Chapter Two

As Miyojin was lying in his bed, all he could think about was how he could wake up from this nightmare. He had already been dressed up moments ago. But still, he refused to get out of his bed, especially out of his courtyard.

“Second Brother, please get up.” The third prince, Jinyi, said for the fourth time.

And for the fourth time as well, Miyojin ignored him. Getting up was the last thing on his mind but it’s not because of laziness. He couldn’t face reality. He couldn’t accept that this was what fate had in store for him.

“Brother…”, Jinyi tried again. “Your future wife is already at the pavilion, talking to father and mother. They are waiting for you.”

Future wife…

Miyojin felt irritation flicking his head. How could they easily accept this stranger as his wife? This woman, who spent years living outside of the empire, suddenly came back.

And now, they are so eager to marry him to her. She could have stayed where she was and could have found someone else to marry. But, she went back and ruined everything.

“Brother, you have to get up and meet them. Father will be furious if you don’t go now.”

“Then, let him get mad!” Miyojin said out of frustration.

Jinyi was surprised to hear his brother’s outburst. He knew his brother was serious about not leaving his quarters. He wanted to give up on convincing him. But, he decided against it. He was sure that his brother would be in a lot of trouble if he kept resisting.

“Where is Prince Miyojin!?!?” an angry voice said coming from the outside.

Oh no!

Jinyi panicked a bit. But when he realized who was speaking, he calmed down. Finally, a more convincing power had arrived. Miyojin also realized who it was and how doomed he was now.

“Jinyi! Tell my guards not to let him in.” Miyojin said.

Jinyi didn’t respond and just remained quiet. Miyojin rose up from his bed and stared at Jinyi. He was just standing there.

“What are you doing? Didn’t you hear me?” Miyojin said.

“Oh, you’re talking to me now?” Jinyi said with a tone of teasing sarcasm. That’s what he gets for ignoring him earlier.

Before Miyojin could react, the doors burst open. Then, the man who was looking for him came into the bedroom.

Prince Zhujin was both relieved and irritated to see Miyojin on the bed.

“There you are! Why are you still here? The Xia family are already at the pavilion.” Zhujin said hurrying Miyojin.

Miyojin got off his bed but only to stand there.

“I’m not going there,” Miyojin said, trying to stand his ground.

Zhujin looked absolutely displeased with what Miyojin said.

“What are you talking about? You have to meet your future wife and in-laws now!”

“I don’t want to meet them. First Brother, please tell Father to call off the marriage.” Miyojin said, already on the edge of begging. But knowing Zhujin, he will not waiver.

“Miyojin, this is Grandfather’s dying wish, not to mention an imperial edict of his. This had been delayed for so long. Only this time will his wish be fulfilled. You should be honored to be the one who will be able to fulfill grandfather’s wish.”

“But I do not wish to be married to her-” Miyojin was beginning to protest but was cut off.

“How come? Not only is this Grandfather’s wish, but this is also very advantageous for us. Your marriage will unite us with the wealthiest family in our empire. Moreover, our connections with the Chengs will be strengthened.”

“But, I do not wish to marry a woman for political reasons. I want to marry someone I love.” Miyojin said, giving everything out.

Zhujin was silent for a while. He knew how much his brother was keen to marry only for love. But, his brother is also a fool to think this is something he has a choice in.

“I understand what you wish for, Miyojin.”, Zhujin began, “but you must not forget that you are a prince of our nation. You have a responsibility to the Imperial family and our empire.”

Zhujin walked closer to Miyojin and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

“Give this a chance, Miyojin. I’m certain you will not be at a disadvantage with this marriage. After all, you can always take another woman in later on.”

Miyojin looked at Zhujin with a still expression. That made Zhujin know that he had won over his younger brother.

“Now, stop loafing around here. Eunuch Dong is already outside to fetch you.”

Miyojin didn’t speak but he moved, bumping into his brother and walking out of his room.

“He’s still pretty vexed,” Jinyi said, the moment he was certain Miyojin was already far off to hear him.

Zhujin let out an eased sigh.

“He’ll wise up soon that what I said is true. Let him be vexed for the time being. Let’s go, Jinyi.”

Zhujin walked out of the room with Jinyi following him.

While the two princes were walking happily together, Miyojin, however, was fuming. He walked with swiftness and aggression to his destination. He had Eunuch Dong and the rest of his entourage following him. They are hurried in their steps but keep a distance from the agitated prince.

Miyojin was walking ahead with his enraged thoughts. He kept thinking why is it have to be him? Why not Zhujin? He had not taken anyone as his wife yet. Plus, he seems more comfortable with the idea of marrying for political purposes. So why not him? Is it because he is the Crown Prince?

Then why not Jinyi? Jinyi is very obedient and will not complain. Or maybe Jinyi is still too young for the daughter of the Xias. But still, even if that was the case, their grandfather had a lot of descendants. But why was it he who was chosen to fulfill the edict?

Soon enough, Miyojin can see the west garden. He slowed his steps and stopped just before the entrance of the garden. He took a deep breath to calm himself. He kept his head up as he entered the garden. He spotted the pavilion immediately and the people conversing in it.

