B3 — 58. Shake the Nest, Welcome the Queen


1. Klaus (Our Ambassador to the Nalvean Empire!)

2. Iris (Our Spider Queen on the Hunt!)

UE Compendium – Something Plague has been slowly building; if you want to help him, then jump on the discord or leave comments!  TY!

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John Driscoll, Anskelis, Brian Barrett, Dylan K, WeirdWhirl, David, Howldawg, AchroniaXenia, and my other Patrons!

Klaus paused as he felt the sudden recognition of an undead coming into contact with Emelina—the Head Maid—beside him; it had been the first contact he’d received since the pillar of fire split the heavens and Tal’tamine had been sent to Nethermore with Lieutenant Malikar.

He retained his current destination since the High Lord had called him to one of his private conferences chambers; Yesenia and High Seaweaver Lonuarag had been absent over the last few days, sending a few other prominent Seaweavers to stand in his place as the High Lord prepared to receive a message from the Judicus Isles.

After the attack from their pirate vessel and the information discovered by Iris regarding Statesman Ara’gora’s brainwashing, the High Ruler had been trying to decide exactly what he should do; the Nalvean City-States were compromised, leaving him no choice but to rely on Nethermore—yet they were also starved on personnel, as powerful as they were.

It was impossible for him to discover which of his loyal subjects were being manipulated and for how long; it could have been years that these plots had been laid out, and for such powerful figures in the Nalvean Empire to have fallen under Jumi’kerune’s influence showed he’d planned this out meticulously for generations.

Naturally, a message had to be sent to the pirate coalition, requesting a reason as to why their ship had performed an act of war; it also gave them the opportunity to see what they were up against, but there was always the possibility the officer sent would not return.

Therefore, he’d already set up a blockade between Komrnith and Orphia City-States, putting Statesman Baltoma in charge of it since he was one of the few that he could have a modicum of trust in after the Empress had saved his son.

The chances of a two-pronged attack was likely, which was why he’d sent word to Stateswoman Lukuroha and the other marches to the west; Imiraka—the City-State to the east of Mirelitel and where the Argent Dawn was posted—was in a terrible state to defend its northern borders, which the High Ruler had to admit was a problem he should have dealt with sooner.

Still, the hilly, forested area would serve as a natural deterrent but also made for an easy region to send spies, not that they were needed since they had many inside informants, but, if they were lucky, their opponents weren’t united.

Whatever was happening in the Drék’uléph Republic to their Empire’s west had to have been planned; a grand move had been made by Demon, plucking the strings across the world, and to make matters worse, they had snakes inside the keep.

Klaus’ eyes narrowed as he slowed to a halt, turning with Emelina to find Yesenia slithering out of a hallway with High Seaweaver Lonuarag.  An unnerving shiver passed through his bones upon seeing her broad, black wings and snake-like eyes; her physical appearance had continued to change over the last few weeks.

“Lady Yesenia,” Klaus cooly bowed with the maid beside him, listening to Voukey’s shocking revelations as he reported their Empress’ orders.  “Were you summoned by the High Ruler as well?”

The woman’s cold, flaming irises lingered on him for a second, showing disdain before moving past him without a word, which was unlike her typical annoyance; the High Seawaver gave his typical answer.

“How many times must I correct you, Undead; she is Supreme Ruler of Storms, Yesenia.”

“My mistake,” he smiled, following after the woman’s long, weaving tail; she seemed to be in a hurry.

Klaus’ primary focus was on the Skylord’s words, though; his Empress had awakened to her true birthright and was stepping through heaven to reach her domain.  Everything was about to change, and it couldn’t have come at a better time with how things were going.

Voukey dropped Amra’Cora off to hide in the private forested reserve outside of the city.  “How goes your mission, Aina?”

The maid’s soft voice responded from outside the Seaweaver District.  “I have sent messages to my son every day and appealed to the High Ruler and those within the Seaweaver Council, yet my requests have all been stonewalled.  I can only see him if he accepts it, and, so far as I am told, he has not.”

Klaus spoke up, interpreting the underlying meaning for the bird, who may not understand it, keeping his focus on the weaving tail in front of him.  Pardon my interruption, Lord Voukey, but we believe her letters are not being delivered, and we do not know their current status after our last check.

“Very well.  I have brought someone who can help you get inside—a shape changer named Yago—meet me outside the city, and I will deliver him to you.”

