and Rihaku stood ready.

“Maomao-saaaan, are you here?” It was Chue.

Rihaku opened the door.

“Shall I give an explanation on what’s currently happening?” Chue asked.

“Please do,” Maomao said.

Chue sounded composed as usual. She had flags in her hand. “The citizens have barged in. As you would expect, their pent up anger has exploded. They’re screaming to have the Prince of the Moon show himself.”

“Yes, I can imagine it.”

“And I think you heard a loud noise just then.”

“There was, yeah.”

“When the Prince of the Moon made an appearance, Gyoku’ou-sama arrived at the same time.”

Maomao quickly picked up the bag of medical instruments.

“It’s fine. Gyoku’ou-sama didn’t lay his hands on the imperial family, but it turned into something interesting,” Chue said.

“I feel that Chue-san’s interesting is nothing good,” Maomao said.

“Anyway, please go outside.”

Maomao went outside per Chue’s words. Rihaku also came along.

“What about Court Physician-sama?”

“Yeah, we’re bringing him along too, huh.” Chue pushed the cart reluctantly. She glanced over at Rihaku, so he took over.

When they went out, they heard a man’s voice that carried well. “Does everyone understand?” The Prince of the Moon here is always acting for the sake of the people of the Western capital?

The buzz of voices.

The grains used for the emergency food distribution was something the Prince of the Moon brought over to us from far away. It is thanks to him that we are not starving!” 

(What, is this?)

She would understand if the owner of the voice was from Jinshi’s retinue. But as far as she could hear, it was Gyoku’ou’s.

Maomao quickened her steps. She couldn’t see well with the front gate crowded with people.

“Maomao-san, Maomao-san.” Chue had climbed a tree.

Maomao climbed up as well.

“Don’t fall!” Rihaku watched from below the tree.

Maomao could see what was happening from the treetops.

Jinshi, and Basen behind him. Gyoku’ou was in front. Gyoku’ou stood between Jinshi and the citizens; their surroundings turned into something like a stage.

“He promptly dealt with the locust plague for us too. I also planned to deal with it within my means, but the little damage we have is thanks to the Prince of the Moon. The unprecedented speed we received aid from the capital was also thanks to the Prince of the Moon. Are you saying you don’t understand?”

What is this? Did he drastically change his tune? Maomao thought. This man, who had stolen all and every of Jinshi’s achievements up until now, was singing praises of what Jinshi did and making it known to the citizens.

Moreover, Jinshi has shown his face to the people of the western capital at long last. His dignified celestial appearance was also spread to the people of the western capital. She also saw a number of women with flushed cheeks. 

(Normally, this would be where he would be humble, though.)

Certainly, those were things Jinshi did do. There was no reason to deny it. If there were any objectors, they have Rahan’s older brother who had gone on a journey to exterminate locusts at the risk of his life.

Moreover, Rahan’s older brother was one of the curious onlookers who came along to watch from inside the villa. He was so normal that if he hadn’t been carrying a hoe she wouldn’t have noticed him. It looked like he was going to use it for self-defence when a rebellion breaks out, but does he have something more decent than a hoe?

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Gyoku’ou’s voice carried well. Rather than a speech, it looked like a play. The citizens couldn’t take their eyes away from the man called Gyoku’ou.

However, there was also a person who raised their hand. “H-how did Imperial brother-sama know that the locust plague was going to break out? D-did he bring it with him?”

“Allow me to explain that. An ill omen appeared during divination, saying that there will be a disaster in the west. They hypothsised that, at the western capital that prospered due to the achievements of the Gyoku clan in recent years, a disaster they could come up with, would have to be a locust plague.” When the imperial brother directly addressed the people, the crowd was astir. His beautiful voice was strong, but Gyoku’ou’s voice carried better.

(Divination, huh.)

Could it be for this reason that they brought that ritual someone? Even if they revealed the numbers pertaining to the agricultural produce and insect damage from recent years, they have no idea how much the citizens could understand. According to divination–there would probably be more people who can understand that better.

Gyoku’ou cried out. “That’s right! In the first place, what will you do if it’s the Prince of the Moon’s fault that the insects came? Why would he bring them? Where did the insects come from? The west. They came from further west from here.”

She had no idea, but apparently this was where you laugh. The people of the western capital sniggered.

“If there is someone at fault, it wouldn’t be the Prince of the Moon, but I, whom the western capital has been entrusted to. Is that not right? Which is why I want to seek your forgiveness. Any impoliteness towards the Prince of the Moon of the heavens is all on me.”  Gyoku’ou bowed his head. Not just his head, his knees fell to the ground.

“Oh my.” Chue looked troubled.

“And if you’re saying that we didn’t prevent the locust plague, it’s my responsibility as the one who is currently governing. If the citizens starve, the crime is on me. Everyone, I am sorry.” Gyoku’ou lowered his head to the citizens too.

“Gyoku’ou-sama, please lift your head!”
“That’s right. This is something we’ve decided on our own. It is not your responsibility.”

The citizens tried to get Gyoku’ou to stand up. At that moment, Maomao saw that Gyoku’ou was moving his mouth, but she didn’t hear anything.

“…that’s right. Imperial Prince-sama is not at fault.”
“The bad people are those from the west who brought the insects!”
“That’s right. And not just that, they even steal our food!”

That’s right. That’s right. The citizens raised their voices.

(What, is this…)

“He sparked a different fire.” Chue’s eyes were cold.

“A different fire, you say?” Maomao asked.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it? To think that the charade we’ve been following up until now connected here.”

“What charade?”

Chue twirled her fingers. A pigeon came out from her hands. “Summoning the Prince of the Moon, summoning Tactician-sama, deliberately acting impolitely to the Prince of the Moon, giving the citizens a bad impression. He calculated it all for this, you know.”

The pigeon in Chue’s hand flew away.

“Don’t forgive the west!”
“Return the food supply!”
“Defeat the foreign tribes!”

The citizens raised their fists overhead. The killing intent that had been directed at the imperial family that came from the capital has shifted to a different target.

“Rakan-sama did say that he’s in the middle of aiming to be a hero, but it looks like he could be a supporting role as well. Rather, wouldn’t he be better at that?” Chue said.

“What do you mean?” Maomao asked.

“Yes. This here is the stage that Gyoku’ou-sama created. And Jinshi-sama has unexpectedly been placed on it, and of all things, put into the leading role. Gyoku’ou-sama apologised beautifully for his rudeness towards the imperial family and also corrected the citizen’s misunderstanding. On top of that, he got a competent man who looks like a good looking actor standing there, you know. Who do you think is the leading actor?”

“And what if Jinshi-sama refuses?”

“Do you think he can? In the middle of a huge crowd of citizens who were up until now in an explosive situation? Furthermore, there’s a weak person there who’s easy to defeat too.”  Chue got what Maomao wanted to say.

“He didn’t get his hands dirty, didn’t kidnap either, but he has taken a hostage. He thought well.”

Chue nodded in agreement.

“…then, what Gyoku’ou is aiming for is…” Maomao inadvertently forgot to add honorifics. “Assuming that we’re not wrong about how he’s aiming to be a hero, the stage might not be the western capital.”

Chue looked further west. “He must have reason to want to start a fight with the west, with Sha’ou. Aside from political gains.”

Maomao looked at the western skies too.

- my thoughts:
I could be wrong, but I don't think the ritual big shot was ever mentioned in earlier chapters. So they're just a one chapter plot device? Poor guy.
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