Chapter 279: The city of wind is plagued by chaos (4)

“Venerable Guardians, how many spots will be on the quota?” It took a single brave soul to voice the question lingering on everyone’s hearts. The words were uttered in a timid voice devoid of any courage or solidarity, yet the crowd could be seen nodding their heads in approval and praise. An Fei was naturally no exception, her hands gently …

The city of wind is plagued by chaos (3)

“Lingxue, have you traveled by transference array before?” How was travel via transference array? To this day, An Fei’s recollection of transference arrays were not pleasant, not in the slightest. The sheer mention of such a creation was usually sufficient to induce a green shade onto her countenance, if not a faint quiver of the body. It was unreasonably fast, …

Chapter 277: The city of wind is often plagued by chaos (2)

“Esteemed Guard, here is my travel permit issued by the Du Zhou Province.” A relatively young merchant clasped his hands before the pair of armored guards standing under the stone gates, his lips drawn into an ingratiating smile. At a flick of his sleeve, a servant-boy rushed forwards to hand over a frayed leather scroll with both hands. Innumerable scrawls …

Chapter 276: The city of wind is often plagued with chaos (1)

In truth, An Fei wasn’t exactly wrong about Ming Xia’s condition after he had been hurled into the air by the Heavenly Talisman of [Thunder]. Having been awarded with a free ticket to the lower bounds of the atmosphere with little investment on his part, how could the esoteric and mysterious Young Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect not enjoy …

Chapter 275: The fan of life and death (4)

With one sweep of the fan, everything had changed. The small fox had grown to become an adult in size and stature, its silken fur exuding a heavenly temptation of a softness that bewitched the soul. The black steel carriage had somehow become refined in its material composition, the imposing demeanor released from the box structure sufficient of imposing a …

Chapter 274: The fan of life and death (3)

There was no precursor to the phenomenon, nor were there any indicative signs. The instant the young girl opened the fan to reveal the white cloth, death descended unto the Shattered Star Continent. Everything that could directly sense the concept instilled within the characters etched in black embroidery, instantly sacrificed their souls and vitality. Be it plant, animal, or inanimate …

Chapter 273 – The fan of life and death (2)

What was it like to be hit by a jade ornament? Towards the utterly random and nonsensical question that once plagued the everlasting streets of Baidu, An Fei had finally obtained a suitable answer. The young girl felt utter conviction in her answer, as though nothing could refute its validity nor raise an argument in defense. She could summarize it …

Chapter 272: The fan of life and death (1)

“Gate of Death?” At first, the three words engraved atop the gate shrouding the first corridor that the young girl was exceedingly familiar with, didn’t manage to obtain a significant reaction. An Fei stood in place before the throne of sky-blue crystal, her eyes locked onto the black metal plate. Gate of Death. The longer she gazed upon the intriguing …

Chapter 271: When the Heavenly Talisman erupts, the Gate of Death Descends (5)

“And… there!” The pained grunt of a young girl resounded throughout the stillborn plains, soon followed by a dull thus of fabric slapping against the interior of a carriage. Shaking her head and relaxing her sore muscles, particularly those around the shoulder blades, An Fei released an exhausted and satisfied sigh. What was she doing? Pilfering the enemy while they …