Chapter18-Don’t Look Away

At once, a tingle spread from her lip flap, and she instinctively wanted to retreat, but the lower lip was held by him and pulled down, only to make the lips more painful to teach the goddess.

She wanted to push him away, but her hands had only just been lifted, and he had skillfully cut back behind him.

She shouted his name vaguely, staring at him with her eyes open.

Even though how he had been preoccupied, and meek as a sheep, at this moment, he was really a wolf showing his tusks.

He slowly changed from biting to sucking, and the tip of his tongue gently licked the aching part of her bite, “Kiki, you’re not allowed to love my big brother.”

She reacted only a short time after a fog of water, and it was because of this that he suddenly and inexplicably bit her?

“Big Brother He will love people in his life, not you.” He said with great certainty, “So you should like and love people, it should be me.”

Sharkey’s head was large, and it took a while to avoid his lip and breathless, “I did not like the Lord’s birthday!” Let alone fell in love!

He stared at her face, as if observing her look, and it took a long time for the expression to return to its harmless appearance.

She gave her breath, and her lips were still sore, “and she would not bite me in this way.”

“Well, as long as you don’t make me angry, I don’t bite,” he said cheerfully.

Sharkey is speechless. The Lord said to be moody, God knows when he will be angry.

No longer tangled with the subject, she said to him, “You bend down.”

He poured his face into her face.

Many times she asked him to do something, and he would not ask why, like a good student.

Sharkey lifted off the forehead of King’s word, and looked at the wound, and it looked like it was not as swollen as it was when it had just been stitched.

When she thought of him playing like that, she sipped her lips and opened her mouth and said, “After that, if others beat you, leave others to fight, remember to remember.”

He seemed surprised, “Don’t you like me fighting?”

“I don’t like you casually, beating people to death. But this does not mean that I want you to be beaten! “said Sharkey. Whenever she saw his fight, she could not control it, but when she saw him being beaten with blood, she was more afraid that something would happen to him.

He smiled suddenly, with a thin, watery lip bent slightly, the smile clear and satisfying. “Is Kiki worried about me?”

She’s worried about him. Even though she tried desperately to avoid him, she would worry about him.

See her no denial, his smile is even more, “Kiki, I am glad, and you will worry me.” This joy is unspeakable, and his chest is full, as if anything ever spilled.

She looked at him with a smile, trance, and could not return to God for a long time.

It was always known that he was beautiful, whether it was a time of grief, a time of haze, or a time of angry crying.

But it was like the first time he found that when he was satisfied with his smile, he would let her look away at this moment, he wanted to keep watching…
When Sharkey returned to school, Lu Xiaobao was in the dormitory watching the Korean drama played on the computer screen, and when she saw Sharkey come into the house, she asked, “What’s your friend?”

What’s wrong?

“Nothing will happen, and tomorrow will be out of the hospital,” said Sharkey. She clearly did not feel the king’s word, but why, but because of his smile trance?

“Well, then.” Lu Xiaobao, “anyway, there is nothing in class today. You were with you last night.

“No, not yet,” said Sharkey, pulling a chair and sitting side-by-side, looking at the Korean drama on the computer.

Just a moment, Sharkey asked, “The actor has hearing impairment?”

“Right, it is acquired, although the family is peculiar to money, but because of this defect, so the heart has always been full of self-esteem, of course, love, and more than ordinary love hard.”

I wonder why Sharkey suddenly remembered King’s wish that he, like the actor, had some kind of sickness. But she never felt any inferiority, but sometimes overbearing.

“Do you think that normal people, people with flawed personalities are in love?” asked Sharkey suddenly.

Lu Xiao blinked a bit of eye way, “character defect? Do you mean that certain aspects of your personality are different from normal people? “

“Well, it’s about that.”

“Should be able to.” Lu Xiaobao is quite optimistic, “as long as it is really love, there is no such thing. But then, in real society, there are a few more normal people who really accept people with flawed personalities. “

Sharkey bit the lip, so as the man named Cuifan said, she did not accept the king’s word because of his illness? Because he has autism, she never thinks about his love?

Suddenly, the phone bell rang in the bedroom, Lu Xiaobao hustled to get up and then the phone. Sharkey turned off the sound of the computer, and heard friends facing the other head of the phone, looked very excited.

Probably just a minute or so, Lu Xiaobao ended the call and said excitedly to Sharkey, “Kiki, I was admitted to the Four Seas Group!”

“Congratulations,” Chia Chi said, returning to God moments later, laughing at her friend.

“Thank you!” Lu Xiaobao felt unbelievable, Like dreaming, after all, professionally, She was not the best in her class and could be admitted to the Four Seas Group. It’s really s***, “right, How are you looking for a job? “asked Lu Xiaobao.

“Still waiting to hear back,” replied Sharkey.

Lu Xiaobao suddenly felt a little embarrassed, “in fact, you and that day Four Seas Group responsible for recruiting people know, if you put a resume, it is likely that the person admitted is you, Kiki, no…”

“I don’t want to go into the Four Seas Group,” said Sharkey. “I’ve said to you before, but I hope I can go into a smaller unit and exercise my abilities more fully.”

Lu Xiaobao, and then did not talk about it, and at night, when Xia Qi came out of the school door, he saw Ye Nanqing out of the car, and went to her face.

It was clear that he was deliberately waiting for her!

“Sharkey.” He shouted her name, with a shallow but elegant smile on the corner of his lip.

Sharkey crumpled her eyebrows, “Is there anything?”

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