Chapter 110: An Encroaching Sense of Foreboding (3)

As it turned out, though Wei Xuan was cognizant of a scant amount of knowledge regarding the cosmetics, apparel, or accessories enjoyed by women, he was an excellent worker at carrying luggage. Noticing that the girl seemed to be struggling to carry the unusually heavy bag of cosmetics from the Blooming Scarlet House, the minister instantly swooped in to take …

Chapter 109: An Encroaching Sense of Foreboding (2)

“Miaolan…?” Wei Xuan repeated, completely taken aback. Staring at the young girl with narrowed eyes, the minister couldn’t help but frown at the outlandish suggestion. “Fei’er, why do you want to tour the streets with Miaolan? Shouldn’t you be asking to play with your mother?” For a brief moment, Wei Xuan observed An Fei’s complexion darken at the mention of …

Chapter 108: An Encroaching Sense of Foreboding (1)

“Leaving… Jiang’an?” Accompanied by the gentle spring breeze, the news struck An Fei’s mind with the astounding force of a nuclear warhead. The young girl gaped at the solemn minister, her mind skidding to a halt. “Father, why… do I have to leave Jiang’an?” “This…” Wei Xuan hesitated, before reaching over to firmly pat the girl’s head in an attempt …

Chapter 107: He’s Vengeful, She’s Vicious, You’re Greedy! (8)

Wei Xuan’s wary cry roused everyone within the study; a youth’s eyes blazed open, an uncanny ferociousness hidden behind the indifferent demeanor, and a young girl quickly stifled her lotus petal into nonexistence. As she quietly snuggled against an unused pillowcase, An Fei couldn’t help but ruminate to herself, palpitations rushing through her heart. She had made one feeble little …

Chapter 106: He’s Vengeful, She’s Vicious, You’re Greedy (7)

“Father, why do you seem so distraught today?” An Fei’s inquiry during dinner startled Wei Xuan, and a fragrant piece of prawn slipped from his chopsticks to splatter into his bowl of soup. Rapidly shaking his head to bring his senses back to normal, the minister cleaned up the mess, reclaiming his now-soiled piece of prawn as he glanced at …

Chapter 105: He’s Vengeful, She’s Vicious, You’re Greedy! (6)

The entire process suddenly accelerated on its own initiative, leaving the young girl behind in a mindless haze. The moment the spiritual essence gathered within the Bingfeng and Tianzong acupuncture points, An Fei had lost control. By the time she had regained consciousness and her mind had recovered from its shock, the girl squinted her eyes to find a lotus …

Chapter 104: He’s Vengeful, She’s Vicious, and You’re Greedy! (5)

Clatter! An inkbrush fell to the floor, and rolled across the wooden surface beyond reach. A young girl twisted in a half-moon chair in attempt of salvaging the brush, but alas, it had moved out of range within mere moments. An Fei rolled her eyes, expelling a heartfelt and exhausted sigh. Collapsing into the now uncomfortable chair, the young girl …

Chapter 103: He’s Vengeful, She’s Vicious, You’re Greedy! (4)

The moment the words were expelled from Wei Xuan’s lips, the pavilion fell into a momentary silence. The empress raised an eyebrow, the attractive eyelashes lowered as she directed a thoughtful glare towards the indignant minister. The palace maidservant clenched her fists, her countenance reddened with righteous anger, but dared not to utter a single word. Underneath the serene pavilion …

Chapter 102: He’s Vengeful, She’s Vicious, and You’re Greedy! (3)

“Hey!” Ignoring the startled cry of the member of the Taiyi Sect, the young girl, and nearby passerby, the startled minister barreled through to stand before the stone monolith. His finger flying over the surface of the black monolith, Wei Xuan rapidly searched for the name once again. There, at the forty-third row and the sixty-seventh column, was a person’s …

Chapter 101: He’s Vengeful, She’s Vicious, and You’re Greedy! (2)

The sun quickly returned for another round of futile sparring against the night, and the citizens of Jiang’an blearily poked their weary heads out of their residences at the crack of dawn. The city of wealth within Great Yong was indeed a city of wealth with immeasurable profits, but attaining a steady stream of customers each day was equally challenging …