Chapter 220: Trouble, trouble, trouble (1)

Hastily deciding not to heed the impatient and imposing voice of an arrogant silk-pants young master, An Fei silently dove into the crowd towards her right. The little raven reversed its position on her shoulder to watch the young girl’s rear peripherals, its crimson eyes flickering with aghast and distaste. “Xiao Hei, who do you think they’re looking for?” An …

Chapter 219: Travelling to Dong Lin City (2)

Explanation? An Fei tilted her head towards the right, her countenance suffused with confusion. Ignoring the youth besides her who constantly fell into moody contemplation with an aura of depression and gloom surrounding his body, the young girl blinked as she glanced back towards the strict-expressioned Yang Jian. “That old man was the one who wanted to go to Dong …

Chapter 218: Traveling to Dong Lin City (1)

Two days later, Tang Yunhe, Wen Jiu, and Yang Jian had fully recovered their spiritual essence. Though their appearance remained tattered and unruly, their aura had transformed into one that was more vibrant and attuned with the earth, as though they were its ambassadors and not practitioners of the path of cultivation. By daybreak, they had readily manifested their respective …

Chapter 217: The danger of a protagonist-esque partner (10)

In the end, Wen Jiu was forced into only being able to watch the young girl from afar, his lonesome figure keeping watch at a strictly measured distance away from the rest of the group. The handsome man glared at the cold moon tinged with mockery, his cheeks puffed with air to express his frustration. Brother Yang had long since …

Chapter 216: The dangers of a protagonist-esque partner (9)

Under the pressuring gaze of eight high-minded people, An Fei’s motions came to a freeze. The young girl blinked in surprise, her countenance stiffening at the sudden attention boring holes into her back. “…something wrong?” The young girl angled her body around to face Shen Haoren and the others, her head slightly tilted to the right in confusion. The little …

Chapter 215: The dangers of a protagonist-esque partner (8)

Tang Yunhe and Wen Jiu had studied underneath the same Master since they were no more than a pair of seven-year-old brats upholding the honor of their respective clans. Other than their respective martial arts techniques and orientation in the cultivation paths, the two’s lives were practically of the same mold. Same lifestyle that was successfully imparted by the Master, …

Chapter 214: the danger of a protagonist-esque partner (7)

They were unable to properly observe what exactly Yang Jian and the other two ‘newcomers’ were experiencing in their clash with the Earth Giant, but by the sounds relayed to their senses, the situation did not appear to be faring exactly too well. Th storm of dust crackled with vibrant energy as the three practitioners flared their overwhelming reserves of …

Chapter 213: the danger of a protagonist-esque partner (6)

From the south, three figures had intruded onto the battlefield of Shen Haoren and the Earth Giant. They had not arrived by carriage, nor had they travelled on foot. The three newcomers had approached through the skies, each standing on a large object that gently supported their feet. …and they seemed to be of familiar terms with Shen Haoren, but …

Chapter 212: the dangers of a protagonist-esque partner (5)

Since one projectile had successfully smashed into the ground without much difficulty, it was natural to assume the presence of others. The group of people under Shen Haoren’s lead clenched their teeth in dismay, their bodies twitching with fatigue and agony. And to be fair… there were quite a lot of stone boulders raining over their heads. Boom! A powerful …

Chapter 211: The dangers of a protagonist-esque partner (4)

In the end, the Earth Giant that stood a kilometer away from the group failed to collapse onto the ground. After lurching around for a few breaths, the creature of dirt and stone regained its balance with ease, its malevolent glare disguised by the dense shroud of dust. “Lord Shen… this…” Tang Shiqi’s voice cracked with emotion as he gazed …