Volume 12, Chapter 6-2: They’re Actually Working?

Friday Spring Quarter 2016 Week 2 “Training? Oh yeah, we have Monday off next week. Sure, I’ll go,” I said. “You always can refuse if you wish. Darryl has done so many times. It does put one at a disadvantage though,” Tess said. “I don’t know about that, Tess,” I disagreed. She updated me about training at facility during our …

Volume 12, Chapter 6-1: Jacque’s Sketching Prowess

Wednesday Spring Quarter 2016 Week 2 “Professor, I don’t think that’s quite right. The garden is probably a reference to…,” the same student as usual disputed during lecture. Lecture wasn’t the right word. More like half-ass discussions with occasional input from the class. Very minimal input. Professor Rem answered his own questions half the time. Jacque slumped over on his …

Volume 12, Interlude D: Kuan’s Other Interests

“Oh, weird to see you two together,” I remarked, seeing Zhuyu and Kuan spar with each other. I just returned from a quick training excursion Tess assigned me. Both men moved at a slow pace, practicing moves. Kuan raised his right hand and the zero vector user paused. Zhuyu watched his friend demonstrate a kick and then mimicked it. Kuan …

Volume 12, Chapter 5-2: Silk Shot Road (II)

Silk Shot Road- Head of Commerce’s Office The three of us were now in an office. A woman, an eye patch covering her left eye, stood near the window. She spun around, noticing us. She wore a gray business suit and matching slacks. “The Former Princess never ceases to amuse me and sends an esteemed person. Kyoi Feng, a pleasure …

Volume 12, Chapter 5-1: Silk Shot Road (I)

Sunday Spring Quarter 2016 Week 1 “Yeah, I got it,” I said, hanging up after discussing plans with Tess. Zhuyu, with Kyoi’s assistance, deciphered potential locations of Shan and Ichaival’s ultimate weapons yesterday night. Tess decided Shan and Ichaival, along with Ksi and Bartholomew, would scout out those areas, checking for possible dangers. I was assigned to Zhuyu’s dimension. Tess …

Volume 12, Chapter 4-3: The Entrepreneur Prophet

“Kisai, what’s up with the Zhuyu impostor? Why’s he so strong?” I questioned. “He’s weak, Tomo. I’m surprised you couldn’t handle him,” Kisai denied, flashing his trademark grin. “Don’t give me that b*******, Kisai. He almost f***** you up,” I disagreed, glaring at him. “Actually, that could have been really dangerous. Especially with how his left arm looked. Long’s pretty …

Volume 12, Chapter 4-2: Zhuyu(?) v. Ichaival

The false archer avoided a sword slash and hurled knives. All his projectiles clattered down to the ground, none getting close enough to even pose any danger. “You have a plan, Ichaival?” I shouted, parrying Zhuyu’s sword. “Kuan, any exits?” Ichaival shouted, avoiding a hit. “She sealed us in! Your portals are useless here,” Kuan responded, sliding away as Zhuyu …

Volume 12, Chapter 4-1: A Strange Introduction

Za’ard The sky was deep purple, and a rancid smell lingered in the air. Ichaival instructed me to wear the coat in my backpack. As precipitation fell, smoke billowed from the ground. Rain drops struck a pebble, melting it immediately. Acid rain. What kind of f***** up dimension was this? “Where do we go?” Ichaival asked Kuan, handing him the …

Volume 12, Interlude C: Piecing It All Together

Za’ard Main Grid “Anything else I should know?” Maka questioned Bran, writing down the orc’s testimony in his notebook. “Nothing. That woman pretty strong though. Uh, Fei, I think her name was,” Bran replied, unstrapping his hardhat. “So I’ve hard. Thanks for your time. Sorry, one more question actually if you don’t mind,” Maka said, putting away his notebook. “What …

Volume 12, Chapter 3-2: Jen’s Kindness

“Let’s see… there it is,” I murmured, noticing the center was near a fast food restaurant. I parked and saw an unexpected person. Zhuyu walked along the street, carrying two grocery bags. Was he volunteering too? “Zhuyu!” I called out. “Tomo. It’s rare to see you around here,” he greeted. “Where are you headed?” I asked. “Back home, bought some …