Chapter 2270 You and I Knew Each Other Before

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If he wanted to get closer with her, he had to start by letting her feel comfortable to call him by his name. Qin Xiu said, “Last time we went to Territory, and we had gone through all the hardships together, Ye Jian, I thought we were already acquaintances.”

When V8, who was sitting in the passenger seat, heard this, his fingers flicked on his knees lightly.

School? At the Territory? Could it be the avalanche rescue?

He really didn’t guess wrong. Blue Bird and the ambassador really knew each other, and they had known each other for a long time. It had been several years.

The expressionless V8 glanced at the two people sitting at the back from the central rearview mirror. They were separated by a space. He even took a look at Ye Jian for a long time before looking away.

Although they were familiar, they were not as close as Blue Bird’s relationship with the troops.

Only allowed on

Ye Jian, who was feeling very emotional, did not notice that V8 was looking at her. The diplomat was a diplomat; after all, she couldn’t refuse his gentle request.

“True, although we haven’t met many times for a few years, we’re not strangers anyway. Very well, then I won’t pay attention to polite manners, Qin Xiu, please correct me if I do anything wrong in future, please correct me in time.” Ye Jian politely called “Qin Xiu,” and she saw the young diplomat sitting next to her seemingly becoming more careful. A gentle smile like a spring breeze stretched across his handsome face. 

“Although we have only met a few times, in my mind, you are always careful and do not need other people’s advice.” Qin Xiu’s smile was light, but it was very attractive. One could see the spring breeze as well as the sharpness like an arrow in the diplomat’s temperament.

When communicating with friends, he was like a spring breeze; when competing with other countries, he was as fierce as an arrow.

Seeing his elegant smile like an ink painting, a sentence from Ye Jian’s previous life flashed in her mind when she heard the two little girls in the hotel laughing, “Be responsible for the facade, be responsible for the value of the face.” At this time, this sentence really described Qin Xiu.

“Yeah, it sounds better to call my name. “Ambassador” sounds very strange to me.” Qin Xiu, with an elegant smile, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, took a look at Ye Jian, and said, “Sorry, I have to answer the call.”

It was a call from home.

Ye Jian heard him call out “Mom,” so she took the initiative to stay some distance away from him and sat close to the car door.

Looking at the passenger seat, through the gap between her position and the door, Ye Jian saw V8 gesturing to her, “Yeah, we can fight side by side again.”

Ye Jian, who couldn’t speak to answer, smiled slightly, tapping her fingers on the side of the car door three times, not light nor heavy, just enough to be heard by V8.

She didn’t use verbal communication. Instead, she only used one gesture, one action, to complete their short communication.

“Yes, I have some urgent matters and have to leave for a few days for a business trip. It’s not a big deal. I’m participating in a “summit.” I don’t know when I will be back.” Qin Xiu, who noticed Ye Jian’s actions, put his mobile phone to his left ear, smiled faintly but gently while answering Mrs. Qin patiently.

Mrs. Qin, who had just gotten up, learned from the housekeeper that her son had gone out before dawn. Although there had been similar incidents, she thought about the appointment they had made to meet today, so she called to ask.

Knowing that Qin Xiu had to go on a business trip for several days, and he didn’t know when he could return, Mrs. Qin could not help but said, “You are too busy, you only came back for a few days, you haven’t even warmed the house, and now you’re out again. I will talk to your leader some other day and ask him to arrange lesser things for you.”

- my thoughts:
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