Chapter 39: I am in a hurry

With his friend, Qi Yan couldn’t stay serious for more than three minutes. His lazy appearance did not make him look like a master.

Seeing him like this, Cen Baihe asked with a smile, “Did you sleep well last night?”

“I didn’t sleep last night,” Qi Yan stretched his legs, “You have a lot of space in this car, and it’s really comfortable to be in it.”

“Do you want some ice coffee?” Cen Baih looked at Qi Yan, “It might energize you.”

Qi Yan shook his head, pointed to his stomach and said, “I’ll save the space for dinner.”

Cen Baihe couldn’t help but laugh. He nodded with a smile, “Okay, we’ll be there soon.” Upon hearing that, the driver drove faster and looked at his colleague sitting in the front passenger seat. However, he had his head lowered and was staring at his palm, motionless like a statue.

The manager of Qianweiju never thought that in a short period of time, Fifth Master Cen would come again, and he was overjoyed. But after seeing the people who came with Fifth Master Cen, he guessed the truth. He figured that it was not Fifth Master Cen who liked their food here, but this handsome young man.

Leading the two into the private room, the manager left after confirming that the two did not need his service. He exited the private room with a smile on his face, but he was stopped right after he went out.

“Manager Huang, I want to invite a very important guest today. Can you arrange the best private room for me?”

“Mr. Yuan, it’s really unfortunate that a distinguished guest is already using that private room,” Manager Huang recognized that this was the head of the Yuan family. Such a person could not be offended, so he was very polite, “Why don’t I arrange another room for you? “

Yuan Peng frowned, looking a little unhappy, “Can you discuss with the people in the private room and say that Yuan Peng owes him a favor.”

“Um…” Manager Huang protested secretly in his heart. If there were other people in the private room, he would be willing to do so, but it was Fifth Master Cen who was in the private room, so he didn’t dare to do it.

Seeing Manager Huang’s hesitation, Yuan Peng’s brows furrowed even more. He was about to say something when a young and beautiful woman came over with an elegant smile on her face.

“Hello Miss Ruan.” Manager Huang finally understood why Yuan Peng wanted the best private room. It was to pursue a beautiful woman. Miss Ruan was beautiful, born into a wealthy family, and graduated from a prestigious school. There were countless men who pursued her, but unfortunately no one had won the beauty’s heart. 

Manager Huang had even heard some gossip, saying that Miss Ruan had a crush on Fifth Master Cen, but unfortunately Cen Wuye never showed interest in any woman.

Ruan Youyi nodded reservedly at Manager Huang before looking at Yuan Peng and said, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Yuan Peng smiled gently at her and said to Manager Huang, “Please lead the way.”

Manager Huang pretended not to see Yuan Peng’s unhappiness, and led the two into another room. As he was opening the door, they saw a waiter coming out from the other private room holding the menu.

“I was just wondering why we aren’t going to that room. It turns out that someone is inside,” Ruan Youyi chuckled, “I wonder which noble person is here?”

The staff in Qianweiju were very acute. They had arranged another room for them instead of the best private room. It was obvious that the people in the other room had a higher status than them. But there weren’t many people who had a higher status than them in this city.

At this moment, Ruan Youyi thought of someone, but she thought that she might be overthinking it. That person had always been particular about eating out, so how could he come here?

“I’m sorry, Miss Ruan, we have to respect the guests’ privacy.” Manager Huang smiled apologetically and secretly complained in his heart. If these two people met, the scene would be awkward.

Ruan Youyi nodded understandingly when she heard the words. Without asking any more questions, she turned around and entered the private room with Yuan Peng.

“I think I could eat ten kilograms of such delicious food like lobsters.” Qi Yan took off his gloves, ignoring the pile shells on his plate, and took the warm napkin handed over by the waiter to wipe his mouth.

Cen Baihe only ate one and Qi Yan ate the rest. He added, “Unfortunately, your stomach is too weak to eat more.”

If he were with his dormitory mates, they would have been furious at his words. However, Cen Baihe was obviously calmer and more tolerant than his mates, “As long as you enjoy eating them.”

In fact, for Cen Baihe, watching Qi Yan eat was an enjoyment in itself. He had never seen anyone who could eat such a large amount of food elegantly. Qian Qian’s table etiquette was very good. It could be seen that his master was very strict with him in this regard. He just didn’t know what he had experienced when he was growing up to have such a good appetite.

“Drink something light to help with your digestion.” Worried that his stomach would not be able to take so much spicy lobster, Cen Baihe scooped him a bowl of crab roe soup. “You don’t gain weight even when you eat so much. Where did it all go?”

