Chapter 3: Knights leader Carlos

After entering the cart through a doorway, a cart kept moving on the main road until it stopped beside it, to allow carts to pass.

“Mr. Nait, it looks like we’re going to be parting here,” David said with a sad expression. After hearing David. Nait said, “Yes, thank you for saving my life. I will never forget that favor.”.

When he finished, Nait began to stand up from the bench. But before heading to the door. David stops him and pulls something out of nowhere. He gave it to Nait.

What he gave him was a black robe with a hood, for him to cover himself with.

A surprised expression appeared on Nait’s face as he took the robe. When David saw Nait’s expression. He said, “Just wear it to avoid unexpected troubles. You are the young master of a high-ranking family. Surely there are many enemies lurking from afar, and they seek to exploit your family to gain benefits.”

Upon hearing David’s words, Nait nodded, ‘It is logical, that no other family of higher rank would leave an opportunity to weaken its rivals.’

Putting on the robe and covering his head, he opened the door and went out.  But before he got out, David stopped him again.

He stopped and looked at David with a confused expression, “Is there something else?”

David took out a leather bag, gave it to Nait. When Nait checked what was in the bag, he discovered that it contained gold coins.

David smiled, “Take this money, I’m sure you don’t have any.”

A smile appeared on Nait’s face, “Thank you.”

Then got off the cart down the main road and headed to the family mansion.

After a certain amount of time while he was walking, his stomach started growling and asking for food. Helpless, Nait started looking for a good restaurant to eat at.

After a while of searching, he found a coveted roadside restaurant.

He entered through the ornate white gate. He found a young female receptionist waiting behind a white wooden desk. She was dressed in red, “Sir, are you looking for a table?” she said with a smile, “If that’s the case, I’ll have someone direct you to an empty table you might like. If it’s a pre-booked table, all you have to do is give your name and time of reservation. And we’ll take you.”

Nait replied, “Okay, I’m looking for a table.”

After the receptionist heard what Nait said. She asked him to wait a bit, when the receptionist came back with a man the same color as her clothes.

That guy went up to Nait and said, “Who’s here, sir.” Nait followed him to an empty table overlooking the main road. There was a table covered with a beautiful red cloth with a white chair, with a red centre. The waiter said, “Please sit down, sir.” As he moved the chair to Nait.

Nait sat down after that. The waiter waited for Nait to decide what to order from the long menu.

After a while, Nait gave his order to a waiter, then the waiter went, and came back with a glass of water. Which Nait asked first.

While Nait was waiting for food and looking at the active scene. Everywhere he could hear the thumping of thistles and knives cutting meat and the noise outside.

Until the time came when the waiter began to put different foods on his table.

Not long after, Nait was able to eat all the food that was offered.

And at that time every time he took another plate and started eating. Everyone there were looking at Nait with a change in their expression.

Although Nait could hear someone say “Where the hell does all the food he eats go, is there a limit to his stomach?” He did not respond or pay any attention to what that person said. He continued to eat without stopping.

After finishing call the waiter where he asked for the bill. Upon hearing the word bill, the waiter asked Nait to wait for him to go get it.

After a while, the waiter came back with the bill paper with all the food he had eaten. When Nait saw the figures, an expression of shock appeared on his face. He looked at the waiter’s face, but a smile appeared on the waiter’s face and didn’t say anything. Nait sighed and took out the bag of money and started counting them, when he finished he pulled out about 75% of what was in it, on a table. Then he got up and went out to hear the smiling waiter saying, “Thank you for choosing this restaurant. We hope you’ll come back again.”

‘Who will be back…’ said Nait in his heart with an expression of pain on his face.

After a while, Nait reached what looked like a small tunnel. On a long wall surrounding a specific area of ​​a town. On it is a wooden sign that reads <<Field Family>>.

People were coming in and out of it. As this area belonged to the Field family. It is clear that the people who were walking in and out belonged to the Field family. Where everyone has their own function in the family.

