
                  I was standing in front of the black guy who was big really big, was wearing the black dress with golden strips on it and has the red eyes and pure black hair, with big and dangerous mouth was an half angle and half demon. he looks like a big mountain that cannot climbed he was going to fire the large fire ball with a bang onto me that that fire ball was as big as hell, it was really terrifying, and he fired the ball on to me that was going to burned me to the ashes, I see so that’s how it feels to die.

Oh, f*** I am dead……

I see, so that how it feels to die.

In that moment suddenly a bright light was seen in front of my eyes and here I am into 20 years in the past.

         Hello everyone, my name is Yash. I am a university student; I am currently studding Artificial intelligent in short AI. This all was my life before the year 10 BAH (before the age of hunter) the sudden appearance of the gates was shocking but the shocking fact about that gate was the same type of gates was beginning to appear on the whole world.


The gate was in bule color and was emitting some green light with kind of heavy pressure, pressure that really was something, I use to train my body at that time but even then, the pressure was so much heavy, that most of the students and other elder ppls of the college were trying to not even go near the gate. “The pressure around the gate is very high’’ this kind of statement can be heard from the background.

 The staff member from the college told us to get away from the gate it might be dangerous. I was with my friend and his name was Hikki, he was a half Japanese and half Indian, his father was Indian.

Hikki was my best friend, his mother got involved in an accident when we were in 2nd class and was hit by the truck and lost her life in that time, his father is an army person so due to the work he rarely come to home.

So Hikki used to stay in my house, from then on he use to stay with us (with my family). Hikki is that person who comes first in the class, the most handsome guy in the room, every girl’s dream boy, he was around 184 cm in height with a very good body built we used to hit gym together, he has an extrovert type personality. He has deep black colored hair with that good hair and that big body and that handsome face, he was the most popular guy.

         We got away from the gate and was talking about the gate then suddenly a loud sound was heard from the conner, a red spit of blood was seen in our backside and then suddenly a head of person came flying in front our feet some kind of big creature come out of the gate and started attacking the peoples around him that creature was around 9 fit with sharp teeth white eyes having green pupils and dark green body having a great muscles with a big axe in his right hand and a shield in left hand. The axe was about to kill me, in that split second someone shouted at me to sit down and cover my eyes.  

— New chapter is coming soon —
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