Volume 7, Chapter 3-1: Kuan Joins the Party

Friday Winter Quarter 2016 Week 6 “This sucks I have to be here, especially on a day off,” I said, sitting down on a bench in the training facility. “It’s an optimal time since you can go home and rest after finishing this,” Tess noted, throwing me a water bottle. “Weird to be here so early on a school day,” …

Volume 7, Chapter 2-6: Clues Left Behind

When I arrived home, Yukie stood near the stove. She noticed me entering, giving me a slight bow. Mom was getting pretty lazy, letting Yukie taking over. “Hey, Yukie, is dinner ready?” I asked. “Ah, not yet. Uncle is not home yet, so Auntie said we should wait,” Yukie answered with a smile. “Where’s Mom?” I inquired. “She is currently …

Volume 7, Chapter 2-5: Broken Magic Flow

Wednesday Winter Quarter 2016 Week 6 “Huh, Felicity?” Kisai asked, shooting multiple flame projectiles at me. I dodged the majority of them, but two of the projectiles merged, striking me. I stood back up, brushing the dirt off my pants. Kisai was doing more advanced attacks now. “Are you still feeling good?” Kisai asked, pausing. “Yeah, it caught me by …

Volume 7, Chapter 2-4: Student Lounge Conversations IV

“Damn, you avoided a huge mess,” Zhuyu commented once Felicity left. “You mean the Jen thing, right?” I asked, understanding his sentiments. “Yeah. Just don’t mention her name carelessly again,” Zhuyu nodded. “It’s Ichaival, isn’t it?” I asked, staring at Zhuyu. “When is it never Darryl with Felicity? That’s the better question. I’m just glad she didn’t go crazy like …

Volume 7, Chapter 2-3: Felicity’s Curiosity

“Felicity’s here too, huh?” Zhuyu arrived, taking a seat next to me. “Hey, Long! How are your classes?” Felicity asked. Nice. Thank you for your arrival, Zhuyu. You saved me from a potentially dangerous situation. In fact, I would forgive you for sitting next to me. I would have to remember not to mention Jen in future conversations with Felicity. …

Volume 7, Chapter 2-2: Yukie’s Invention

“Yuki, sorry to disturb you. May I have a moment of your time?” Yukie requested. I blinked, looking around. Oh right, my room. It was always a strange adjustment after a mind dive. I opened the door, letting her in. “Something wrong?” I asked. “Strange, perhaps I was hearing things? I thought you were conversing with someone,” Yukie remarked, peering …

Volume 7, Chapter 2-1: Clash of the Best

Mind Dive 5: Clash of the Best Period Unknown “Your flames aren’t powerful enough,” Kyoi observed. “Something like this then?” Kisai responded, forming a small flame in his hand. “Better. Make sure there’s no excessive magic channeled into it. There’s a fine balance you have to figure out for yourself,” Kyoi remarked. “I see very clearly. Alright, I’ll master it …

Volume 7, Interlude A: Restaurant Fight Aftermath

“Where’s Champ?” Lilith demanded, looking around the makeshift conference room at their warehouse headquarters. “No idea. Why am I always the only one who shows up?” Lionel responded, wincing after his left leg struck the table. “I shouldn’t be cutting you any slack after that stunt you joined, Lionel. Did you really think that Champ actually had any chances of …

Volume 7, Chapter 1-3: Kisai’s Lessons

Shane and Emily’s Laboratory Are you kidding me? The match wasn’t even over yet! Great timing. Emily peered at me, tablet in hand. The pod cover opened with a hiss. Alright, I better get some damn good answers. “Tomo, I know, I know. I’ll try my best, but even I’m not too sure what’s happening,” Emily said, noticing my concerned …

Volume 7, Chapter 1-2: Another Ichaival?

Next Day Looks like this was going to be an extended mind dive. What was going on? Usually they only consisted of big events, ending right after their conclusion. I arrived home after my encounter with the idols, heading upstairs. Once I entered my room, it was the next morning already, transported back to school again. Needless to say, it …