“At once!”  Aina replied with excitement in her voice at finally having the means to bypass security.  “How should I go about entering?”

“Klaus?”  the bird queried, seeking his opinion.

He thought for a moment, scrutinizing the pair, and after getting confirmation as to how the boy shapeshifted, he dismissed the idea of using the easiest route by taking the snake woman’s appearance. 

Emelina will give you a list of targets we have marked with the highest clearance moving about the city today, performing daily rituals, and observing temples.  Find them, and give him an opportunity to touch your target.

Voukey added his own instruction.  “Do everything within your power to convince them to leave with us…  The Empress believes Yesenia is about to make a large play after obtaining support from Primordial Olympus.”

“I understand,” Aina smoothly replied; Yago wasn’t so eloquent.

“Ah… I’ve never done any espionage stuff like this!  I’m, uh…  I’ll do my best!”

Emelina chuckled, coming to his rescue.  “Follow Aina’s lead, and you should be fine.”

Actually, Klaus interjected, lips tightening at the stakes starting to pile up, why don’t you go meet them and do what you can to help, Emelina.  I’m sure having an Assassin nearby if needed would be helpful to escape if things go south.

“Right away,” she replied, calmly changing directions without hesitation to leave the palace.

Amra’Cora’s low rumbles fed through the Nexus.  “I will be as close as I can without drawing notice.”

Honestly, Klaus sighed, watching the guards in front of the door to the High Ruler’s chambers open for Yesenia and the High Seaweaver, I think there’s a high chance you are discovered, as there are mortal gods among them.  Don’t drop your guard; they could attempt to follow you in order to glean information or kill us.

“…I will keep it in mind, Ambassador,” Emelina returned; there was a small smile in her voice that said she was happy about his worry.

Entering the council room, his gaze was instantly drawn to Statesman Joru’kora, the man wishing to have his son returned to life and a major military leader in the Empire.

Beside him were several other high-ranking military leaders, yet he didn’t even make it to his seat before Yesenia spoke, setting everyone on edge.

“The Deep comes for the Nalvean Empire, High Ruler…  Everything you hold dear will die if you do not follow me and abandon these lands.”

Joru’kora stood, nostrils flaring with his bright red scales flashing against the firelight.  “You speak to—”  he cut off as the High Ruler held up a hand, releasing a long sigh.

“I was calling you here to ask what side you are going to choose… but I suppose your response is to flee.”

Klaus was taken aback by the sudden declaration and offer, receiving confirmation from Emelina that many of the Seaweaver’s were gathering research and scrolls, taking them back to the Seaweaver District.

Something had Yesenia spooked, and after she’d come into her monstrous powers.  She wasn’t going to circle back and take what was left from the war; Primordial Olympus was abandoning the Nalvean Empire and cutting their losses.

Moving to take his seat, Klaus relayed the information to Voukey, obtaining further shocking information regarding a new development that seemed to be targeted at the nalveans.

The High Ruler’s focus was on his influential, water-based leader.  “What about the Seaweavers, Lonuarag…  Have you been plotting to turn your entire army against the very nation they were sworn to protect… to forsake all the oaths they’ve made?”

The man’s jaws worked around, clearly perturbed by this sudden decision his revered Storm Goddess had taken and the position she’d placed him in; Klaus was beginning to understand the dire situation as Voukey explained that some mysterious, powerful sea entity was going to awaken soon.

“I… do not do this lightly, High Ruler, and I do believe our nation is worth protecting, but if the Supreme Ruler of Storms herself has considered this fight unwinnable, we should prioritize our citizens—”

“Coward!”  Joru’kora grunted—being a true man of military discipline—as he glared at him.  “We have defended these lands for over a thousand years—your ancestors—and you won’t even question your Ruler of Storms as to what we even face?  If she cannot help, we have other options for support.  Yes, Ambassador?”

Klaus smiled as Voukey told him the show was about to start, and he rose to his feet, causing Yesenia to glare daggers at him; he doubted he was getting out of this room alive, but luckily, his Empress had prepared something to draw the snake’s attention away.

“High Ruler, Statesmen, Stateswomen, generals… Supreme Ruler of Storms…”  The Seaweaver and Yesenia were caught off-guard by his response as he motioned them to the door.  “Empress Irkalla has prepared a proper show for you to understand Nethermore’s response.”

“So soon?”  the High Ruler muttered, rising to his feet.  “Where is your Empress—who is Irkalla?”

