Volume 14, Chapter 22: Fortress Storm Aftermath

Madame Charlotte crashed into the ground near us, her magical barrier absorbing most of the force. However, she remained on the ground, not moving. Kisai, leaping down from the tower top, bent down and examined her. Small orbs of magical energy ascended from her body before converging in the air above her stomach. It formed into a glowing metallic sphere …

Volume 14, Chapter 21: The Final Four (II)

Multiple teleportation magical circles suddenly appeared on the ground around us. Both knights and mages exited from them, outnumbering us. Kisai was the lone exception, isolated from us by a magical partition. “Madame Charlotte, you’re really overestimating them. Honestly, just ten would have been enough,” Kisai said as two figures materialized before him. “They really are true friends, putting up …

Volume 14, Chapter 20: The Final Four (I)

The magic circle’s rotation speed increased, spinning so fast it was a blur to my eyes. Ten lightning strikes hit the circumference as sparks of electricity flew out from the interior. The Knight’s Guild member vanished and a large mecha appeared in his place. Its exterior was a sleek gray chrome color and its overall appearance resembled a medieval knight. …

Volume 14, Chapter 19: Inside the Fortress Path B (IV)

Martim didn’t draw his sword and instead observed me. With no prior data on him, I was cautious about making the first move. Like Shan said before, I didn’t want to reveal too much right away. For now, I would just use Mirror’s Rend and not switch weapons until I knew what the mouse was capable of. I blinked once …

Volume 14, Chapter 18: Inside The Fortress Path B (III)

The lance tip flew off, revealing a firearms chamber, around an inch in diameter. Three silver metallic cannonballs were fired, exploding in the air, releasing a massive amount of smoke. My eyes watered and it took two minutes before everything turned clear. Shan’s masked opponent hopped back as the gravity manipulator swung his bo staff at him. The end of …

Volume 14, Chapter 17: Inside The Fortress Path B (II)

The next area was a large training hall. Banners, depicting mages and knights drawn with a golden tint, hung on the walls. I glanced upward and saw a beautiful glass ceiling, its panels forming an unfamiliar symbol. A rapier blade, with a ruby embedded in the hilt, emerged from a magical oval. Rhombuses, representing light beams, surrounded the weapon. the …

Volume 14, Chapter 16: Inside the Fortress Path B (I)

Path B – Grand Fortress Interior “Shan, can you analyze inanimate objects too?” Champ pulled out a green microfiber cloth. “Nope, just on whoever is attacking us. You asking because of your powers?” the gravity manipulator stared straight ahead. “I was hoping to get some tips from you,” Yuka’s boyfriend replied. “Uh, don’t really know if I can teach you …

Volume 14, Chapter 15: Calm Before The Fortress Storm Again

“Tomo, let’s compare our homework!” one of my classmates waved their stapled stack of papers in the air. I stood up from my seat, ready to follow her to the library when someone unexpected stood near the classroom exit. Zhuyu looked up from his phone and greeted me with his usual monotone voice. “Hey Yuki, sorry to bother you but …

Volume 14, Chapter 14: The Third Key (II)

Lucky Warehouse “Hey Jin, what can I get for you today?” a worker greeted him. “Anyone come in looking for this stuff?” Kisai showed him a list of items. “Let me check in with the boss. Feel free to grab some snacks and drinks over there,” the worker said, dashing away. Shan poured tea into three cups, offering them to …

Volume 14, Chapter 13: The Third Key (I)

“Hey Tomo, how do you know Zha?” one of my classmates brought up as we studied in the library for an upcoming test. Oh, she was talking about Tess. I never called the Gatekeeper by her family name so it took me a moment to realize who she was talking about. I stopped taking notes and pondered how to explain …