Chapter 28: Decisions


Demios stood there on stage with a calm smile after initially being angered by their protests. Miko, Hyde, and Co, who was watching the incident unfold, ran to the stage to support Demios as the heckling continued.

“Arrogant Scum who only knows how to bully the weak!”

“Why are you even here?”

“Leave! Pretty boy, we don’t need you here!” A deep voice resounded in the midst of the myriad of sounds heckling at Demios causing this part of the Colosseum to be silent.

Turning to the man the women in the amassing crowd started berating the men for trying to harm a young boy.

“Old bastard how dare you say that to an angel!” A teenage girl with pigtails shouted.

“Angel?” the man replied.

“Our angel you ugly bastards!” Another woman added. Creating a commotion among the crowd as it had split into two factions one being the women who appreciated Demiso’s looks and the men/boys who didn’t like Demios in general.

Feeling that the situation was already beyond saving even if he tried to appease the crowd, the bald announcer signalled the group who were spectating the drama to follow him.


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“You know, you have given me an interesting show to host,” The bald announcer said calmly smiling.

“Baldie! It wasn’t our fault,” Hyde said staring intently at the bald man’s shiny head.

“Yeah, baldie! We didn’t know our opponents would be so weak,” Miko added.

Demios, Naru, and Basto just looked in different directions whistling after they heard Miko and Hyde call the announcer Baldie. But instead of the announcer getting angry he said keeping his calm smile “You know I’m technically not bald.”

“Huh?” they all replied looking surprised by his statement.

“You know, if you look at me from a different angle, I have one strand of hair.”

All of their jaws dropped as the announcer was talking about the one strand of chin hair, he had that you wouldn’t see unless you stared at him intently.

“You know, I’m a commander in our army, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by your talents and would like to invite you into our barracks… Of course for training, as you can only join the army at fourteen.”

Hearing his words Naru and Basto stared at their brothers with jealousy welled up in their eyes because to be invited to the army is one of the highest honours known to man. At least that’s how it was from their point of view.

“We will get back to you on that our Father has to make the final decision” Demios spoke up as he saw his brothers struggling to speak as they were still staring at the man’s head in fascination and did not listen to his words.

“Huh, what decision?” Miko asked looking confused, as he was the first one to wake up from his stupor.

“*Tsk* You know that’s fine as well but don’t reply too late as our prestigious barracks is one of the best in the military with General Tron leading us.” Baldie replied while thinking “You know these damn kids aren’t as gullible as I thought they could be… If they agreed immediately, I would take them with me and be finally relieved of this shitty punishment… I would probably get a promotion *Sigh*.”

“General Tron!” Naru and Bastos jealously had risen at least ten notches, as they stared at the brothers like they were trying to burn them with their eyes.


“Boys! Boys! Where are my sons?” Grey yelled looking left to right.

“Demios! Miko! Hyde!” Frey added.

“Hold on Grey didn’t you say at least 12 orphans were hiding here I can only sense eight,” Black questioned looking confused.

“Your sons left already! So leave!” A childish voice resounded from behind the curtain that led to the orphans ‘Bedroom’.

“Hahahaha! Come out here boy!” Black replied with a menacing smile.

“No Old fool you come in here!” The childish voice replied.


“Black, relax boy you want us to come in so we can get our foot stuck in the hole you made and then you can slash at least one of our necks right? It won’t work we are cultivators so hurry up and come out.” Frey explained.

“*Tsk* what are you people?” the childish voice replied with clearly more fear hidden in his tone. Coming out from behind the curtain a red-haired boy with a scar on his forehead looked at Grey and Co fearfully.

“Oh, I didn’t see you yesterday” Grey added with a profound expression showing that he was trying to recall who he saw yesterday.

“That’s none of your business Old fool!” The red-haired child replied.

“Vincine! Don’t! He’s friendly! Guys, why didn’t you stop him?” Valet ran past Grey and co after hearing Vicine’s last remark. Grabbing hold of the boy that was nearly half a head taller than him Valet caught the knife Vicine was hiding and motioned for the other orphans to come and take him back.

Only allowed on

Moreover, as soon as Valet made the come motion to the curtain. Grey and co could see seven kids putting their hands through the curtains and pulling Vicine’s legs towards them.

“No Valet adults are scum! Not a single one of them is friendly! Don’t trust them! All of you let go! LET GO!”Vicine shouted as his head was the only part that hadn’t gone through the curtain yet.

“Sorry about that, he doesn’t particularly like adults,” Valet was nervously laughing while crossing his fingers in the hope of courage.

“The little bastard has got a sharp tongue! Maybe I should teach him about women, and hell knows what adults are like” Black rubbed his hands together, but Frey grabbed his shoulder before he could start walking towards Vicine.

” Boy, where are my kids.”

“Damn he kept going on and on about how great his barracks are!” Miko said as he looked exhausted.

“I know, and he kept saying you know in every single sentence,” Hyde added looking rather calm.

“Let’s go back to the hideout! Right guys!” Demios said looking at Naru and Basto who were walking behind them.

“Ri…get” They replied with their heads facing the ground, their expressions unknown.

Frowning Demios was about to speak, but he felt someone grab his arm turning his head. The last thing he could see was a man smiling.

“We’ve got them.

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