He sauntered his way to the pavilion, stopping by the attending eunuch who announced his presence to the people inside of the pavilion. Miyojin heard his father’s voice permitting his entrance. And with all the intimidation he could muster, he walked in like the prince he was.

Upon his arrival, the first two people he saw were the patriarch and matriarch of the Xia family. He had already seen them a couple of times, mostly during palace celebrations. He always had the impression that the Xia couple was humble. They never once did anything to show off their wealth. But anyone can tell how wealthy they are, especially if they see the rare and valuable gifts they give.

The Xia couple had stood up and bowed before Miyojin. As he walked closer, he noticed another person standing with her head low. He didn’t take another glance at her. Instead, he bowed to his parents who were the only ones sitting.

“Greetings, Father and Mother! Sorry for my delay. I had to fix something in my residence before coming here.” He said his most convincing alibi that he can think of.

“Never mind that. The important thing is that you are here. Have a seat.” His father said, indicating the seat beside him.

Because of the position of his seat, he was able to take a good look at the woman he wished to ignore. Her head was low, concealing her face. Despite their well-known wealth, the woman wore simple jewelry. Her hair pins were all small flower ornaments. They are arranged artfully around a bun of her black soft-looking hair.

When Miyojin took his seat, the Xia family began to take theirs. Because of this, the woman lifted his head and locked eyes with Miyojin. He stared back at her with surprise and other unexplained emotions. He could not believe his eyes.

The woman before him had to be inhuman. She might be perhaps a fairy or a reincarnated goddess. How can someone be this beautiful? Miyojin had seen a lot of the beauties in the empire. They all do have beauty but none of them can compare to her. Her eyes, her nose, her lips, and the shape of her face, they are all beautiful.

She dropped her gaze the moment she took her seat. She didn’t look up again. But Miyojin didn’t look elsewhere. How can he? Her beauty is very alluring, the kind that no matter how long he stared, he’ll never get tired of it.

“Prince Miyojin, this is Miss Xia Yu, the descendant of the Xia and Cheng families.” his father introduced her.

Xia Yu?

Miyojin thinks that it is such a fitting name for a woman with such appearance. Xia Yu rose up and bowed to him. Then, she spoke.

“Greetings, Your Highness,”

Once again, her eyes went to him. Her soft expression and small smile made her look so delicate like a flower in full bloom. Miyojin also stood up and bowed at her.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Xia Yu,” he said, enjoying how pleasant her name felt when he said it.

They both straightened up and just looked at each other.

“Oh! Look at them. Don’t they look perfect together?” the empress commented with such excitement.

“Indeed, my Empress. It looks like even destiny approves this match.” the emperor also agreed with gladness in his tone.

“My wife and I are deeply humbled by your many praises. We, too, agree that this young couple had heaven’s blessings.” Lord Xia said as he and his wife made a short bow.

“Now that introductions have been made, let us proceed to discuss the details of this union.”

When the emperor suggested this, Miyojin and Xia Yu took this as a cue to take their seats. While their parents were deep in their conversation, Miyojin once again took a glance at Xia Yu. Then, he stopped himself and looked away. He can’t have these thoughts.

She’s beautiful, yes. But, she will ruin everything.

He’s beautiful, yes. But, he will ruin everything.

Xia Yu was not sure if she should be pleased or disappointed that her information source was spot on. Prince Miyojin looked like a living artwork! Any commoner will definitely see that he’s royalty with the way he presents himself. Such a handsome face accompanied by a lean figure will definitely make any woman swoon.

She felt his distinguished aura the moment he entered the pavilion. She can tell that he isn’t exactly ecstatic about this arrangement. But he seems to try to keep his expressions on the lighter side, maybe not to dissatisfy his parents.

Their parents continually discussed the details of their marriage. They also called a eunuch to take notes on the parchment. They discussed what is needed to prepare for the wedding. It turned out that they only had a week left before the ceremony.

They also discussed Xia Yu moving into the White Jade Courtyard. The said courtyard is Miyojin’s current residence. After marriage, Xia Yu will be crowned as the Second Princess Consort. Because of this, she will undergo palace etiquette training to groom her accordingly. Miyojin and Xia Yu only listened and never spoke a word.

When the last bit of detail had been discussed, the emperor had concluded the meeting. Everyone rose up and began saying their goodbyes. But it turned out the emperor had other plans.

“Since the sun is still far from setting, why not let the betrothed have a moment for themselves?”

“That is a great idea, Your Majesty. They should be able to get to know each other on their own.” the empress said, looking more thrilled with the idea than those involved.

Miyojin can already feel the awkwardness just thinking about it. But does he even have a choice in this? Of course, not. He never did in the first place.

“Well, then, if there is nothing else, let us leave the two alone.” The emperor said as he guided his wife out of the pavilion.

Xia Rong You and Cheng Shu Ying looked at their daughter. Xia Yu offered them a smile. Through her smile, she sent a silent message that she would be alright. The old couple shared a look and left the pavilion as well.

The two took their seats again. As if on cue, the servers came and cleaned up the table. Soon another set of servers came bringing them tea and another fresh batch of snacks. Within a minute, Xia Yu and Miyojin were left alone.

Then the awkwardness commenced.

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