Chapter 133: The Argument in Revelation Hall

The next day, within the halls of Revelation, a heated argument could be heard echoing throughout its resplendent halls. Outside, whether it was the palace maids, the eunuchs or the guards, none of them dared to approach the raging storm for fear of being caught in between.   In Grand Xia, the only one who dared to argue with Her …

Chapter 132: Xia Ziyi

The birthday party carried on. Ning Chen had just returned to his seat when he heard Zhang Sun speaking up.   “Xinyu, go serve Marquis Zhiming a cup of wine.”   Those present shuddered. Extreme astonishment could be seen in their eyes. What did the empress mean when she said that?   Not only were the officials stunned, even Ning …

Chapter 131: The Minister of Internal Affairs

C131: The Minister of Internal Affairs   Ning Chen didn’t care much for the gazes of others. After greeting the Eldest Prince and the Ninth Princess, he quietly went back to his seat to eat, head lowered and ears shut.   As for Ming Yue, she wasn’t any better either, especially since she was only familiar with Qing Ning who …

Chapter 130: A Birthday Banquet

Yue Han Yi didn’t give up. On the second day, the invitation card was delivered again. However, it was Li Er who delivered it this time.   Having not seen the girl for months, she had become visibly taller. Her body was beginning to blossom and her features revealed that of a budding and charming teenage girl.   Aged thirteen …

Chapter 129: Persuasion

As Ning Chen sat there on his bed analysing the situation carefully, he couldn’t help but feel a shudder run down his back.   Fan Lingyue had planned this entire situation well in advance! The whole war with the Buddhist Nation was nothing but a chess piece whose sole purpose was to distract Grand Xia.   All that nonsense about …

Chapter 128: Conferment

Within the main camp of the Mongols, in front of the command tent…   Fan Lingyue peered intently into the distance, at the purple flow of Qi hanging high above Grand Xia. It was dimming and that meant that Grand Xia’s destiny wasn’t improving at all but rather worsening.   However, not everyone knew of this fact. After all, the …

Chapter 127: Internal Woes

Qing Ning had never seen the Man King before, but then how many Xiantians were there in the world anyway?   “Many thanks, senior.” She cupped her fists and immediately fled using this opportunity.   Seeing that, Mu Chengxue’s eyes grew icy cold after which she took an elegant step forward, disappearing an instant later.   *bang*   At the …

Chapter 126: The Two Who Met Unexpectedly

The sudden change shocked all who were present. Even the head abbot himself never expected it, not even as the coalescing Desert Sword tore through his body, propelled forward by the full might of the legend of Grand Xia.   Qing Ning was the first to react to this unforeseen sneak attack with a swift attack of her. Giving the …

Chapter 125: The Hardest Fight

At the foot of Mijie Mountain, the bloody glow grew only greater by the second. The head abbot of the Western Doya temple frowned slightly, and as he felt the Buddha’s power within get increasingly suppressed, the murderous intent in his eyes also intensified.   This child cannot be allowed to live!   On the other side, Ning Chen’s face …

Chapter 124: A Pillar of Blood

The soldiers in the hidden chamber got quite the surprise when Ning Chen entered with the two Vajras. What was their Marquis doing here when they had yet to find anything?   “Sir,” the soldiers bowed, and greeted respectfully.   “Mhm, you may all stand aside,” Ning Chen said with a wave of his hand.   “Yes, sir,” the soldiers …