Volume 13, Chapter 5-2: Masked Ambush

All the vehicles on the street beneath me vanished. Everything around me turned quiet. I ran to the end of the skybridge, descending the stairs. No signs of anyone else besides me. I clicked the power button on my phone but the screen remained dark. Of course, I should have known it wouldn’t be that easy. I headed to my …

Volume 13, Chapter 5-1: Walking Around Campus

Tuesday Spring Quarter 2016 Week 5 “Tomo, thanks for the notes! See you in class tomorrow!” a classmate waved goodbye to me. I finished up chem lab and headed toward the student lounge. To my surprise, there was a sign on the student union building entrance. The entire building was closed for the day because of renovations. Where to go? …

Volume 13, Chapter 4-2: Artifact Search

Friday Spring Quarter 2016 Week 4 “Oh, Zhuyu did mention you coming here for an assignment,” I said, noticing Jacque arrive. I received a text from Tess in the evening, asking me to come to the Crossroads. I thought someone else would show up but it was just me until the artist showed up. He didn’t carry his sketchbook today. …

Volume 13, Chapter 4-1: Kisai’s Lunch

Wednesday Spring Quarter 2016 Week 4 “Kristoph, you want this?” Kisai offered his unfinished lunch to him. “Hell no, why the f*** did you buy so much if you’re not going to finish it? You always do that s***,” Kristoph refused, returning back to the card game on his tablet. “Come on, this is the freakin’ good stuff. I spent …

Volume 13, Chapter 3: Tess’ Observations

Sunday Spring Quarter 2016 Week 3 I lay in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. All my homework was finished so I had some spare time on my hands. My eyes fell on the binder Tess gave me. In addition to everyone’s contact information, it also contained her notes about them. Hmm, might be a good time to check …

Volume 13, Chapter 2: The Masked Motorcyclist

“Champ, you still alive?” I slapped the man’s face. He didn’t respond, still not moving. I’m just going to leave you there for a bit. I headed towards the entrance and noticed broken arrows scattered across the ground. I proceeded outside with caution. The sound of wheels squeaking against pavement grew closer. I built a large ice wall in front …

Volume 13, Chapter 1: Operation Follow Ichaival

Thursday Spring Quarter 2016 Week 3 Walking towards my class, I noticed Zhuyu ahead. I considered calling out to him but Ruqi approached the math major. Zhuyu wore earphones and flinched when Ruiqi spoke. Strange, I thought only Kyoi’s presence resulted in such a response. Zhuyu was in a precarious situation if that was the case. “I told you to …

Volume 13, Prelude: On The Move

“So you said there were two masked people? And both of them wearing the exact same mask, like in this picture?” a SIU investigator pulled up the photo on his phone screen. “Correct, sir. I’m a surveyor for the Crossroads and they sent me out to the outskirts. I was setting up my equipment and noticed that person in the …

Volume 12, Postlude: A Statement

Ann, the masked woman, blocked a sword swing from a trainee. With ease, she disarmed the man, and held the blade tip against his neck. The woman swept his legs and plunged the weapon into the ground next to him. A disgusted look appeared on her face and she stepped on the man’s back. Ann dug her heel in, letting …

Volume 12, Chapter 21: Spring Training Camp Day 2 Conclusion (III)

MIND DIVE 16: Encounter with Tess (Shui) “Morning Shui,” Zhuyu greeted his friend in the hallway. “Good morning, Long! I’m nervous about our math test today,” the man said. “Want to review notes? Oh, before I forget, here,” Zhuyu suggested and then handed his friend a familiar business card. “What’s this? Wait, you mean like Zha Tess in our class?” …