Chapter 10:The African Wild Dog Vs. The Cheetah


“Ahhhhhh,damn that’s sweet”I said.Me,Mark,and Elyzer decided to hang out on Saturday because there’s nothing much to do.We are in the town just wandering around and having fun.We also decided to take a break in a milk tea shop.

I ordered strawberry milk tea,Mark ordered chocolate milk tea and Elyzer ordered a Milk Milk tea 🙂 .We finished our drink and went out of the restaurant.

“So,where’s next”I asked to them.”Oh yeah,I forgot to buy another vape because the previous one ran out of juice”Mark replied.Me and Elyzer nodded and followed him.Half way going to the vape shop,Mark accidentally bumped on someone and said sorry.

“The f*ck you bumping me for?”the guy who Mark accidentally bumped with said.His voice is familliar,it’s Clyde.”OH,it’s the t*ts lovers,the f*ck you doing here?”someone from his friend said,one is Sky and the other is Rey,there’s just the three of them.

“The f*ck you said that for and the f*ck you three d*cklovers want?”Elyzer replied to them”What do you mean?,your big friend here just bumped into me”Clyde replied back.”Hey,I’m sorry for bumping to you okay?I don’t want to make any trouble”.

“Accidentally?I don’t believe in that”Sky said”Yeah he’s right,you three finding a fight?’Rey joined in.”Just ignore them”Mark said to us.The three of us started walking away”Where are you going Mark?being a coward?.

Mark stopped,looks like that made him angry.Mark walks towards to Clyde.”What did you just say?”

“Hey,there’s a baseball field near here if you don’t want to fight in these crowd,well not much of a people will pass by there”Sky said to Mark.

Mark looked around,there’s a lot of people and they might call the police on them,Mark nodded.All of us went to the baseball field,we distanced to them to a place where we can sit and put our things.We encourage him.

We waited until they were ready,Mark went face to face with Clyde.Mark is tall and has bigger muscle,Clyde has a medium size body but his muscles have no match for Mark’s muscle but I’m not sure why he wants to beef with mark.”HEY,WHO’S GOING TO BE THE REFEREE?I DON’T WANT TO GO NEAR TO THAT GUY”Rey shouted at us over yonder.

“Why don’t you go? Elyzer asked,I sighed “Okay then” I replied back.I went between Mark and Clyde and raised my hand


I ran back to my spot,and sat to watch them.I saw Mark with a Muay Thai style and Clyde with Taekwondo style.I heard that Muay Thai use their elbows and kick in a fight and Taekwondo use also their kicks and good at grabbing(I just don’t know I’m not good at this things)

Both of the circled to wait who’s the first one to attack,Mark went closer to Clyde,Clyde went backward.Both of them stopped and did a circle again.Clyde forward and did a back kick to Mark on the chest,Mark got pushed by the kick and went backwards.

Even if Mark is big and heavy,it still looks like the kick is very effective.Mark went forward,both of them a circle again.Both kept on waiting who’s going to attack first.

Mark went near to Clyde,Mark tried to kick him on the head but Clyde blocked it with his hand and did a combo,elbow and punch on the face.They wait again,I dont know why but this boring,no wonder I dont watch this kind of stuff online or at the TV.

Now Clyde went near to Mark,he tried to kick Mark on the side of his face but Mark raised both of his arm and blocked it,after that he made a counter attack by kicking Clyde’s leg,Clyde fell down to the ground,I tought Mark will never get a hit on Clyde.

Clyde again tried a high kicks and spinning attacks on Mark,however,Mark was quick enough to block the kicks and kick Clyde as a counterattack,Clyde again fell to the ground.He stand up again.Both went close to each other and traded blows,looks like both of them doesn’t care about the way of their fighting style like waiting.

As the fight went on,Mark is taking the lead,he kept on kicking Clyde and always fell to the ground,he looked weak,Mark unleashed a kick to the left of Clyde,Clyde blocked the kick but his arms went to the left because of how strong the kick is,Clyde’s defence is destroyed,Mark saw the opening.

Mark spin and unleashed another kick,*bam* he kicked him on the head and knocked him to the the ground.Mark went backward to wait for Clyde to stand up again.Clyde looked very very angry and keep punching the ground.He stand up again,why are bullies are easy to get angry?or because he’s getting defeated by the human whom they looked down on.

Clyde looks very angry,I think he’s angry enough to unleash his animal.As I expected,yes,he started glowing.Yellow with black on it.Let’s see what is your favorite animal Clyde.


Woah what was that

sound? it sounded deep,it’s like a cat purring but very very deep.


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