Volume 14, Chapter 7: Kisai’s Report

After scrolling through my news feed, a new email notification popped up on the top of my screen. I was about to ignore it but noticed the sender and subject line. Opening up my email, I discovered an encrypted attachment and instructions to call Zhuyu.

“Zhuyu, it’s me, Yuki. I got a weird email from Tess,” I said, exiting the train to transfer to a different line.

“What’s the code?” Zhuyu questioned.

“What?” I responded in confusion.

“Check the email again and call me back when you’ve figured it out,” Zhuyu answered before hanging up on me.

“Wait, don’t-,” I protested but the call was already over.

Zhuyu, I swear, if this was some dumb joke that everyone was in on, I won’t forgive you! Reading through the email again, I found no hints. I opened up my contact list, deciding who to call for help. Tess no doubt would just tell me to call Zhuyu which was a dead end. In the end, I decided Ichaival was the best one to call.

“Hey Ichaival, it’s Yuki. I have a quick question for you,” I explained the situation to him.

“Uh, not really sure. Kind of weird Long just brushed you off like that though. You try Shigetzu yet?” he suggested, the sound of weights clanking in the background.

“I’d rather not,” I dismissed his suggestion right away.

“Damn, I know he’s a bastard but that doesn’t mean he won’t help you. But, I kind of think he’ll probably just b******* you,” Ichaival admitted.

“That’s exactly why I’m not calling him. Thanks for trying, Ichaival,” I said before checking the email again.

Knowing Tess, it had to be numbers related. Checking the contents, I searched for clues. Oh, there it was!

“Zhuyu, it’s me again,” I called the zero vector user again.

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“Finally figured it out, Yuki?” he responded.

“You could have given me a hint, you know. 749981, right?” I answered.

“You got it. Okay, I’m sending you the password to unlock the file,” Zhuyu confirmed my answer was correct.

“This better not be another puzzle to figure out,” I said, glancing out the window to see if I was at my stop yet.

“I wouldn’t do that unless Tess told me to. Have fun reading Jin’s report,” Zhuyu replied and hung up without telling me anything else.

Hold on, Tess made me go through all of this just so I could access a report? It would have just been easier to get it from the protected server that the archived videos were on. Whatever, I’m sure Tess had her reasons for doing it this way. Still a couple of more minutes before I was home so might as well wait until I got there to read it.

Name: Kisai Jin
Date Submitted: 06/XX/2016, 12:30 AM
Subject: Retrieval of Key 1 (Mage’s Association)
Verified by: Jeonxiang Kuan and Ichaival Darryl

This report focuses on three main topics. The first concerns Tomo Yuki’s progress and her involvement during the mission to retrieve the key in the Mage’s Association territory. Next is the development of a tool allowing anyone, even those without aptitude, to utilize magic. Currently, it appears the Stellar Foundation is responsible for production and testing of this new technology. Finally, the abandoned laboratory contained new information relevant to both the Special Investigations Unit and Tess as well.

Tomo Yuki’s magic output and control continues to progress. While not at a level sufficient enough to fight on par with the main leaders of the three main factions, she can hold her own. However, her ability to manifest magical weapon still needs improvement. However, she can swap between different physical weapons so that is a low priority. The spring training session has allowed her to not rely on just a sword and deal with opponents such as myself who wield multiple weapons.

Her elemental usage is as follows:

EARTH – 0%

FIRE – 15%
WIND – 0%

She often uses Darryl’s portals in conjunction with an elemental strike in addition to maneuvering. In the past, Tomo exclusively used portals for escaping incoming attacks or to divert opponent’s from reaching her. With the spring training session and from working with Darryl himself, Tomo has diversified her utilization of his portals which will only help her in the future. Shui’s ice wall is her main defense which will block most attacks but Tomo will need to use other methods against tougher opponents. Her use of flames and electric is mainly tied to her sword so there is still more opportunities for her to branch out with those two elements.

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Overall, Tomo Yuki has exceeded expectations in some areas but still has areas of weaknesses to address. It hasn’t been a year yet but she’s already shown her ability to adapt and possibly become better than all of us. No disrespect to you, Tess.

The tool that allows people to cast and use magic appear simple on the exterior but the inner workings are complex. There were three different types that I was able to observe. The first is the weakest, requiring special gems. These gems have been gathered as evidence and sent over to both the Special Investigations Unit and Shane and Emily for further research. When Tomo fought the woman wearing a visor, removal of one gem significantly reduced the overall magical output. The visor material was brittle, signifying it was an early prototype.

