Vivienne looked over to where Adam sat on his bed depressed. She then turned her gaze back to the sheafs of paper in her hands. One paper went over how Adam could use a walking cane to help guide himself with little assistance from others. A couple other papers gave two alternatives to helping him see again! Unfortunately, it …
Chapter 5: Madame’s Tavern and…
Late in the afternoon, they finally passed through the city gates and into Hessler. Just inside the gates, people were littered everywhere! Each was talking to one another or moving about their day. All the activity generated noise that was loud enough to hurt Adam’s ears. He covered them with his hands as his face scrunched up at …
Chapter 4: The Road to Hessler
The trip to Hessler would take a few weeks. The most major issue in the journey was actually the fellow refugees that were fleeing the city. Adam picked up a voice that he believed belonged to Dallen, one of this father’s patrol mates: “The problem is that every one of us is in need of …
Chapter 3: Void
“Ke ke ke!” The Ghul’s laugh echoed out across the black void! The Ghul was torturing Vivienne and Emilia before Adam! No matter how much effort he put into moving, Adam was stuck in slow motion as he tried to attack the Ghul. The Ghul would simply give Adam a derisive look and then quickly cut him down! Everything …
Chapter 2: Nightmare
Night had descended, and Adam was tossing and turning: ‘Why do I have to go to sleep at the same time as Emilia!? Mom and dad both know I want to look at the night sky. I have to get out of bed and look out the window by Emilia, and it never fails that I wake her up! If that …
Chapter 1: Everyday Life
The morning sunlight had just started to creep into the room, forcing Adam to hide deeper into his blankets with a small rustle. His mother’s voice called out, for the second time: “Come on you two, it’s time to get up!” Adam heard a grumble from the bed opposite his own, as his younger sister groggily got up. Shortly after, …