Author’s Note

To my readers, thanks for reading this far.

This is seriously difficult for me, but I am being forced to admit, this novel is not working as a web serial. I would be embarrassed to say just how few readers I still have at this point. it has been dropping for quite some time.

Is it the fact that this story is just that bad, or is it that a multi-POV web novel just doesn’t work? I’ve certainly seen novels with one main POV and occasional secondary POV chapters, but that’s not what I was trying to do. Maybe I will bring something like that to the table instead.

I don’t know. I may decide to resume posting as is at some point in the future, but it is more likely I will withdraw it and drastically rework it first before I do.

Dear Readers. Scrapers have recently been devasting our views. At this rate, the site (creativenovels .com) might...let's just hope it doesn't come to that. If you are reading on a scraper site. Please don't.

Another option is to rewrite it for e-publication and try to take it to Kindle. I have not decided. But, for now, I have decided to put this novel on hiatus until I decide what to do. Based upon the number of reads I am getting, I would be better served to put my effort into some other story.

I deeply appreciate those who have read to this point. I hope I can come back to you with an improved version at some point. There is a tremendous amount of effort that has gone into this work, and it is unlikely I will simply abandon it forever. However, you will probably see a completely different novel the next time you encounter it.

If readers who have read this far have any thoughts and wish to comment, rest assured I will read the comments, and will reply if it seems appropriate. Again, thanks for reading this far.

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— New chapter is coming soon —
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