Chapter 15: Bickering like children

Eric obviously hadn’t noticed the two girls he was after were currently located just off to the side from where he was. Hard to focus on other things like that while staring down a group of trained adventurers who he has offended on regular occasions.

Both groups saw each other as less than human – one side saw a demon and another saw profit.

Obviously, Eel could guess what this man meant by ‘special attention’ and knew they certainly would be ‘important workers’.

“Work dry no doubt~” <Eel>

Eel couldn’t help but find it somewhat humorous, did he think these girls would fall for such obviously open language as he pulled out the contract and pen. Walking over a man in a familiar black leather outfit though without the cloak and mask.

<Ah~ I think he really does think they’re that dumb~…>

“Oh? And, do tell what you’ll be having these girls do?” <Ali>

“Oh, you know, mostly just having them stand around. Maybe have them interact a bit with guests?” <Eric>

Nodding softly with a chuckle while he would stroke his un-{Dwarven}-like chin. One may be wondering why he’s answering in such a way but it’s quite simple actually. {Light Magic} has a lie detection spell.

It works simply on the basis that ‘if he thinks that he’s lying it will be obvious to the user’ and so it’s better to answer in half truths or with opinions. The fact that he’s able to do so, so naturally speaks volumes to how experienced this man is in these sorts of transactions.

<Then again, you would need to be in order to help rule over dukedom who’s main export is slaves…>

Her geography lessons with Lisa making that much clear to the girl.

Soon the man in black leather would whisper into Eric’s ear while his eyes turned over to the right where the pair of girls would be. Eel would softly pat Emily while whispering softly.

“Don’t worry~ I won’t let him take you even if I have to fight an army of… Well he doesn’t seem like the type to lead an army so I’ll probably be fine~!” <Eel>

Giving Emily a smug smile which would help reassure the girl, if even just a little on the outside, as Eric would turn to Eel as she would shortly arrive in front of him.

“Mr.No-Beard, you want to buy me as a servant?” <Eel>

Dwarves were proud of their beards, everyone knew that, so to have such a wealthy one be… Bald, would certainly be interesting. The man looked angry for a second before turning towards the man who seemed like he saw at least the beginning of the fight from earlier.

<Maybe he was there for security? If the rest fail he brings back how? It would make sense with how quickly he came here…>

“I thought you said the {Wood-Elf} kid was badly wounded?!” <Eric>

“W-well- but I saw the other guys stabbing her over and over! I didn’t even fully think she survived!” <Man In Black>

“Useless, what do I even pay you for!” <Eric>

They whispered between themselves but it was easy to pick up for at least Eel and Ali who had double enhanced hearing. To his comments, Eel would just smile even more smugly with a ‘fufufu~’ as usual.

<He actually thinks I’m a {Wood-Elf} without {Regeneration}~! Ah, I’m worth more than he even knows.>

“Ah, Mr.No-Beard, if you’re worried about me having ouchies you don’t need to~! Green big sis gave me some special drink – it tasted like grass but after I took it all my scars vanished~!” <Eel>

Ever since she arrived here Lisa had made sure to micromanage what her {Status} displayed to others with {Appraisal Control}. It had made Eel confused initially but upon experiencing today it got her to realize how important information can be.

And, of course, in the monocle on his right eye she saw the reflection of what looked like a {Status} screen. Most likely her own as it was probably a magic item with {Appraisal} on it. She had been warned by Lisa that she shouldn’t let her {Skill} automatically block but rather reveal a false screen and it seemed to be working.

A small note – that Eel had learned – was that if the user uses {Status} and similar {Skills} by speaking the name of the skill out loud it will physically display to everyone. While, if one says it in their head it will only appear in their head! Super convenient!

Seeing her {Status} Eril would physically seem to be relieved once again as if he had everything under his control again.

“Ah, that’s good but I bet you’re still quite scared after such a thing happened, right? If you just sign this piece of paper.” <Eric>

He said while tapping the area for a signature on the contract he had laid down upon the table.

“I’ll take you to a safe place where people like those men won’t be able to hurt you anymore.”

With her {Perception} she could practically feel his eyes sniffing at her chest trying to get a whiff of the all important ‘milk’. She couldn’t help but giggle.

