Chapter 2:Beast Awakening 2

The two lions beside the fighters growled at each other, both fighters noticed but seemed unfazed. They moved into stances as if about to punch, charging their arms and fists. The aura in their right arms grew larger as the lions beside them began to vanish into particles that transferred to their right arms.


As the lions vanished, the aura in their arms expanded. There was a sense that something significant might occur if they used their right arms to punch. With the lions gone, Benjo and Chad simultaneously threw punches at each other, their right arms forming a symbol of a roaring lion. They anticipated each other’s punches and used their fists to block. Upon impact, a slight shockwave rippled through the air. Their fists continued to push against each other, appearing to weaken as the aura between them intensified.


After a few moments, a shockwave erupted, causing both fighters to be propelled backward.


“WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED,” the referee exclaimed. Each squad rushed to their respective fighters to check on their well-being; both Benjo and Chad were unconscious. “I don’t know what just happened, but I’ll take him home,” Janly, a member of the Shadow Strike Unit who lived near Benjo, announced. The others assisted Janly in carrying Benjo out of the area, while the Elite Squad attended to Chad.


“What just happened?” I inquired of the remaining individuals at the Battalion Ground. “We’re not sure; this is the first time something like this has occurred in years. I remember joining the squad back when we were in seventh grade,” a member of the Elite Squad responded. People gathered their belongings and departed for the day. Mark and I walked home.


“That was unexpected,” I remarked to Mark, initiating a conversation about the fight’s events until we reached a bend in the road leading to Mark’s house. We bid farewell, and I hurried home, changed my clothes, and lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. Thoughts of the day’s events consumed my mind until I refocused and resumed playing my game.


“I FINALLY TAMED THE GIGANTOSAUR, HAHA!” I exclaimed after hours of grinding, falling asleep at 11 pm and waking up at 5:31 am. My phone rang; it was now 7:30, time for school. I hastily dressed, packed my belongings, put on my shoes and school ID, and dashed to school. Upon arrival, the Shadow Strike Unit surrounded Benjo, while The Elite Squad gathered around Chad at the back, discussing the previous day’s fight.


I searched for Elyzer and found him alone at his seat, engrossed in his game. “Any progress?” I asked him. “I tamed a Raptor last night,” he replied. Despite being ahead of him in taming dangerous dinosaurs and preparing them for the first boss battle, I was still impressed by his progress. “Oh yeah, what’s your favorite dinosaur?” I inquired. “Seeeccrreeeettt,” he playfully responded, a typical reply whenever we asked him personal questions. I let it slide and taught him a new technique for beginners to pass the time efficiently.


Hours passed, and it was time for afternoon dismissal. Stepping outside, I noticed a squad surrounding two seventh-graders. It was the Avengers squad and The Elite Squad; it appeared another fight was about to unfold. Recalling the events of the previous day, my curiosity was piqued. Perhaps what occurred yesterday might happen again. Should I watch another fight?

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