Nait entered through the small tunnel. After Shahd came out of many buildings, shops and restaurants. He was able to know them all. In the memory of the previous angel, he often visited her to eat or to buy many things.  Especially the brothel where everyone there remembers their name. Where the former Angel’s body was rather playful.

He continued walking toward his destination without stopping to check anything. Then, he reached what he was looking for, an area that was surrounded by a wall on all sides. Stop at a gate with metal bars.

“what??!!!” Shock appeared on Nait’s face from the viewer, whose eyes saw it.

Several soldiers were lying on the ground in their blood and entrails at the entrance, there were some of them completely charred.

‘What happened here? Domestic fight or attack from another family? No wait, attacking another family without declaring war is a crime for a kingdom.’ thought Nait, resigning himself to vomit at the sight he was seeing.

‘Anyway, I have to go in to save my father and my little sister. I hope it’s not too late.’ Despite the sickness that Nait was feeling. But he passed through the entrance and stepped on the blood and viscera. Against his will, tears began to fall on his face when he remembered the fallen people.

When he was close to exiting the tunnel, the strong light’s reflection prevented him from seeing in front of him. When he reached the edge of the tunnel, he could see beyond the light. A scene that will remain etched in Nait’s memory forever.

He could no longer resist, his weak heart, expressing terror and fear and shock of doubling. The feeling of strong nausea returned from the strange smell of bloods.

He fell on his ass in bloods, and wept at the hideous sight.

It is the scene of a terrible battle that took place in a garden, which was once one of the most beautiful gardens, but now its grass and flowers are red. With many dead bodies lying everywhere. This scene was impossible for Nait to resist. Who came from a world of calm and prevent something like this from happening.

“Ahh…Ahhhh… what the hell happened here.” Nait cried for a while. Then, gathering his strength, he thought to see if his new family had survived this.

This is by trying to enter through the open door of a palace whose entrance was completely red. He seemed to be entering a house of terror, if it weren’t for the swords and weapons and corpses lurking all around him.

Nait walked forward to the broken staircase that leads to a door.

He moved quickly while trying not to run into one of those corpses. Or look at them more often. As he moved among them, Nait noticed corpses in black armor, completely burnt, their faces completely black, not a single hair on them. Where if one of their relatives came, they would never get to know them.

When Nait was near the stairs of the palace door. He could hear several footsteps behind him.

“Hello, welcome back young master. Why didn’t you send a message to tell me that you are back?” said a stranger.

When Nait heard the stranger’s voice. Nait turned to see who was speaking to him. There was not just one person, there were many people lined up.

They were wearing red armors, with a helmet on their head from which no one could see their faces.

In front of them was a figure in red armor, more ornate than the ones worn by the group behind him, with a white robe hanging over his shoulder. He had red hair and eyes of the same color, and a small beard on his chin.

Nait can identify that armored person just by seeing his face. This person was one of the leaders of the Field family’s Knights, Carlos.

When Nait gets to know Carlos. Carlos continued to speak and said with a little anger on his face, “Do you know that if someone hadn’t sent me a message telling me you’d come back, I wouldn’t be here now.”.

After Nait heard Carlos’s words. Nait went into deep thought, remembering that no one knew he was in town. Only David who brought him here and saved his life knew. From what he could remember when they were at the entrance to the city, Nait was able to see David handing the letter to a guard for delivery to the wanted person. He now understood the expression made by the guard after knowing who the message was being sent to.

Carlos continued to speak with astonishment and said looking around, “Where’s your sister who ran away?!… Weren’t you with you?!.”

An expression of joy appeared on Nait’s face after hearing Carlos’ words. To Carlos’ words, he responded, “What do you mean she ran away?!… What happened here?!”

When Carlos heard Nait’s words, his expression changed. And he said, “You mean you don’t know what’s going on here…” After he said these words, he rubbed his chin with his hand. And he continued, “If your sister is not with you, that explains why it was not mentioned in the letter.”

He stopped talking and thought for a bit, and continued, nodding his head, “This also explains why there are no special forces, for that bitch.” Anger appeared on his face after he said those last words.