The second type was related to the metallic wristband found in the abandoned laboratory. Compared to the visor, this was constructed out of stronger material, and the wiring inside was much more complicated. Unlike the visor which contained gems on the exterior, the gems were embedded on the inside. These were secured on the inside with a strong sealant and weren’t removable unlike the visor. In addition, these gems were much more powerful, allowing for more complex magic outputs.

The last type was worn by the opponent Tomo and Darryl fought. These were spectacles and gloves respectively. Like the visor, these contained gems on the outside but also on the inside as well. The architecture of the interior is an exponential leap over the previous two devices. I estimate that this last type is capable of producing magic at the level of Jen and potentially even Darryl.

The deceased individual found in the main laboratory room was a Za’ard operative. Refer to Kuan’s report for detailed information about their background and involvement with the Stellar Foundation. After preliminary research, the deceased has no connections with the Za’ard government but was part of a group advocating for the construction of a magical cannon, even more powerful than the ones that ripped Za’ard apart. Throughout my own investigations, I can confirm there has been movement of specialized machinery and individuals over to Za’ard. From the rough blueprints I’ve discovered, this new cannon design has the potential to exterminate the entire population and fracture a dimension into at least a thousand separate parts. Kuan, working alongside the Special Investigations Unit, has been focused on tracking the flow of parts and individuals. His previous reports collaborate the immense danger that the cannon will pose if built.

The identity of the hazmat suit wearer and spectacle wearer has not been confirmed at the time of writing this report. However, from the insignia on their clothing, they have connections with a splinter group whose members were originally part of the Stellar Foundation. Tomo’s opponent was consistent with her ability to summon elemental beasts. The summoning method is similar to how Xinya calls her panda. This would mean Zhongjie is involved as well. At the end of this report, I will add a request for follow-up from Long, Zhang, or Feng about this matter. During my limited investigation in Zhongjie, I was unable to discover any evidence. However, I believe those three will have a higher chance at succeeding than me because of their connections to the former princess and underground groups.

The woman Kuan and I fought was a high-ranking member of the Stellar Foundation. I’ve had the chance to work with her in the past, but she was a non-combatant at the time, working as a researcher. During our battle, she demonstrated a high aptitude with magic, even without a device. Her movements and casting indicate she was trained by Ma, one of the more proficient magic users that the Stellar Foundation hired for security. Her device was special though. I found a glowing core inside and it synced with her magic casting. When I worked with the Stellar Foundation in the past, I tested several of their products which were meant to amplify a user’s magic. None contained a part like this.

The identity of the woman the hazmat suit wearer dropped on the ground has yet to be confirmed. I found no identification on her but detected significant levels of magic throughout her body. She is a natural caster of magic, without the need for a device, so her involvement is still a mystery for now.

I will continue to look into smaller factions that have no involvement with the Knight’s Guild, Mage’s Association, or Stellar Foundation. They may provide valuable information that could give me a clue about what exactly those three groups are doing together. For now, the looming threat of a magical cannon is a major concern, but one that the Special Investigations Unit will follow.

The style was similar to how Tess spoke sometimes. I didn’t think Kisai was capable of writing this way. But, this shouldn’t be a surprise since the man was pretty much talented at everything. This was one of the few reports I actually finished reading since I preferred watching archived videos instead. But, it did give me insight into what Kisai was working with in his dimension. Looks like all the dimensions were connected in some way or another. I yawned and then almost dropped my phone as my screen went blank. When it turned back on, the report was gone and so was the original email mentioning it.

“I apologize for the scare. It was rude of me not to warn you beforehand,” Tess said, suddenly standing next to me.

“Wha-?” I fell out of my chair but the Gatekeeper caught me.

“Ah, I was testing software to check if my program was capable of eliminating all traces of communication between two individuals,” Tess revealed, helping me back up to my feet.

“Tess, you really know how to make an appearance, you know,” I said with a sigh.

“Again, I apologize for not telling you sooner. No doubt my sudden appearance was also a surprise as well,” Tess said.

“It never gets old, Tess. I’m not even going to ask how you got control of my phone since you’re so good at tracking us anywhere,” I responded.

After talking with her about the next time I would be free, Tess departed the conventional way, instead of just vanishing . I jumped into my bed face first and soon fell asleep.

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