In the corner of her eye she saw Ali was about to say something with a concerned look but Fuka – being as good at reading people as she was – knew that Eel would hardly fall for something of that level! She would just look up to Eric with a cute little smile on her face while she held her hands behind her waist. Cutely rocking back and forth as she tilted her head, Eric likely believed she was thinking about the deal.

<Big sis Ali really things I’m dumb, huh~?>

“Ah~ so does that mean other men will hurt me? Or maybe it won’t be men, planning to give me a dog for a husband~? That’s pretty perverted Mr.No-Beard~!” <Eel>

Her sweet voice carried out but she couldn’t help herself, she was no trained orator so soon her mask would crack and that smug smile presented itself once again. This would of course catch the {Dwarf} and {Human} behind him quite off guard.

“Trust a smug elf to over complicate matters I suppose – girl there will be no men or animals to cause harm to you. At least not on purpose.” <Eric>

“Ah~ so you don’t consider your dick harmful, you must be small Mr.No-Beard~!” <Eel>

She would have learned fairly early on that most men were very sensitive about their sizes from Fuka – the Total Mass Queen Templar herself (who better to learn from about it?). Call a man big and he’ll work hard, call him small…

“As if a vulgar little elf has any right to judge someone based on size! Just sign the god damn document okay and I’ll ensure that you won’t have to pleasure anyone as you would in this cesspool!” <Eric>

Obviously very annoyed he was being played by someone who was almost his own size – him being 4 foot and Eel 3’11 but quickly growing taller to the point that she may just be his size if she wore shoes. Obviously Fuka would be loving this and Ali would give a bit of a chuckle (Leaf might have but nobody could quite be sure).

“Ah~ I’ll think about it if you answer me on~e thing~! deal?” <Eel>

The {Dwarf} would obviously tense his brow and thin his eyes in dissatisfaction.

“Fine, ask.” <Eric>

“How big will the tubes be?” <Eel>

“Pardon?” <Eric>

Obviously he would be dumbfounded by the out of nowhere question. To this Eel would just let her smirk grow.

“Fufufu~” <Eel>


Her goal was simple – make it so he had to lie.

“Ah~! Of course you wouldn’t understand~! As an elf my pee-hole is kinda small so if the tube you plan to shove in me is too big it may hurt – I’d hate for you to break the contract by accident~! Big sis Fuka told me poop-chutes are surprisingly stretchy so I think that hole may be fine but my pee-hole I’m not sure about since it’s so small.” <Eel>

And, Eric would be left flabbergasted as she would softly open and close his mouth with wide eyes. Somewhat like a goldfish. Fuka, meanwhile, was just in hysterical laughter.

“I-I don’t think we’d be putting any tubes a-” <Eric>

“Mr Eric, why did you just lie to Elizabeth Jr? I don’t believe that is how you make a legal agreement is it?” <Ali>

To Ali suddenly speaking up Eric would just growl softly before raising his hand – seemingly to slap across Eel’s cheeks however he would find himself unable to lower his hand. A soft shimmer from the roof showed a fairly thick wire hooking under her wrist to stop him before he had a chance causing a cold sweat to form upon his forehead.

The reason was simple, he didn’t understand how it had happened thus he had no idea or even who caused it. This led to him not knowing what would happen next as the wires seemingly faded away and he cradled his wrist in his other hand.

“I hardly expect an elf woman to know what makes a legal agreement when the only agreement you can come to is how much money you need to take the next man’s load inside you!” <Eric>

“Why~ you offering Mr.No-Beard~?” <Fuka>

Fuka obviously very pleased with herself as she stepped in front of Eel to confront the man instead, a smile back on her face.

“*Tch* I’ll see you later-” <Eric>

“Oh~ I’m sure I will~!” <Fuka>

Fuka looked down on the man, having her tongue slide along her plump lips. She played her part well.

He would just glare at the woman before turning his back towards her and storming out – leaving a confused man in black who was soon approached by Kee who just slugged him in his cheek. Sending him straight on the ground – out cold.

<I wonder how long she’s been holding that in…>

Eel couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry for the man but then when she remembered that, that man had been with the ones who almost kidnapped Emily she couldn’t help but nod with a satisfied look.

“Now… What exactly did you teach her Fuka?” <Ali>

Now that the man in black was being dragged out back by an angry wolf – Ali’s gaze turned to Fuka who would just calmly smile back to the obviously angry Ali.