Qi Yan shook his head, “My master said that maybe I didn’t get enough nutrition before I was born, so no matter how much I eat, I can’t gain weight.”

Knowing that Qi Yan was adopted by his master, when he heard this, Cen Baihe felt as if something was tugging at his heart, and there was an indescribable sourness.

“But I think he must be talking nonsense,” Qi Yan took the crab roe soup from Cen Baihe’s hand, “If I was really malnourished, why am I so tall. None of my elementary school classmates and junior high school classmates were taller than me”

Cen Baihe suddenly burst into laughter, “I thought you didn’t go to school when you were young, but learned your skills from your master.” 

“I think the world seems to have some misunderstandings about our industry,” Qi Yan sighed, “It’s not easy in any industry. If we don’t study, how can we compete with others? When I was a child, my master told me that my face didn’t meet the industry standard. If I can’t be a Feng Shui master, I can get another job if I study hard, so that I don’t starve to death.” 

Cen Baihe thought that Qian Qian must have had a good master, because when he mentioned his master, his face was full of love and tenderness.

“Maybe you are too mysterious for ordinary people, that’s why everyone thinks this way,” Cen Baihe looked at Qi Yan deely, his eyes full of tenderness, “After knowing more, only then would they know how good you people are.”

Qi Yan smiled. He reached out and patted Cen Baihe’s shoulder, “You are so good at talking, good-looking and have a high status. Does everyone in Capital City have a crush on you?”

Cen Baihe shook his head, “No.” In his memory, there were very few women around him, and he himself had never paid attention to them.

“A liar will have a long nose,” Qi Yan shook his shoulder, “Really?”

Cen Baihe shook his head honestly, “Really.”

Looking at Cen Baihe’s serious expression, Qi Yan patted him on the shoulder, “Okay, I believe you.”

“Did anyone confess to you when you were in school?” Cen Baihe looked at Qi Yan and blurted out. After the words were spoken, he was a little surprised at himself. When did he learn to talk about such a meaningless topic?

“Yes,” Qi Yan frowned, “My roommate said so, but I didn’t know.”

“Don’t just listen to what others say, trust your own eyes.” Cen Baihe turned to the waiter and said, “Ten more spicy lobsters.”

The waiter’s heart was exploding. She couldn’t believe it. The fifth master of the dignified Cen family invited a friend to have dinner at Qianweiju and the main dish turned out to be spicy lobsters. Who would believe it?

Didn’t he normally order some rare ingredients, or just the signature dishes? Why spicy lobsters?!

Mr. Qi must also be an amazing person to be friends with Fifth Master Cen, but his favorite food turned out to be shellfish. Didn’t he think that eating that would look unrefined and inelegant?

After the meal, Qi Yan was very happy. When he went out, Manager Huang, who was waiting in front of him, revealed a bright smile when he saw him. Everyone knew that Fifth Master Cen rarely dined outside, but they had him visited twice in a short period of time. This must mean that their restaurant was top notch!

Countless celebrities had fought for their membership card. 

“Thanks you Fifth Master Cen and Mr. Qi for your patronage, and please come again next time.” Manager Huang bowed at a perfect ninety degrees, which made Qi Yan return the gesture.

Manager Huang looked like he was old enough to be his father, so he didn’t think that it was appropriate.

Manager Huang was used to being so respectful, but when he saw him returning the bow, he was moved. No one really liked bowing to others and being treated like a servant by the rich, they were doing that just to live and to support their family.

“Haha.” Suddenly a laughter was heard, as if mocking Qi Yan for returning a bow to the service staff.

Manager Huang looked up and saw a gorgeous woman holding a branded bag standing at the corner, with a smile still on her face. He frowned. Why was the female artist who came with Mr. Wang here?

Qi Yan glanced at the obviously drunk woman, ignored her sneer, turned to Cen Baihe and said, “Let’s go.”

Some people looked down on those who served them, so when they found out that there was a “traitor” in their group who was respectful to those they considered inferior to them, they would subconsciously kick the “traitor” out of their circle and thought that this person was a bumpkin who had never seen the world.

This type of people could be divided into two groups, one is inherently proud and full of prejudice; the other is born into poverty, but when they become rich, they can’t wait to step on others to prove that they are better than others.

That’s why Qi Yan appreciated people like Cen Baihe even more. The sense of respect and politeness seemed to be in his bones, and his every move was elegant. In his view, this was the true successful person or the real aristocrat.

“I ordered you a roast duck,” Cen Baihe didn’t even glance at the woman at the corner, “Remember to take it before you leave.”

“If you don’t tell me, I would have forgotten. Their roast duck is very delicious,” Qi Yan’s eyes were shaped like screscents when he smiled, “You are so caring.”

