Chapter 160: An Unpleasant Forest Guardian Beast (3)

For that single moment, that single moment only, the Wu Ji Forest feared for its survival from an unforeseen and unstoppable threat. Be it the trees, plants, or animals trekking across the earth, all inhabitants visible froze as their souls quivered from the immense pressure forcing them to prostrate onto the ground and beg for the slightest hint for mercy. …

Chapter 159: An Unpleasant Forest Guardian Beast (2)

“I…” For a rather prolonged period of time, An Fei found herself unable to speak. The young girl realized herself incapable of anything else than stare at the large dragon towering over her existence, a completely blank gaze shrouding her countenance. After all, the jiaolong before her… was a little too large. Each scale on its body was equivalent to her arm’s …

Chapter 158: An Unpleasant Forest Guardian Beast (1)

However An Fei wished to remain in her relaxed position for the night, the Sanctum whisked her body away the instant the sun completed its descent into the vast horizon. Before the little raven’s envious eyes, the young girl’s body dissolved into countless fragments of softly colored light, scattered by the awakening calls of the lake prowlers and night terrors …

Chapter 157: Ignorance was bliss (2)

In the end, An Fei elected to continue striving forward, at least until she reached the exit of the Wu Ji Forest. Such a decision was elected through the ‘encouragement’ of the little raven by her shoulder, and the abrupt scarlet radiance that erupted from the steel handle-less blade hovering behind her whilst she sulked. Feeling the dense malevolent aura …

Chapter 156: Ignorance Was Bliss (1)

It didn’t take long for a young girl to realize the perplexities and gravity of her current circumstance. It only took five days, and a couple dangerous run-ins with a few fierce creatures with the handle-less steel sword suffering seven near-breakage experiences and one complete shattering. The sword had performed miraculous “resurrections” multiple times per battle, performing a visually stunning …

Chapter 155: The central region of the forest (4)

From the next day onwards, An Fei did not catch a hint of the white nine-tailed fox regardless of where her gaze roamed the undergrowth of the forest. The little raven was similarly incapable of determining any inclination of a creature hidden within the background that possessed a sufficiently severe threat towards the young girl. Thus, from sunrise to sunset, …

Chapter 154: The central region of the forest (3)

The young girl glared at the white fox; the nine-tailed fox glared at An Fei with a mixture of hate and dumbstruck astonishment. Two equally speechless and surprised beings stood across each other in the central region of the forest, separated only by a heavily cracked steel sword missing its handle. The uneasy silence struck deafening chords in the ears …

Chapter 153: The Central Region of the Forest (2)

Wherever she stood, as long as it wasn’t in the center of the Wu Ji Forest and swamped in an infinite pool of deadly water, An Fei was perfectly content. Having been emancipated from the uncomfortable and exhausting trip of jumping from the exposed tree roots had sufficiently drained the young girl’s mental capabilities, causing her to slide towards the …

Chapter 152: The Central Region of the Forest (1)

The monsoon that terrorized the little raven residing within the Wu Ji Forest and the young girl who had promptly fled into the Sanctum abated after a full month and a half. The soil had been completely washed away from the roots of the trees, creating a pond that encapsulated the entire forest’s undergrowth. When An Fei departed from the …

Chapter 151: Rain must be accompanied with a cup of wine (4)

With the thought of brewing rice wine pestering her mind, the young girl finally ran towards the armory of the first corridor to extricate the black iron wok for the umpteenth time. When An Fei hauled it back to the medicine garden, the young girl could be seen with a goofy smile on her countenance with a delighted hum escaping …