“Basic biology owner~? Plus ya never know when you may need a prison pocket as an adventuring woman – if you’re low on cash you could even store some d**** in there with no risk~!” <Fuka>

At first Ali would somewhat soften but at the last clause of Fuka’s ‘excuse’ she would be very open about what she’d do (or rather does) with it.

“Welp, with Kee working some things out with our guest I’mma go inform boss and Lyada on what the situation is~.” <Fuka>

Not waiting around for the angry half elf to ‘interrogate’ her like she did the other guy Lyada caught… Not that she’d mind much if healing was involved afterwards.

As Eel just watched this with a soft grin she would feel something impact her back, entwining itself around her back. It caused her to stumble forward for a second as she turned back to see a head of white hair with black patches – little horns poking out. Droopy cow ears upon her head – right black and left white.

<Ah~ she’s so cute~!>

“You were so cool Eel…” <Emily>

Emily’s timid voice voiced out from the new, cute hump.

“I was wasn’t I, fufufu~!” <Eel>

And Eel wasn’t a humble one.

“You were so cool but I can’t be like you but I want to at least support you as a f-f-friend…” <Emily>

“Ah~ I couldn’t be happier than with your continued praise~!” <Eel>

Admitting as her cow ears waved cutely and if not for the soft fur upon them they may both become the same colour – bright red. Soon, Emily would let go of Eel to walk up to a discontent Ali, pulling on the back of her skirt to get her attention. Which it would of course.

“What’s the matter Emily?” <Ali>

Trying her best not to show her annoyance at Fuka’s actions and comments in front of the timid girl, offering a warm but wry smile as her best attempt.

“I-I want to become an adventurer like everyone else…” <Emily>

Hearing that not just Ali but Eel would be surprised!

<I thought she meant as a cheerleader kinda role!>

“So, what weapon then I guess? I’ll take it to Lisa with you I guess…” <Ali>

However, to that, she would shake her head.

“I don’t want to use a weapon… I don’t think I could hurt someone. I want to learn to support magic and crafting to support Eel and everyon-” <Emily>

Suddenly Emily would jump and clutch her head causing Ali to look surprised and Eel about to call out.

Before they could do that however the ground around Emily began to glow a faint green as transparent green chains would form from the ground causing a shout to playout from the distance.

“The Infinite! She’s being blessed by the Holy Mothe-!” <Aby>

But even before Abbigale could finish explaining it something more would happen as the sky shadow of the girl would become a softer purple, stars seeming being formed as well as entire galaxies. From that would be tendrils of space that would wrap around her feet in a far more creepy fashion than the holy chains.

| Don’t disappoint us girly, that sham scholar managed to overlook the {Hero} but I’ll offer you, my little cow, a little helping hand. You needn’t use this power for the {Hero} but even if I told you not to, I doubt you would listen. So be a good little pet to the {Hero} and make yourself useful… That layabout of mine has already blessed her after all. | <?>

A voice rang out from the shadows in everyone’s mind, eroding their calm. It was the voice of a woman who, despite everything else, seemed very ‘proper’ and sophisticated. Far more than anyone they had met so far at least.

The tendrils beat the chains as they merged into the girl – it almost seemed like the two powers were quarreling as the green trembled in a displeased manner before also fading into the girl. Both going to do it anyway but deciding to make a game with a winner and loser out of it.

| It would seem she had been blessed by the great rivals – the two most revered and feared women. Quite impressive but I expected no less from her. | <Leaf>

Leaf seemed happy enough from what she told Eel through {Spirit Communication}. Unusually so in fact as she seemed like a little girl bragging about her boyfriend which made Eel puff her cheeks up softly.

<She’s my best friend…>

| For now~. | <Leaf>

The Eel would swing her head around to see the emotionless Leaf sticking her cute little turquoise tongue out with her right index finger dragging down her eye softly in a teasing, childish fashion.

Growling softly, she wasn’t really angry though as she could clearly feel there were no negative feelings behind Leaf (in fact she’d be more surprised if she ever felt Leaf negative emotions towards her.

<I’d probably blame myself and accept her punishment…>

The childish pair would turn back to their third as they would all wait for someone to say something. Soon, Ali was the one who bit the bullet.

