Arc 8 Chapter 136:  Foradverold

“Man…I picked the wrong thing to specialize in. I should have become a merchant, then I wouldn’t have to spend such a long time on a boat sailing to some backwater continent,” complained LieLie as she walked towards the ship along with the other members of the Demon hunter guild.

She stood out from the rest of the party due to her height being just 5ft while also wearing eye-catching overly large floppy hat baggy robes that were several sizes too big for her.

“I don’t want to go either since everyone else will get ahead of us while we travel. You’re a mage so you shouldn’t have any trouble leveling up fast. But I’m just a berserker and can only kill things up close one or two at a time,” said Berk who was over 6ft tall and full of muscle. The clothing and armor he wore was all rough fur leather taken from the monsters he had caught.

They had all been given the task by the higher-ups and there was no way of declining it. The only upside to this was the rewards for completing it were extremely good. The majority of the group stayed silent as they had given up caring about it anymore.

“No use in complaining all you can do right now is make sure you buy the best weapon and armor you can before we leave. There may not be a decent shop to buy anything on the new continent,” said Bland.

Bland was a knight, he was a very average looking person with an average height. He didn’t have anything that made him stand out much from others and it didn’t help that he always wore a helmet that covered his face at all times.

“I heard that another guild got a mission to go to the new continent but they put it off because they wanted to continue fighting another guild that started to hunt in their territory,” LieLie.

“Of course they would! Who would want to waste time going to a backwater underdeveloped place with unknown weather patterns? The risk of falling behind over there is far larger along with no support to help us when a dangerous event happens,” said Berk.

“Those idiots! There is so much land with so many things to hunt and they are wasting time by fighting among themselves,” said Bland.

“Well there is a lot of land but there is also a lot of new guilds popping up everywhere, so of course there will be fighting,” said Berk.

“Ah, I think those black-robed figures next to that ship are the people that are supposed to lead us to the new continent,” said Bland pointing at two dark-cloaked people standing in the shadows of one of the large wooden ships.


Present time.

“I see land on the horizon to the starboard!” shouted the sailor who was sitting in the crows’ nest high above everyone else.

Akira hurried over to the ship’s wooden rails on the right of the ship to get a glimpse of the new continent of Foradverold where the Earth tribe would make their new home.

A cold wind slammed into his body as he stared at the distant dark blue waves on the horizon. Stubby who had been sitting on his shoulder quickly scurried under Akira’s cloak and clung to his back to hide from the cold wind.

Every breath he took created a small white cloud that was blown away by the wind.

The temperature here compared to the swamplands was a complete 180* change, but in all honesty, the cooler temperature was much more to Akira’s liking.

The sticky heat was torture to fight in let alone transform. It made him sweat so much that he always smelled like a wet dog no matter how many times he took a shower.

“Do you see it?” asked Mileena who walked up next to Akira.

She was wearing an oversized cloak that had been given to her by Akira, it was wrapped around her several times to keep herself warm.

“Nope, it’s still too far away. How are you holding up with the weather?” asked Akira.

Only allowed on

“We Nyantails have warm blood and natural defense against the cold just like you werewolves. So this weather is no problem for me,” said Mileena as she pulled the cloak around her tighter to ward off the cold blowing wind.

Akira couldn’t blame her for her reactions since she had grown up in the heat of the deserts. The only other place she had traveled to was the swamplands that were just as hot but extremely wet.

Mileena stared at Akira as If she was expecting something or some sort of reply from Akira, forcing his mind to race to figure out this S grade puzzle.

“Well if it gets too cold I’m sure you can use your fur to help keep warm,” said Akira after a minute of intense thinking.


‘Ah! Wrong answer! Does she want me to do something like that…?’ Akira asked himself in a panic. He was, of course, thinking of Stubby who was now sleeping inside his armor where it was warm. ‘Well, she is too big to join him so…’

He awkwardly reached out his right arm and put it around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him, sharing his own body heat with her as he tried to wrap his cloak around her as well.

Mileena let out a quiet purr of content and rested her head on his chest.

