Volume 14, Interlude A: Hired Paws

“Hey, get back here!” Lionel tackled a feline man to the ground. “S***, you’re a real piece of work to deal with. Guess you’re still not in the mood to tell me anything yet, huh?” “F*** you Lionel, just a little wannabe playing hero like always. This is way bigger than you think it is. Don’t think your puny little …

Volume 14, Chapter 12: The 11th Division (III)

“Xi! Are you okay?” I crawled over to her. She nodded and pointed up ahead. A figure with cat ears made their way towards us. They wore blue tactical gear with two gun holsters. Was it an enemy? “Let’s make this nice and easy. Come along with me and you’ll see your friends again. We’re just here for the professor,” …

Volume 14, Chapter 11: The 11th Division (II)

“Did I hear him right? He’s going to “get that chip out”,” I inquired, looking over at Kisai. Kisai remained silent for ten seconds before pulling out a small notebook. He flipped to the middle section and showed me a rough sketch of an electronic chip. There were a bunch of technical details I didn’t understand but this confirmed my …

Volume 14, Chapter 10: The 11th Division

“Welcome to the 11th Division of the Stellar Foundation. Jin, you simply must stop by more now that impending disaster is coming,” a shrill voice greeted us. I glanced downward and saw a short man waving at us. From my estimates, he was barely four feet. He tapped the floor with his cane and two nearby researchers sprinted over to him. …

Volume 14, Chapter 9: Slight Air Diversion

Zhuyu took one step forward, pulling his sword out of its sheath. I blinked and the hero appeared behind the person responsible for the shots. The zero vector user slashed their hand, sparks of electricity emanating from his weapon. The enemy clutched their burnt hand in pain, blood spilling out from where the hero’s electrified blade made contact. With a …

Volume 14, Chapter 8: Pre-Flight Activities

“How are we even suppose to get up there?” I pointed upward at the sky, the faint outline of a floating city visible in the distance. “Usually would take a plane up there but that’s not really an option right now,” Kisai answered, leaning his left elbow on the counter. Kisai, Kuan, and I were in the lobby of the …

Volume 14, Chapter 7: Kisai’s Report

After scrolling through my news feed, a new email notification popped up on the top of my screen. I was about to ignore it but noticed the sender and subject line. Opening up my email, I discovered an encrypted attachment and instructions to call Zhuyu. “Zhuyu, it’s me, Yuki. I got a weird email from Tess,” I said, exiting the …

Volume 14, Chapter 6-2: the First Key

The interior was empty except for a metallic wristband in the center of the room. Kuan stepped back, allowing Kisai to inspect the object. The magic user fired a small magical bolt at the wristband. The bolt ricocheted back at him after striking it. Kisai caught the bolt in his right hand and squeezed it. “They’re still in this room,” …

Volume 14, Chapter 6-1: The First Key

“Halt, any further movement will result in retaliatory action. Please step back now!” a mage pointed his wooden staff at us, the upper part of it glowing a crimson red. “Relax, it’s just me,” Kisai said with his usual relaxed tone. “You are not authorized to enter these premises. This is your final warning!” the glow on the guard’s staff …

Volume 14, Chapter 5: A False Image

All of a sudden, everything around us collapsed. We found ourselves standing in an empty lot with a chain link fence surrounding us. A bright blue sky was above us but there was an eerie silence. No way, this was like the time I investigated the abandoned building with Ichizen all those months ago. What the hell just happened? “Jin, …