“So… What blessings did you get?” <Ali>

“Ah! {Status}”


Madame of The Insight:
You have been chosen by her to aid the {Hero}. {The Insight} found you interesting and saw {The Infinite Mother} was also interested so decided to beat her to it when she saw your determination. Enjoy your power.
[+Affinity to Crafting Style {Skills}, +{The Heroes Crafter}]

The Pillar of The Scholar:
You have been chosen by her to aid the {Hero}. {The Pillar of The Scholar} has chosen you to support the {Hero}. Rejoice and use your power responsibly, young one.
[+Affinity to Support {Magic Skills}, +{The Heroes Support Mage}]

Status: {Class}
Name: {The Heroes Crafter}
Requirements: [-]

Details: Well done little cow, you’ve sufficiently managed to impress someone such as myself… Oh course I lie. You’re kind of pathetic in all honesty but you are at the very least amusing to watch as you run around after that {Hero}s tail. You seemed so shocked when her weapon broke that I thought maybe you could make her one instead? Oh, but sorry, I can hardly give you more AP than the {Hero} so I’ll be restricting the {Class} Mother will give you – oh and I’ll even make her give you a new skill other than the boring ‘{Appraisal Control}’.
Boons: [+5 Gained {AP}, Increased Affinity With All Crafting {Skills}, +{Appraisal Control}, +20{Wis}]

Status: {Class}
Name: {The Heroes Support Mage}
Requirements: [-]

Details: You have proven your determination and have been chosen to support the {Hero}
Boons: [+̵̜̝͑2̴͚͈̂{̸̗͌Ȁ̵̝͈P̴̘̦̀}̸͓͌̚ Gained, Increased Affinity With All Support {Magic Skills}, +{M̵̢̘͊ä̶̖́n̸͚̭̽̃ą̷̈́̿ ̵̩̼̊À̴̻ċ̵͕̺u̵̯͆̈m̸̠̅e̵̐̌ͅn̸̠͆̚}, +20{Int}]

Status: {Skill}
Name: {Mana Acumen}
Details: Understand mana to a conceptual level, letting you understand and predict when and what magic will be used. Evolved from {Mana Perception}.


<Wah~! She’s totally amazing now!>

Everyone’s mouths would be quite wide at the situation but Eel would realize that on the stat screen there was one person who looked towards the {Jobs}. This would be Leaf. Upon looking through the section Eel’s eyes would widen but then she’d close them and shake.

<I’m hardly one to judge for that…>


“That was certainly a busy day…” <Eel>

“Mhm.” <Emily>

“…” <Leaf>

Things of note would be Fuka ran into Eric during the brothels working hours at which point he had to pay 1 Small Gold in order to have a go raw. Eel knew this because as Fuka was walking away she proudly displayed the money to the door Eel was hiding behind and from the following shouts Fuka hadn’t cleaned up after her last bouts so she was quite pleased with herself.

The three girls would just be standing in their room preparing for bed. Whether that be Eel floofing up the pillows and quilt, Emily shining her horns or Leaf who was brushing her hair. As for why Leaf was here…

The other two would have no idea. She kind of just walked into their room after washing herself and, well…

<How do you say no to her! I don’t want to be the one making her sad and not like we don’t have the room.>

“A-are you sure you’re okay sleeping like this?” <Emily>

“Well you said it feels more comfortable right?” <Eel>

“I-I mean I gues- Eep!” <Emily>

Leaf surprised the nude Emily by draping her green arms over the girl, resting her lips on top of Emily’s head and giving her a light kiss. Rocking the girl back and forth in a calming fashion while pushing her towards Eel.

Motioning for Eel to join the hug as she climbed into bed. Eel obviously didn’t refuse and so the girls would all be hugging each other in bed.

“I’m surprised you’re so red though Emily-” <Eel>

“W-well your brown and Leaf is green so I don’t think I’m that unusual.” <Emily>

“Yea but your lik-” <Eel>

| Stop teasing and sleep, you need to sleep too. It’s also okay to let yourself cry as it’s been a very scary day for you… | <Leaf>

And to those words Eel stopped speaking and tightened her hug with the other two girls while sobbing softly as she remembered that moment of the street again. Letting her emotions finally run their course as she felt the two pairs of warm hands supporting her…

Letting herself reset for the coming days.

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