“It doesn’t matter” when Carlos said this. He turned his head toward the people standing behind him as he moved his head toward Nait.

Soon they started to move. Where the right regiment moved in the form of an arch. And the left regiment moved in the form of an arch as well. At the end, they form a circle around Nait.

Carlos began to move a few short steps towards Nait, saying, “As expected of the Lord of the Family, he has some intelligence. Unfortunately, he has not passed on to his descendants.” An arrogant expression appeared in him as he continued walking toward Nait and continued, “So that he orchestrated the escape of his son and daughter. Everyone by themselves. To avoid catching the two of them or never being caught by one of them.” When he finished, Carlos laughed, “Hehehe…but look, one of them is back here.”.

After Nait heard what Carlos said. He frowned, and began to think about what he had said, ‘Organize the escape?’ But no matter how much he searched the memory of the previous body owner, he couldn’t find anything about it. But remember, the previous body owner met his father. They discussed about his going to the neighboring city to visit his father’s companion for several days and to get to know that city.  But on that day, when Nait took the cart and drove to that city, something happened to him, and now he was here.

After thinking about it, he saw that his father was trying to banish him from the house at that moment.

Especially after he saw the catastrophic scene in front of him. He understood his father’s intentions now.

After thinking, Nait said worriedly: “Who is this family, that forced my father to organize an escape for me and my sister? And where is he now?”

When Carlos heard Nait’s words, he immediately stopped walking, raised his hand and placed it on his forehead, his head towards the sky, and then started laughing maniacally, “HAHAHAHAHA—HAHAHA…”

When he stopped, he lowered his head until he saw Nait’s face, astonished at his demeanor, “How wonderful to be ignorant… Well, after all, you’re the spoiled young master of the Field family. Because of that your father didn’t explain the case to you. He just smuggled you out. I’m sure. He did that and didn’t expect you to come back.”

Carlos paused and showed a mocking expression, “Anyway, he knew that he couldn’t resist the attack of his new powerful enemy that he didn’t want.”

When Nait heard what Carlos said, A frown appeared.

But when he saw the bodies again. An expression of relief appeared on his face and he said, “So you took care of them here?”

A surprised expression appeared on Carlos’s face when he heard Nait. He said, “No, you are wrong, on the contrary.”

Nait frowned, “What do you mean?”

Carlos laughed at Nait’s stupidity and continued to explain, “I mean, it’s me, the enemy.”

When Nait heard his words, his expression of shock appeared. He opened his mouth to form a zero. Not believing what Carlos said. Then he panicked and started to take a few short steps back.

Unfortunately, there is no escape. He said, “But…..but why did you betray a family?” Nait knew Carlos the Great’s loyalty to a family and he never did anything to hurt the family. But now it’s different.

Anger appeared on Carlos’s face. and said, “It was because of the mentality of the lord of the family. Which consisted in staying low, even though we are strong enough to demand more rights.” He stopped talking, squeezed his hand and continued, “So I am the most powerful family knight leader. I received requests to leave her and join a stronger family…” With a sinister smile he continued, “So I left this family with no goals. Not only this, I made a condition. Which stipulates the destruction of the Field family.”

When Nait heard that, he took a step back. With a panicked expression on his face.

Carlos saw it, sighed, and said, “Let’s finish it, it’s enough time. I have a lot of things to do.”

When Nait heard what Carlos said. His eyes had blinked. And the scene in front of him changed, he no longer saw Carlos in the place where he was standing, only a fire burning in his place.

Because of Carlos’ sudden disappearance, Nait begins to look around.

But Nait did not notice that Carlos was next to him, with his body on fire. Carlos said with a smile on his face. “Don’t be afraid, I won’t kill you.”

When Nait heard Carlos talking, Nait tried to move his eyeballs to his side. But the moment Carlos finished his speech. He sent his fist toward Nait’s stomach.

Which made Nait groan and fly from his place to the palace wall and merge with him. Loss of consciousness, with white eyes, and bubbles coming out of his mouth.

- my thoughts:
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