Everyone else stood, mirroring Nukulara’s action, and Klaus shook his head.

“Unfortunately, this will be a live broadcast; the Empress couldn’t be here because… she is about to engage in war to the east of Nethermore’s borders and wishes for the nalveans to know who they have guarding their northern borders.  I am told it will be quite the show.”

“High Ruler…”  Statesman Jurombe—ruler over the northern coasts of the Great Ruby Lakes—mumbled from the window in disbelief, drawing everyone’s attention as he pointed.  “A projection of strange design hangs over the city.”

“What is your Empress up to?”  Yesenia hissed, weaving to one of the windows to see a small portion of the projection.  “A hologram—no… witchcraft?”

“We should have time to make the battle,” Klaus replied, moving to the door.  “The Empress will be facing 10,000 opponents herself.”

“Against who?”  the High Ruler queried, following him out with his royal guard and the other Statesmen, accompanied by their own protection.  Yesenia hesitated but couldn’t resist following after them.

The battle would take some time, or so Voukey theorized, compared to the previous battle he’d witnessed; it should provide ample time for Emelina, Yago, and Aina to perform their mission.

It didn’t take long for them to reach a distance to observe the dreary conditions of the battlefield, and Klaus could see the ominous clouds to the north overtaking the valley; it certainly was an intense sight to see his Empress standing before an army of ri’bot.

He shivered as the rumble of thunder and falling rain filled the city without a cloud above them; the soggy battlefield was lined with war machines and infantry, preparing for war against their singular opponent.

Yesenia stiffened upon seeing a large group of colossal individuals Klaus assumed was the Covenant—Ke’Thra’Ma was among them—and nervous mutters filled the nalvean leaders’ conversations about the White Cancer’s return and how the northern Empress seemed to have a truce with the laughing, giant ape.

He vanished without incident, but Yesenia was glued to the screen, watching intently with the High Seaweaver; they’d found their distraction.

Yago managed to slip inside using a high-ranking official’s identity as the entire capital city of Shi’Shuka froze, holding their breath and observing the powerful image above them; the Empress they’d seen was now being surrounded by an army of ri’bot.

Calvary swooped in to hammer her against the shield and spears closing in on her from the opposite direction, yet apprehension turned to awe and fear, silencing all when the revealed goddess of death sent the army to her gates.

Klaus had to admit, it was terrifying but incredible and breath-taking to see; garrison after garrison, ri’bot fell to her might until she caused a chain eruption of corpses in a detonation that scarred the landscape, only to draw the gore back into four, titanic abominations.

It was unlike anything he’d ever expected to see, yet knew it was real; once it was over, the heavens parted again, sending a shockwave that was even felt by those within Shi’Shuka, and the blinding radiance to the northeast shone so bright, they could see it clearly without the help of the projection.

Elinor took the focus upon returning, showing a far more mature figure and cadence as she addressed them and the army she’d laid to waste, introducing the High Queen of Nethermore and Supreme Goddess of Heaven to them—Ishtar—who would be journeying to Shi’Shuka within the week.

The Empire was going to war to the east, and by the Empire, the Empress meant herself.

Chuckling upon seeing the domination, Statesman Joru’kora turned back to Yesenia.  “You believe we cannot win against this… Deep with power like that… to return the dead to life and create unstoppable monsters to fight for you?”

“S-Supreme Ruler of Storms?”  the High Seaweaver whispered in fright.

Yesenia was stony-faced as she glared at those who were present, likely discovering her Trickster was among them and that her plan to steal the princess had failed.  Her focus was on the High Ruler, though.

“You may think yourself safe, and, yes… Irkalla is powerful, but she cannot save you from what is to come.  Your own madness will turn brother against sister… Tridents, fangs, and claws will rip you in your family to shreds in your manic flight when the Great One appears.  Death is inevitable…  Thank you for your hospitality.”

She left far more calmly than Klaus would have expected, but he had the suspicion that what she’d seen had convinced her to remain just within reach to seize the opportunity if they were victorious.

Emelina reported that eighty-seven humans had chosen to side with them; a few had the Seed, having more supportive abilities than offensive.  Tragically, the majority had already been spooked by the serpent woman’s story about what was coming.

Aina’s son was one of them that wasn’t convinced, breaking the mother’s heart as he rejected her offer to join them—having permission from Elinor—he couldn’t trust her.

