Chapter 2 Upgrade

The flames in Eric’s eye sockets seemed like they had intelligence as they scanned a skeleton in this deep valley.

And those skeletons, facing Eric’s sweeping gaze, didn’t notice anything wrong at all.

After all, without intelligence, they could only rely on their instincts to roam before receiving Pound’s orders.

Eric didn’t have many requirements for his persecution targets.

Low level, good skills, falling alone.

However, in this Dragon’s Cave, it was really hard to find ones that were about the same level as yourself.

After all, lv1 skeletons were somehow not an exaggeration to describe as rare.

Most of the skeletons were at lv5 or above, those below lv5 were few in number, and lv1 ones, at the moment, Eric hadn’t met a single one except himself.

But as long as one tries hard, nothing is impossible.

During Eric’s rounds, he was lucky enough to find a skeleton that satisfied him.

A lv3, Skull that held the skill [Swiftness].

He took a fancy to this skeleton’s white and slender jade legs that were as beautiful and smooth as white jade.

He followed the skeleton obsessively, his fiery (literally) eyes burning with ghostly blue flames staring intently at the white, jade-like, long, bony legs.

The skeleton didn’t notice anything wrong, it just walked stupidly ahead.

Eric waited for an opportunity to fall in line.

There was no pattern to the skeleton’s wandering, so as long as he waited, sooner or later, this cute skeleton would fall alone.

At that time, it would be Eric’s chance to strike.

Moreover, skeletons also rest, when this skeleton falls alone and sleeps, that’s his chance to strike!

Eric, who had turned into a skeleton, had also become more patient, like a hunter who had locked onto his prey.

With time, Eric seized the opportunity.

The skeleton in front of him had already laid down, his body was lying on the ground with his bones exposed, and his pair of [Swiftness lv1] long legs exuded a tantalizing aura.

Eric did not rush to pounce on it.

He still waited patiently, first until [Sleep] appeared on the skeleton’s status bar, then he picked up a large stone and lightly touched it.

The ghostly blue flame wavered slightly in the dark eyes.

It slammed down.

There was a clunk.

The skeleton’s seductive legs trembled, and the head first shattered and deflated, the ghostly blue flame slowly extinguishing.

[Ding, killed low-level skeleton, experience +30]

Suppressing his excitement, Eric reached out and touched the smooth legs of the skeleton.

Ripping off the right leg that was of better quality, he ripped off his right leg, aligned the joint interface to connect it, and unleashed [Bone Change].

It was perfectly connected.

A familiar warm current surged into his body from the connected right leg, the cracks on his body recovered a little more, and the blackened color completely faded away, leaving only a withered yellow.

The pitted and rough surface of the bone was also slightly restored.

[Ding, gain skill, Swiftness lv1]

He adjusted the size of the leg bone and stood up from the ground.

Trying to paw twice, he stepped on his legs and his vision flew backward on both sides, his speed greatly increased.

The strength of the bones, well … it seems to have improved a little.

Eric broke his ribs and pondered.

Then, he stopped his long, fast-moving legs.

His current race was the lowest of the low-level skeletons even amongst the skeleton monsters, with a level cap of only lv10.

If he wanted to get out of Pound’s clutches, evolution was essential.

However, the requirement needed for evolution was for all three-dimensional attributes to reach 10 points.

“Can replacing a high-level skeleton increase three-dimensional attributes …”

After knocking two low-ranked skeletons in a row, Eric also felt that it was almost time to take a break.
After all, wanting to go faster was not enough.

He slept in the hidden cave that he had mapped out earlier to replenish his mental and physical strength.

Because there was no flesh, just a skeleton, it was only logical that one could not feel hunger.

But also because there was no flesh to moisturize his bones, his bones were exposed and the quality of his bones continued to deteriorate, and his skeleton’s lifespan was only one year.

Hmmm …

Eric looked closely at the panel and realized that the deterioration of his bones had slowed down.

The original panel predicted that his bones would only last a year, but now it had become a year and a month.

Only allowed on

Was it because of the increase in physique points?

The sense of urgency in Eric’s heart was slightly relieved.

It seemed that one must be more diligent in borrowing bones from his lovely coworkers.

After waking up.

Eric stroked his spine, soothing the urgency in his lumbar vertebrae, and then re-approached the other skeletons, scouting for a favorite skill.

Eventually, he locked onto a lv4 skeleton with [Giant Strength lv1].

Those thick arm bones, in the dark valley, vaguely glistened with a fascinating pure white color.

After all, Eric now had [Stiff Bones] to increase defense and [Swiftness] to increase speed, and was lacking in strength.

Tail, hibernate, wait, lightly.

The boulder came down heavily.

Although this skeleton didn’t have the Bone Hardness Enhancement skill, the level reached lv4, Eric continuously smashed the skeleton’s head twice heavily before smashing it.

[Ding, killed low-level skeleton, experience +40] [Experience value is full, leveling up to lv2] [Free attribute points +1]

The ghostly blue flames in Eric’s chest and eye sockets swelled and rose violently for a moment before slowly returning to their original state.

The missing depressions in the bones began to grow and fill in a little.

Does leveling up gain free attribute points?

Finally, he knew a channel to steadily raise his attribute points.

At the same time, the full value of the experience bar on his panel went from 100 turned into 200.

Free Attribute Points, Eric added to Strength.

There was a tingling, and the density of the bones seemed to have increased a little.

Then, ripping off the skeleton’s left arm bone, and ripping off his left arm bone, he aligned the joints and unleashed [Bone Change].

After the familiar sensation, the bone enhancement had become less noticeable, and a pop-up box popped up in the panel.

[Ding, gained skill, Giant Strength lv1]

Eric thought for a moment and tried to rip off the other arm bone, but the panel changed just as the arm bone was ripped off.

The [Hard Bones lv1] skill disappeared from the panel, and the bones in his entire body seemed to have been drained of something, becoming weaker by a few points.

Eric hurriedly reattached the arm bones before the skill came back.

“Is it really like this …”

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Eric looked at his skill bar and wasn’t too surprised.

If it was possible to constantly gain new skills just by replacing the bones of his four limbs, it would be too perverse.

The upper limit of skills he could gain from the four limbs he had replaced was only four, with each limb representing one skill.

Now, instead of acquiring skills, it was more like borrowing skills from the replaced four limbs.

If he wanted to completely fuse the skills on these four limbs and make them his own, he might have to assemble these four limbs to evolve once before he could realize it.

He disposed of the skeletal remains in front of him and began to search for the last skill.

Smashing two skeletons a day, it was important to develop such a good habit.

Persisting day after day, he believed that he would be able to get out of the clutches of the evil bone dragon Pound sooner or later.

— New chapter is coming soon —
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