Chapter 11:The African Wild Dog Vs. The Cheetah

It doesn’t seem like roaring,it’s sounded purring”Hey Elyzer,do you what kind of animal make these sound?” I asked Elyzer “No man,sorry,oh no wait,there it is”I looked back at Clyde,the animal revealed itslef.It is brightly glowing yellow because it’s an image and made out of aura and it has block spot on it.

Wait,is that a jaguar?I searched it up,an image about it,it doesn’t look like it,the jaguar is bigger and has black jiggly and circles around them but Clyde’s animal looked small and spotted,it doesn’t look like in the image so what could it be.


His friend’s is bewildered

It just kept purring and don’t roar,or maybe it’s the animal’s roar but sounded purring.Mark just looked at it,something came out of my mind”HEY,MARK,DO YOU KNOW WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL IS THAT?”I shouted at Mark “I DON’T KNOW,IT LOOKED LIKE A LEOPARD TO ME” he shouted back.

I searched it up and compared it,no,it doesn’t look like the same,it is similar to the jaguar but smaller dark spot,hmmm”Hey Elyzer,do you know that animal?”I asked Elyzer”Didn’t Mark just tell you?a leopard” “no it doesn’t look like it” I showed him the photo,”hmmm maybe jaguar”Elyzer asked “no,it doesn’t look like it either” “maybe it’s a cheetah” a cheetah, aren’t those animals known as the fastest animal?

I searched it up and compared it,wait the animal is gone,wait where is Clyde?.I look around,he’s already charging at Mark but with very high speed,the animal is nowhere to be found,no,the animal is at Clyde’s arm,he already charged his arm with the animal.

Clyde went in front of Mark,Mark noticed like Clyde just teleported in front of him,Clyde is about to punch and made a symbol of the animal but Mark blocked it in time by making an X shape with his arm’s.Why the hell he’s fast.What kind of animal is your favorite?

I looked at his right arm,it is already charged again like the speed of light.*blip*he’s gone and teleported behind Mark’s back,Mark didn’t know and looked around*BANG* Clyde punched Mark’s back and Mark went flying and landed on the ground face down.



Rey and Sky just shouted at Clyde.”HEY C’MON NOW MARK,RELEASE YOU’RE ANIMAL”I shouted at Mark,he just stood up.Based on my research,the animals only be summoned by anger and adrenaline,anger is by angry and adrenaline is by ready to fight or feeling of in a dangerous situation.

But in the previous fights,most of the animals are released on mid-fights so I think maybe they are released in dangerous situation but,Mark still looked calm.He looked at Clyde, he’s gone.

His eyes looked shocked,he looked around,behind him,his sides,look again on front.He can’t find him so he covered his face to prevent surprise attacks.Mark turned his back at us *blip* suddenly,Clyde teleported at Mark back with his arm charged.Oh no,he’s about to land another punch*


A squeaky sound came out of nowhere,Clyde teleported away from Mark.


It’s kinda very squeaky,I looked at Mark,he started glowing yellow with dark spots on it similar to Clyde.Now what is your favorite animal Mark?.Something revealed out of his feet,a small animal,it looked like a hyena,no,it doesn’t look the hyena from the seventh grade from the previous fight.

It is smaller than a hyena,it also has big ears.I looked at Clyde,he started laughing”AHHAHAHAHAHAH,DO YOU THINK THAT SQUEAKY TINY MOTHERF*CKER CAN BEAT MINE?”he shouted at Mark.Mark just looked at his animal but smiled.

Mark went to a serious face and looked at Clyde,he stanced himself for another fight.Clyde also stance himself to ready for a another fight.He revealed again his animal.I compared it to the animal I searched,yes it similar to a cheetah but I don’t care now,I already know his abilities.

Mark and Clyde readied themselves,Clyde darted forward,Mark met him head-on. Their bodies collided with a resounding thud, sending shockwaves through the Baseball Field. Mark’s newfound strength proved to be a match for Clyde’s speed, and the two men struggled fiercely against each other.

Their fight raged on, each man using their unique abilities to gain an advantage. Clyde leaped and dodged with the grace of a cheetah, his movements so swift he can’t be seen.But Mark was relentless, his body moving with the ferocity of his animal as he fought back with equal determination.

The Baseball Field became a battlefield,the passerby just only see swift and blur.

As the fight wore on, it became clear that neither Mark nor Clyde would back down. They were evenly matched, their abilities complementing each other in a deadly game of cat and mouse. The passersby are in shock, unable to look away at the spectacle unfolding before them.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Mark gained the upper hand. With a sudden burst of energy, he overpowered Clyde, pinning him to the ground with a triumphant growl. The fight was over, and Mark stood victorious.

As he caught his breath, Mark looked down at Clyde, who lay defeated at his feet. Despite their animosity, a flicker of respect passed between them,for in that moment, they had both shown the true extent of their strength and determination.

And so, Mark and Clyde parted ways, the memory of their epic battle forever etched in their minds. They may have been enemies, but on that day, they had fought as equals,each one a predator in their own right, ready to face any challenge that came their way.

I looked at Rey and Sky,both of them have a shock face and I could hear them wondering why he was smiling but he just said let’s go.

I looked at Mark coming towards us with a smile on his face.I don’t know what just happened but that scene looked like it happened in a movie.I looked at Elyzer,he is also quiet and shocked from what just happened,I now looked behind because I heard whispering,there’s a lot of people with shocked faces.

“Hey men, let’s get out of here,there’s a lot of people”the three of us ran somewhere to hide,we pant”Oh yeah,I nearly forgot about the vape,why don’t we go”Mark said “yeah, let’s go” I answered back,We started walking to the vape shop but I remembered something

“Wait,what kind of animal is your favorite Mark?” I asked “African Wild Dog why?”Mark asked “Just nothing”I replied back.I searched it up,yeah it really looked like the animal he released.

Wow what an animal,small but terrible

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