They’d won a small victory, and shockingly easy once everyone had been distracted; those that went to Nethermore would be able to tell them more about Yesenia’s group of mortal deities.

However, he had to admit, it was a tad underwhelming, but considering the horror they were facing, he could see why Primordial Olympus didn’t want to invest too much into a losing cause, which was likely the reason why she’d tried to kidnap Tal’tamine.  Yesenia still needed the princess, which meant she’d come back for her.

Sure enough, Yesenia left with roughly eighty percent of the Seaweavers, heading north with a small party to meet Ishtar; some of the City-State representatives pushed to execute the deserters, but the High Ruler rejected the call for action, knowing it would cause more harm than good.

The people may not have entirely been aware of why so many of their famed Seaweavers left, yet the show the Empress gave allowed room for hope in a strong alliance, as they’d heard through word of mouth; still, it was a crippling blow to the nalvean people’s moral with the looming rumors of war spreading through the nation.

Many began flocking to Nethermore with the promise of the Empress’ sister coming to introduce herself, and petitions for answers regarding the mass exodus of many military ships and personnel were flooding the High Ruler’s table.

The Nalvean Empire’s peaceful and luxurious lives had been shaken to their foundations.

* * *

Water dripped off Iris’ skin and soaked hair as she exited the ocean, scanning the jungle island she’d arrived at; she’d followed Jumi’kerune’s vessel through many passages and turns, having lost it for a short time when returning to Nethermore upon the sudden ripple that pulsed through the Nexus.

She was so close; Iris could taste the scent of her daughter.  It appeared that the ancient nalvean had been able to track her pursuit and decided to slip away while leaving those she chased to rid himself of her, which meant there would be a trap on this island.

Fingers curling into fists at her back, she extended her locks through the jungle, searching for the base he’d transported her daughter to; it was a large island, possibly sixty-four hundred square kilometers of land.

They’d made little effort to hide the unique, silken fibers her daughter left that spoke of her adolescence, and she smiled at the prospect of them using her offspring against her; it was something she’d never experienced in her nearly 300 years of life.

Proceeding inland, she breathed in deeply, taking in the sweet scent of her daughter; the false mother knew so little about her biology that it made her quiver with rage at the neglect she’d shown her precious youngest.

So… you are hunting me now?  she mused, studying the trees as the sunny breeze pressed against her skin and fluttered the starry, dark purple dress Violet had crafted for her.  I can smell your lure…  How cute.

Proceeding into the jungle, Iris passed unnoticed by the poisonous insects and prowling beasts, stopping every once in a while to carefully handle her daughter’s thread, and giggled at the poisonous barbs meant to lock her nerve system.

As a good mother should, she sampled the toxin, judging how skilled she’d become at the craft; adapting was their way of life, and she pulled the tiny, near-invisible thread away from her tongue, humming with interest at the proteins she’d used in its creation.

“You’re not supposed to do that!”

Her body froze as she felt the quiver from the thread as her daughter released it to not be discovered; how naive of her child, but it still filled her with pride that her daughter managed to get this far without proper guidance in the complex systems they possessed.

It was a Queen’s pride that her daughters would one day surpass her, and her little moody skulker was now working on a new plan; Iris was eager to see everything she could think of.

She could take her time since the nalvean that had done this to her daughter was still attempting to misguide her child in fighting thélméthra; Iris would learn everything she’d done to her cherished offspring.

Her daughter tapped into the unique environment of the island, drawing out poisons and adapting various ways to lay traps using barbs, quills, and—to her entertainment—wrapping her in silk; nevertheless, she slowly closed in on the frustrated princess’ noisy stamps and frustrated roars.

The nalvean had taught her to keep her distance, only relying on her trapping capability and venom; it saddened Iris to see her struggle and cry out for guidance that would never help.

Next, she distributed unusual plates within the soil as if she couldn’t smell the wonderful scent of her adorable arms digging and packing the soil in an attempt to appear natural.  Iris curiously tested them out, dropping silk balls on them at a distance to release various effects, such as runic eruptions and magic-laced acid, which she happily incorporated into her arsenal.

“How is she doing this?!  Stop!  Mom, I can’t stop her!  She keeps eating everything I give her…  What do I do?”

I’m coming.  I’ll show—haaa— 

Iris’ shoulders fell when she cut her connection to her thread.  What did they do to you, My Little Skitterbug?  You are so much more than this…  If only you tapped into the sacks you inherited from me, you would have the answer.

