Chapter 2287 Applause

Last night, the Deputy Commander of the Second Special Zone conveyed Qin Xiu’s words back to his country. The leaders of the new policy and the leaders of the Allied Forces quickly convened an emergency meeting to discuss the countermeasures.

In order to suppress Qin Xiu’s strength, the two attacked first by insisting that they would not want to “destroy the peace between two countries,” so that China had to agree to their proposal because of their strength.

Unexpectedly, when they were “attacking,” the Chinese ambassador was so powerful that it shook them to the point where fine velvet sweat rolled on their backs.

“Hey, you’ve misunderstood, Chinese ambassador. We have never thought of unilaterally sabotaging the peace of both countries; we absolutely have no such idea.” The ambassador of the Allied Forces took the lead to speak, then looked down at his watch, stood up, and said politely, “5 more minutes to 7 o’clock, I will urge the negotiator of the old policy to hurry, I will ask him how long more before he arrives.”

Qin Xiu smiled faintly and said to Ye Jian, who was entering the venue with him, “Notify the soldiers outside; I will leave exactly at 7 o’clock.” He turned slightly to V8 and said softly, “Notify the military, start the exercise on time.”

“Okay!” V8, who was subdued by Qin Xiu’s performance, nodded slightly. His expression was filled with admiration. He stood up and moved his fingers inadvertently, winking at Ye Jian calmly, signalling her to protect Qin Xiu, before leaving the venue.

The diplomatic negotiator of the new policy was also instructing his accompanying staff, “…relay the words of the Chinese ambassador back, don’t miss a single word… ask the group to come up with new countermeasures… give me an answer as soon as possible…”


He was no longer calm as before; faint anxiety appeared on his face.

In the diplomatic negotiation site, the development of the situation and the severity of the problem was subject to change at any time. The neighboring country had taken the lead to force Qin Xiu by using their “for the sake of the peace of both countries” card. Once Qin Xiu’s side loosened slightly, they would attack; If Qin Xiu didn’t give them a chance, then they wouldn’t have a reason. The neighboring country that did not get the result they wanted really had no ideas now.

If they had no other options, they would naturally feel anxious. More sweat rolled down their backs. This was the first step of their forces becoming weaker.

Ye Jian cheered for Qin Xiu. She was even more proud of him.

Their country had such excellent diplomats like Qin Xiu, who fought for national interests. Their country had excellent soldiers like Major Xia to protect the country from being invaded. The rise of great power was no longer animagination; it was becoming a reality step by step.


In addition to V8 and the Allied Forces negotiators’ departure from the conference room, there were a total of six people in the solemn conference hall, two from our side and four from the other party. Each ambassador was accompanied by only one staff member and one soldier. While the soldier was in charge of protecting the safety of the ambassador, Ye Jian focused her attention on the two soldiers who were protecting the other ambassadors.

The ambassador of the new policy did not speak casually anymore. After smiling at Qin Xiu, he flipped through the information in his hand. He looked calm, but in fact, even his hands were slightly sweaty at this time.

He was a little worried about how the Allied Forces negotiator ambassador was going to communicate with the negotiators of the old politics who came over.

The old politics was influenced by Rilila, and their central ideas were quite extreme: No one could offend them, only they could offend others… Not sure if there would be any changes in the future, but it was definitely not a good thing now…

The unprecedented strength of China came at a wrong time! It had disrupted all their plans! Now the secret agreement between them and the old policy would have to change again!


This was the situation they least wanted to see!

- my thoughts:
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