Chapter 99 P1/3: Sinner

Ever since the Three Battles entered its latter half, the public murmurings started to veer towards a certain topic —would the previous champion be able to defend her crown? Who was going to be the new king of the Three Battles. Every other topic was merely an accessory to that topic; something you touch on summarily and move on. “This …

Chapter 98: Suspicion

Today, the audience stands were noticeably different than before. The stands were filled to the brim as always, except for a certain corner which only had two people seated there. Looking at that scene, it seemed like the audience cleared a circular space for the two of them to be alone. However, it wasn’t that these two people were that …

Chapter 97: Undercurrents

*Knock knock* Carmen: —Princess Naysis. Naysis Ferne:… Di Qi Ju:…. Carmen:… An expected…no, a highly anticipated interruption. Seeing the slightly stunned Carmen, Naysis Ferne stopped moving as well, she then slid off my body in the most natural way possible. Naysis Ferne: What’s the matter, Carmen? Carmen: There’s a guest looking for you, she said she must see you. Naysis …

Chapter 96: Children

Night fell over the Reitdarke royal palace, standing amidst the resplendent structures, one couldn’t help but be enchanted by its unique visual appeal. I had initially thought that I had gotten used to this world’s slow transition between night and day, but as I stood in front of what looked like a gateway to some private villa, I couldn’t help …

Chapter 95: Loyalty

Di Qi Ju:I can tell you what you to know but you must agree to my condition first. Hilda Karlyle: Ah, what condition could you possibly have? Di Qi Ju: This matter has nothing to do with Naysis Ferne. She must’ve inadvertently been implicated in this situation so just give me some time to clarify this matter with her and …

Chapter 94: An Unexpected Intrusion

*stab*, *slash*, *shuffle shuffle*. It was a behavior deliberate in counsel and prompt in action. As I endured Naysis Ferne’s hail of attacks, I was reminded of the fencing matches I once saw on television. Right now, I was like the body armor worn by those fencers; dully enduring all attacks thrown my way. Right from the very beginning, I …

Chapter 93: A Teenage Girl’s Heart

Judge(Righteousness): —Ladies and gentlemen! Today is the second round of the Battle of Righteousness, the start of the official matches! Judge:  After yesterday’s shocker, I wonder if everyone still has enough excitement left in their heart? Di Qi Ju: (What the heck does that even mean?) Judge: Now, I have something to share everyone that I’m sure everyone has been …

Chapter 92: Spoiled

(TL: Battle of Loyalty has been changed to Battle of Purity. Loyalty was chosen because it was one of the possibles meanings of the word but given how the rules work, nakedness would fit it more but that sounds stupid, thus purity.) The third day of the Three Battles… Halfmoon Leak’age: Today’s the first day of the Battle of Purity? …

Chapter 91: Withdrawal Part 2

A short while later, the ground floor of the inn was now empty except for me and Breman. A giant sack was dumped onto the dining table in front of us. From the sound it made, it must’ve been really heavy. Di Qi Ju: This is? Breman: The money Breiya won. After a number of twists and turns, I finally …

Chapter 91: Withdrawal Part 1

The second day of the Three Battles…on the night of the first day of the Battle of Death… The streets of Skills bustled with an unending racket. In the ears of the ordinary folk and those who made a living off fighting, all they heard was the chanting of one name. Sword Soul, Savile. It was an atmosphere you would …