Act 1

A young man who looks to be in his early twenties wakes up in a hospital being unable to remember anything.

– Where am I?

He thinks to himself while looking around the empty room unable to recall anything, not even his own name and even after a few minutes have passed by and he is still just looking around the room, unable to remember anything, when he suddenly hears someone open the door.

A woman with green eyes and curly black hair, wearing a simple black and white dress approaches him.

– Oh, so you are finally up. I was really worried about you, how are you feeling?

– Do I know you? He asks

She looked at him surprised but sighed immediately afterwards as if she knew this would happen.

– I see, so you’ve lost your memories.

Out of confusion he just nods in silence.

– I think so, I can’t even remember my own name.

– Ok fine, I’m not very good at this so I’ll get it over with quickly, my name is Khalida, and I am your girlfriend. It’s nice to see you doing well.

– Thanks, nice to meet you, Khalida. He replies awkwardly.

– Anyways you were supposed to get discharged today but I think it’ll be better if you stay here for another week and get to know about your life and relationships a bit before returning seeing as you’ve lost your memory. Is that ok with you?

– Yes, thanks for your help.

– You’re welcome. she replies looking at him somewhat surprised.

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– Anyways, I’ll go talk to the doctor about your condition now and before I leave, you can just call me Kahhy since it´s shorter. She said while smiling.

Half an hour later she comes back and sits next to him.

– So, how are you feeling? She asks while smiling.

– You know, I’m going to be honest it’s quite weird since I can’t remember anything about you and yet you claim to be my girlfriend. I frankly don’t know if I can trust you.

She just pats his back slowly as to try and reassure him.

– Don’t worry, I can understand and I’m sorry, but I can’t do anything about it right now, after all building trust takes quite a lot of time.

He looked at her and couldn’t help but break down crying thinking of his situation all the while she tries to comfort him. A few hours later he wakes up realizing she’s gone and that he fell asleep while crying in her arms. He then tries to leave his room just to realise he’s unable to walk properly but still pushes himself and goes to washroom to wash his face and get fresh.

By the time he comes back he finds her in the room sitting beside his bed.

– I thought you left.

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– Oh no, I was gone to fill out some paperwork. Are you feeling any better now?

– Yes, I think so. He replies.

– I’m glad to hear that.

He goes and sits next to her.

– Can I ask you some questions?

– Yes, obviously. Ask whatever you want, I took a break from work for 2 weeks, so don’t worry we have plenty of time on our hands. She replies while smiling.

– Ok then, who am I? What’s my name? Where is my family? What do you know about me? and how did we meet?

– Hahaha….Calm down please, I’ll try to explain everything to you. So, don’t worry, however this is going to be a long story, so you better get ready.

A day before discharge. After talking with her and spending some time with her everyday he starts to feel more comfortable around her and suddenly thinks of what she told him that day:

“We met 4 years ago at a party.”

“Oh yea, we moved in together like 7 or 8 months ago”

“I don’t know, you told me you were an orphan and that you didn’t want to talk much about your childhood so i didn’t ask much.”

“How you end up here? Well, you got hit by a car on your way home from the store or at least that’s what they told me.”

“No wonder, I fell for her” he thinks with a smile on his face as he lays down on his bed to ready to go to sleep.

The next day he wakes up excited to meet her again and also to finally get discharged and get out of that dull white room. After taking a shower and talking to the doctor. He waits there for her to finally arrive so they can leave soon.

However, Kahhy arrived a little late today while holding a bag which he can’t see properly see since he is laying down. After spending the morning and afternoon together Kahhy finally says…

– I think we should get going now.

– Yea, sounds good.

– Then, get ready we’re gonna go there finally.

– Go where? He asks

– Home. She replied looking him excited.

As he is gets up and starts walking out of the room a little shaky cause of his legs, he suddenly stops-

– Hey Kahhy. He says looking nervous.

– Yea, what is it?

– What are those red spots on your pants and what is inside that bag? Why is there blood dripping from the bottom of it?

– Oh, you really shouldn’t have mentioned that, if you just kept quiet and walked out there wouldn’t have been any problems but it seems like i have no other choice now.

– No, no, no, please don’t do anything. He says while trying to get out of the room and run away.

However as soon as he tries to open the door, he realises that the door is locked, and then he feels a sudden sharp pain in his chest as he slowly passes out. The last thing he sees before falling unconscious is Kahhy holding a gun and looking down on his body while crying and shooting him over and over again.

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