Unable to withstand the pain and confusion in her daughter’s voice, Iris used her hidden thread underground to lock her in place, laying her body flat against the earth as more silk latched onto her abdomen and rear, keeping them from struggling.

“I’m caught!  Mom…  Mom…”

A tear fell down Iris’ cheek, human bodily emotions she wasn’t accustomed to as she halted just within sight to see the frightened steam pumping out her poor, underworked legs.

“Little One…  You’re so malnourished…  Such a mess.”

“Stay away!  Go—I just… why can’t I win against you—I always win…  I always win…”

The tingles running across Iris’ body ceased, hearts running cold as her gaze drifted between the hidden runes engraved in her daughter’s beautiful exoskeleton, marring it as if claiming some kind of ownership and creating a link to the nalvean—she was sure by the pulses.

Hisuki’s hum made Iris’ teeth lock together as she spoke through her terrified daughter.  “You are… far superior to the one that attacked the manor.  Am I to assume you are this thélméthra’s mother?  She did sense a familiarity with you, but the way you move… is on an entirely different level than the other we dealt with.”

Iris had no intention of speaking to that which would be dead soon, yet the hidden silk she’d woven through the earth and into her underground shelter froze as she continued to speak.

“I have no doubt you have discovered my location at this point.  Heh.  I can feel the fear in my pet that tells me she knows you’re searching for me, and I even believe you’ve somehow slipped right by my barrier runes, but… any pain I feel, so does my pet.  I’m sure we can come to an… understanding.  We did make a clone.”

Head tilting to the left, she spun more silk to probe the unsettling pulses emanating from the designs in her daughter’s exoskeleton, discovering more underneath, somehow burned inside her body; she could feel it when touching her child’s hot skin with her thread and didn’t pay too much attention to her blatant lies and attempts to buy time, such as her admission of a clone—her daughter could not be replicated.

“Let’s be completely open with one another,” the nalvean chuckled as if they shared the same mother.  “You are the real interesting one—even Jumi’kerune, with all his knowledge, couldn’t slip your incredible instincts—I can offer you a perfect positi—”

Iris calculated all the rune combinations Camellia had meticulously analyzed and transferred to her and matched it with what Violet added regarding Jumi’kerune’s style before overlapping it with Hisuki’s, littering the island in an instant and cross-referenced it with the unique energies they produced from what she’d studied of Ke’Thra’Ma’s city network.

Fully understanding the combination of effects woven through her daughter by the pulsing forces they made and which were active, Iris discovered a solution.  Her thread pricked the base of the nalvean’s spine, introducing a toxin that disrupted the woman’s neurons, putting her in a semi-lucid, catatonic state.

Not dead, not asleep, and still able to drift within a mindscape of thoughtlessness, Iris finished her hunt; she couldn’t free her daughter, but the others in the Royal Court may have an answer.

Wrapping the woman in a tight bundle of thread, she ripped her through the earth, sending a geyser of rock and dirt into the sky to blanket the jungle; a soft smile lifted Iris’ lips as she moved to kneel in front of her daughter, caressing her unresponsive mandibles, dropping saliva.

“You were so beautiful…  What have they done to my precious little girl?  I’m here…  Don’t worry, Little One…  Your mother is here.  You have a family—older sisters—and we will help you become what you were meant to be…  My Little World Eater.”

The burning in Iris’ nose made liquid fall down her cheeks.  “I will fix you—I will find a way…  I will give you the love you so desperately desire… you deserve.  I will acknowledge your efforts.  I will show you what it means to be my daughter—what it means to be a thélméthra.”

Hugging her for a time, Iris breathed, allowing herself time to calm down so she wouldn’t be vulnerable on her return flight.

Iris recognized the rune sending signals into the aether, which likely led to Jumi’kerune.  She found a nulling rune in the form of silk within the woman’s underground collection to wrap the two in; it wouldn’t allow any messages to be passed through it, countering any surprises.

It was time to return home with her child; her revenge would come after she restored her beautiful daughter to her true self and destroyed the runes that had confused and stunted her growth.

Kissing the protective silk enclosing the small thélméthra, Iris smiled.  You’re safe.  Let your true mother nurture you as a mother should.

Transforming into her perfected Jukal form, Iris carried the two bundles back to Nethermore.


Post Conquest

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