Chapter 300: Strange Calligraphy of a Young Girl

Standing in the midst of the endless void, An Fei found herself staring directly into the glare of two fiery suns. The suns were of a size that threatened to swallow a notion of existence, but no heat radiated from their surface. As An Fei stared into the depths of the golden orbs, she felt the prickling sensation of cold …

Chapter 299: Strange Calligraphy of A Young Girl (5)

The ‘hun’ engraved into the air by the young girl was nothing extraordinary, nor was it written in an archaic or unknown language from ancient or futuristic times. It was a ‘hun‘ of standardized, modern Simplified Script – the system of writing that An Fei had utilized for the majority, if not all of her life. It was simple, with …

Chapter 298: Strange Calligraphy of a Young Girl, an Angry Scarlet Dragon (4)

An Fei witnessed the environment of Goeun City vanish from her sight, the boisterous atmosphere of a semi-prosperous city dissipating into monochromatic hues of color released from the tip of the brush. She saw each and every possible color in their independent existence, as well as a harmonic blend of their hues that morphed into an overwhelming bastion of scarlet. The intermingled …

Chapter 297: Strange Calligraphy of a Young Girl (3)

The young girl stood alone in the streets of Goeun. People streamed towards her left and right as they earnestly chattered their successes, bemoaned their failures, their arms waving to express their fluttering emotions. The various people who walked past her did not turn their heads, nor did they express any knowledge towards the young girl’s existence. Their movements were …

Chapter 296: Strange Calligraphy of a Young Girl (2)

In the jianghu of the Shattered Star Continent, there was a certain location that was both revered and feared by cultivators, righteous and devil alike. By the name of Crag’s Pass, there existed a specific region of land in Great Yan that seemed shrouded in mystery and blood. Since its discovery, numerous legends and myths had surrounded the region of …

Chapter 295: Strange Calligraphy of a Young Girl (1)

It took just a day of testing to realize that <Calligraphy> was an astounding martial arts technique, far superior to the <Heavenly Talisman> that she had managed to squeeze out a few times. With the sacrifice of a certain handsome man, a few vases of porcelain and ceramic, as well as a little raven, An Fei was able to obtain …

Chapter 294: It takes more than courage (5)

An Fei had a single sentence to say for the two martial arts techniques that she had pulled from the Sanctum’s seemingly infinite collection of books in the Archives of Time. <Hemorrhage> was nonsensical murals plagued by fine script, and <Calligraphy> was nothing more than a madman’s collection of words! The former was still tolerable as however small and astute …

Chapter 293: Sometimes, it takes more than courage (4)

Over the course of the next week, An Fei was forced to admit a few reluctant truths. The young girl found it repugnant to think about it, but she ultimately gave in after a week of silent torment. The first was that Gentleman Wen Jiu was more useful than she wanted him to be. In the foreign city of Goeun …

Chapter 292: Sometimes, it takes more than courage (3)

The village patriarch of Brightstone Village readily accepted Wen Jiu’s halfhearted proposal, even going to the extent of kowtowing for a second time to prevent the handsome man from reneging on his promise. Nonetheless, An Fei noticed that the countenances of the group of youths were suffused with bitter despair and sorrow as they departed. “…I don’t remember you being …

Chapter 291: Sometimes, it takes more than courage (2)

An Fei’s snow white fox appeared to be nothing legendary to the common people’s eyes. Except for its pallid and heavenly soft fur that was whiter than snow, the fox didn’t exhibit any unusual traits that cultivators generally sought after. It was of the same stature of a regular artic fox, with a single, solitary tail. If it weren’t for …