Chapter 150: Rain must be accompanied with a cup of wine (3)

Monsoons. Long periods of consistent rainfall, followed by a drastic increase in humidity. From sunrise to sundown, the sky would pour down rain without pause onto the unsuspecting ground below. Winds would gale around wreaking havoc and ruining any hastily constructed or improperly built structures, allowing the water to flood through the now defenseless abodes and wash everything away in …

Chapter 149: Rain is to be accompanied with a cup of wine (2)

Rain in the Wu Ji Forest brought forth many differing sentiments towards its inhabitants. Towards the plants and animals living in the undergrowth of the forest, rainfall symbolized their submerged hopes. Their ability to absorb and assimilate the atmospheric spiritual qi into their bodies was sorely restricted by the inaccessibility of water or sunlight – the majority of their accumulated …

Chapter 147: Little Raven, Little Crow (4)

“Beware… for in the central region of the forest, lies numerous fierce creatures belonging to the later stages of the Core Formation Realm… not even bengong can take them on…” Since she heard those words, An Fei had never expected her first encounter with such a creature to be a plant wielding hundreds if not thousands of thorny vines. The sea of …

Chapter 148: Rain is to be accompanied with a cup of wine (1)

As abrupt as its entrance was, the plant creature that radiated a powerful, imposing aura belonging to that of a fierce creature within the Core Formation Realm, completed its exit in an unassuming manner. The steel blade that plunged into its depths released but a small sound, the only inclination of its sudden death revealed by the massive burst of …

Chapter 146: Little Raven, Little Crow (3)

An Fei did have some apprehensions regarding the odd and slightly perplexing raven she had picked up the day before. At the minimum, she was curious to whether it would have left her by the tomorrow’s dawn. The young girl had tossed a disdainful glance towards the pesky little creature perched on her right shoulder, before flashing into the quiet …

Chapter 145: Little Raven, Little Crow (2)

“Xiao Hei, what do you want?” Caw! “What do you eat?” the young girl pressed on. “White rabbit? Deer?” Caw! “Plants? Tree nuts? I saw you eating a gingko nut earlier, do you like them?” Caw! Caw! “…you do realize that I have no idea what you mean by that, do you?” An Fei snarkly remarked with a listless countenance …

Chapter 144: Little Raven, Little Crow (1)

For a brief moment, the entire forest became submerged into a deathly silence. When An Fei strained her ears, she discovered that all signs of life had paused, and even the rustling of grass had ceased. The spring breeze continued to nestle against her cheek, but the forest had frozen into a complete standstill. Even the mangled white tiger who …

Chapter 142: The Nagging Troubles of Survival (3)

When sundown finally graced its forlorn smile onto the lower regions of the Wu Ji Forest, the undergrowth finally released a collective sigh of relief. The various animals, be it birds, deer, or a timid rabbit, all sighed as they patted their body to ensure that the vitality bestowed to them remained confined within their own body. The plantlife, on …

Chapter 143: The Nagging Troubles of Survival (4)

Crying aside, the young girl finally put the loose sheets of paper to good use. A blank sheet grasped in one hand, the other flipping through the numerous pages of the book splayed before her, and the brush help between her teeth, An Fei finally brushed onto the subject of constructing a shelter to use within the forest. Her basic …

Chapter 141: The Nagging Troubles of Survival (2)

For the next several moments, An Fei became unable to differentiate between left and right. The world around her flipped upon its sides, whirling and collapsing on its axis without pause nor conviction as the injured howls of wolves pierced into her ears. Naturally, the young girl’s vision was distorted due to her movements; the world remained perfectly intact, with …