Hearing this, Cen Baihe chuckled softly, and he was infected by Qi Yan’s joy.

Seeing that she was being ignored, Lu Xuan was embarrassed. Since she broke up with Sun Xiang some time ago, her career had not been very good. Recently, she finally managed to get to know a producer, and got the opportunity to come to Qianweiju, a place where one might not even get in with money. So she was feeling proud.

Since she lost power, the so-called friends in the industry had become cold to her, and she had been holding back her anger. Now that even a bumpkin ignored her, she felt both aggrieved and angry. Fortunately, as she was at Qianweiju and there were many people with status there, she couldn’t get angry and risk her image.

At this moment, the door to a private room opened and she saw the young master of the Yuan family come out. Many people in the Capital City wanted to get close to the Yuan family, if she could…

But when the person behind Yuan Peng came out, her thoughts were destroyed. Instead, she squeezed the limited-edition designer bag in her hand and retreated.

For many female artists in the entertainment industry, Ruan Youyi is the object of their envy. She had things that others could only dream about, as though she was born to be admired by others. Even the media said that every beautiful artist in the industry looked like a servant next to Miss Ruan.

“Fifth Master Cen…” The moment Ruan Youyi saw Cen Baihe, she couldn’t believe her eyes. She was stunned for a moment before she greeted him, “I didn’t expect to meet you here, what a coincidence. “

“Hello.” Cen Baihe glanced at her without any emotion.

Ruan Youyi pursed her lips, “Long time no see, how are you?” 

Qi Yan glanced at the beautiful woman opposite him, and then at Cen Baihe’s expressionless face. He understood why Cen Baihe said that no one liked him? Because even if they did, he couldn’t see it.

“Not bad, thank you for your concern.” Cen Baihe nodded politely and turned to look at the man beside Ruan Youyi.

“Fifth Master Cen.” Yuan Peng smiled very politely at him. The look of displeasure when he was denied the best private room was gone. In his heart, he was even grateful that he didn’t insist on having the room just now. If he had known that the person was Cen Baihe, he would not have even mentioned it, “And this is?”

“This is a close friend of mine, Qi Yan.”

Yuan Peng was shocked, he looked at Qi Yan as if he just saw a miracle. Many claimed to be friends with Fifth Master Cen, but he himself had never called anyone his friend. Now, there was indeed one.

He carefully looked at the young man named Qi Yan, who looked quite cute and lovable with his curly hair. Them standing next to each other was a stark contrast as Fifth Master Cen looked like a cold emperor while Qi Yan looked like an innocent cat. The scene was strange.

Although he thought so in his heart, Yuan Peng smiled warmly, “Hello Mr. Qi, my name is Yuan Peng, you can just call me Dapeng.”

“Hello, Mr. Yuan.” Qi Yan shook hands with Yuan Peng, and found it hard to match his enthusiasm.

Ruan Youyi looked at the young man who was shaking hands with Yuan Peng. The shoes on his body were of average workmanship, and the clothes and trousers didn’t look like they were branded. Who was this person who could receive special treatment from Cen Baihe?

Seeing that Cen Baihe didn’t introduce the woman beside Yuan Peng, he only smiled at her.

Ruan Youyi, who was peeking at Qi Yan, was stunned when she saw his smile. She paused for a moment and smiled back. She thought that he looked cute when he smiled.

No matter how stupid Lu Xuan was, she understood what was going on. It turned out that this bumpkin was such a powerful person that even the eldest son of the Yuan family took the initiative to shake hands with him. The man beside the bumpkin was even more powerful, but she didn’t know who he was.

Thinking that she had laughed at him just now, Lu Xuan felt a little regretful and wanted to cover her face so that these people would forget that she had been here.

However, just when she turned around and was about to leave, the person who brought her here came over. When passing by her, he didn’t even look at her, and walked directly to Master Yuan and the others.

“Fifth Master Cen and Master Yuan, I’m so lucky to meet both of you here.” The man smiled enthusiastically, his eyes were glowing.

Qi Yan frowned slightly as he looked at the man who kept nodding and bowing. This was not a good man. He was treacherous, licentious, and greedy.

Noticing the change in his expression, Cen Baihe turned to Yuan Peng and said, “Let’s talk next time, bye.”

“Fifth Master Cen, please wait.” Seeing that Cen Baihe was about to leave, Liu Shun quickly ran after him, “Fifth Master Cen, I have been wanting to see you, but it is a pity that you are always unavailable. I finally see you today, and I hope you would give me some time to…”

“Sorry,” Cen Baihe glanced at Liu Shun expressionlessly, motioning him to step aside, “I’m in a hurry.” 

- my thoughts:
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