‘I guess that was the correct answer. But….this is really inefficient! All the cold wind is coming in since the cloak is not big enough for both of us! Why would anyone want to do something like this?’


Several hours passed as the fleet corrected its course and sailed towards the continent of Foradverold.

The land grew larger as they sailed closer allowing Akira to make out the details of the new land that they would call home.

Everything was covered in a light dusting of fresh snow making the sunshine reflect everywhere.

“It looks so pretty!” said Azura who had come up from the bowels of the ship several minutes ago when she heard the news that they were close to land.

“Like someplace from a fairy tale,” said Mileena.

The ships were now slowing down as they neared the shore. They would have to use the smaller rowboats to get to shore since it was too shallow for the ships to get any closer or they would run aground.

“I’m saved! I want to get on the first boat to land!” said Azura as she ran towards the rowboat that was getting prepared to accept people before it was lowered into the water.

She had spent well over a month in her bed due to severe seasickness.

“Wait for me!” shouted Mileena.

Maya followed behind them, silent as usual. Akira dragged Chack onto the rowboat as well. It was hard not to laugh while looking at Chack who was wearing so many layers of clothing that he looked like a puffball.

Delgar and the other green-faced Dwarves stumbled into the rowboat behind them as well.

“Soon we’ll get to have solid ground under our feet,” Delgar kept muttering as he tried to not look at the cold water far below them. The rowboat swayed back and forth from in the light winter breeze as well as people getting into the rowboat.

“This one is full! Lower her down,” shouted the sailor in charge.

The rowboat was jerkily lowered down until they had descended halfway to the water below. But in a heart-wrenching moment, they fell the rest of the way splashing into the cold waves getting everyone in the rowboat wet.

“Sorry!” shouted the sailors still on the ship.

The Dwarves grumbled as they helped detach the rope from the ship and let the sailors pull it back up.

Shaarla swam up to the rowboat next to where Akira was sitting.

“Well, I guess our job is done here. It was nice meeting everyone, but I really don’t like the weather and the sea here, it’s too cold and I can’t work on my suntan.”

“Princess, we shouldn’t make the queen wait for us. We need to leave now,” said NumWan.

“I hope that this isn’t the last time we meet! Goodbye,” said Shaarla before she dived back under the water followed by her two bodyguards.

Akira was sitting in the middle of the rowboat so he was forced along with a few other werewolf warriors to row the boat to shore while avoiding the small ice chunks that were floating around..

As soon as the rowboat hit the shallow shore everyone spilled out of the boat trying to be the first to step onto the firm stable ground.

“Ah! The water is so cold!” Azura cried out as she hopped out into the shallow water.

“My tail is getting soaked!” complained Mileena as she and the other two girls splashed and waded through the knee-deep water to get to dry land.

Akira and the other werewolf warriors grabbed onto the armor or armpits of the short Dwarves and helped the sputtering Dwarves who were up to their necks in the water when the waves passed them.

Akira stood on the snow-covered beach and looked around at his immediate surroundings.

All along the beach were several large sand dunes covered with powder snow that would rise up into the air whenever the wind passed by.

Beyond the snow-covered sand dunes to the right was a small forested area with several pine trees that were covered with snow and icicles. He could see nor hear anything dangerous moving around.

On the left was an open plain and in the far distance, he could see what looked like snow-covered stone walls with several gray pillars of smoke rising into the sky from the dwellings that were hidden behind the walls.

It was too far away to tell how big the city was or who lived behind the walls.


Quest Escape the continent of Halrverold complete!
In the year 702, in the first month deep into winter, the Earth tribe has for now successfully escaped the looming threat of the demigods and have reached Foradverold, the harsh and untamed land of monsters.
This land is known to have harsh winters and short summers.

Requirements met…
Skill eyes of werewolf is now unlocked.
Receiving stored experience…
Level Up!
Level Up!
Level Up!

You are now level 60!

All max level beginner skills have been upgraded to intermediate level 1.

You have received a new title!
One who is skilled at running away.

You now have a girlfriend!
+4 Charm

The wave of messages surprised Akira. But after reading through them he gave a relieved sigh. He had thought that his level would be forever stuck at level 50.

He hurriedly opened his stat window and added his bonus stats into his regular STR, VIT, and STA.

Several rowboats from other ships began to reach the shore and everyone inside either hopped out or was helped out before the rowboats were able to return to the ships to retrieve more people.

“Ah! The weather here is so nice!” said Yuki as she jumped into a pile of snow and rolled around in it while only wearing a light layer of clothing.

“Yuki do you really have to head back home?” asked a sad Azura.

“Yes, my mission is done. So I have to return back to my parents. I will be sure to find you at your new home when you settle down!”

“Akira where are you?” Asked Wulfric a short distance away as he waded ashore.

“Over here!”

“Help me gather everyone. We need to set up a temporary camp.”

Akira along with other volunteers started to clear out a large defendable area between several of the many sand dunes which acted as wind blockers and would help reflect the heat of the fires back at the campsite keeping it warmer than if they camped in the open.

Tents were erected as soon as they were transported off of the ship and several short snow walls were created to surround them.

The ferrying of people and supplies lasted all day and was only finished when the sun had already disappeared below the horizon.

With the setting of the sun, the night air became even colder making everyone huddle closer to their fires as they cooked a late dinner.

At the center of the large tent city encampment, was a large plain-looking gray tent that was being used by the Grand elders of each clan.

Akira sat behind Wulfric and listened to the Grand elders debating on various topics.

Several Metal brazers were lined around the tent to give both warmth and light to those that were inside.

“What are we to do now that we are here? If we don’t do something, people will start to die from the cold. This winter weather is no joke, and moving around in this weather is surely going to cause problems,” said Grand elder Tormoid.

“I doubt that, all you need to do is transform and you can stay warm for a long time even without fire,” said grand elder Àaron.

“We only have a limited supply of food and other items that will be hard to replenish if we don’t figure out how to replenish it, we will run into problems quickly,” said Grand elder Garnal.

“Earlier when the sun was up I saw a city in the distance. We’re lucky to come ashore so close to it. I’m sure they have many of the items, we can go there and buy what we need to replenish anything we are lacking,” said Grand elder Seoc.

“We still don’t know who lives in that city. So I don’t know if you can call it lucky or not. They may be hostile to anyone that comes near their city. What if they come out with an army to attack us? We have no idea what the local customs of this land are. So we need to be cautious,” said Grand elder Dùghall.

“I will lead a group of warriors to the city tomorrow and see if whoever lives there will trade with us. If they accept we may be able to ask them about this land and find a good place to settle down,” said Wulfric.

“Whoa who said anything about staying together? Our clans have always lived separately in their own cities,” said Tormoid.

“Is it not better to stay together as one?” asked Wulfric. “If we do, we’ll be able to fend off the monsters and other future hardships.”

“My clan is strong enough that I do not need help with something like that!” said Tormoid.

“We should think about this clearly. Several clans might not get along all that well so we will leave it up to each clan to decide where and with whom they travel. For my clan I have decided that we will search for a suitable place in the east. Anyone that wants to join me can,” Dùghall.

“My clan will go west,” said Tormoid.

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“We should not be splitting up the threat that the demigods pose is still a real thing, although we have distanced ourselves from them they may still be able to find us. If it weren’t for all that Akira has done then we would have still been in a war that would have evolved into a fight with both the humans and the demigods. You all know of the great power he has inside of him. If we all unite together, with him to lead the way, there is no way that the demigods will be able to wipe us out!”

“Stop talking nonsense! That stuff is all superstitious fiction from delusional people of the past,” said Tormoid.

“My ancestors were not delusional! They saw everything just the same as the scholars of the blue moon,” said Grand elder Carl.

“Whatever. Your grandson is no shining beacon of hope. He is nothing more than a curse. I said it before but ever since he has shown up everything bad that could happen has happened.

Look where we are now! We had to leave our homes that countless generations lived in. We are now poorer than the poorest person with no roof to keep the snow off our head and keep us warm. I will not unite with your clan. Because it is foolish to follow someone who is cursed.”

Several others agreed with him nodding their heads while a few others protested.

The heated debates continued long into the night.

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