Chapter 266: The Special Sailing Tour of the Ghost Fleet on the Congreve River (3)

Clyde, who had just escaped from the Conrad Town, took the survivors to board on Morist, the flagship of the ghost fleet, and sailed through the Congreve River, planning to go down the stream and disembark from the Colin Dock, then transfer to Eden Town on the opposite bank of the Congreve River. Eden Town had a teleportation magic array …

Chapter 265: The Special Sailing Tour of the Ghost Fleet on the Congreve River (2)

Clyde took the survivors out of Conrad Town, which was under heavy siege of the ghoul army, boarded Morist, the flagship of the ghost fleet, and was sailing through the Congreve River. They planned to cross the river and go to Eden Town after disembarking at the Colin Dock downstream. On a rainy night, the surface of Congreve River was …

Chapter 264: The Special Sailing Tour of the Ghost Fleet on the Congreve River (1)

The special carriage fleet was gradually leaving the town. They had set out from the hotel located at the center of the town. All along the way, they faced no obstruction. Under the escort of a group of skeleton guards, they smoothly left the town and arrived at the dock of the Congreve River. The attacks of the ghoul army …

Chapter 263: The Survivors Escaped to the Congreve River (3)

The rainy night of Conrad Town was still going on. The only way of survival was crossing the Congreve River and escaping to Eden Town on the other side. In the blood pool below the castellan residence, Clyde ended a certain Demon King Candidate without any difficulty. Although the Demon King Candidate was killed, the strange situation of Conrad Town …

Chapter 262: The Survivors Escaped to the Congreve River (2)

Clyde braved through the rainy night, heading towards the castellan residence. He planned to try his luck in the castellan residence and see if he could find a suitable carriage to bring it back to the hotel to pick people up. Both the hotel and the castellan residence were located at the center of the town. The distance was relatively …

Chapter 261: The Survivors Escaped to the Congreve River (1)

On a rainy night, Conrad Town was besieged by the ghoul army, just like a doomsday scene of a biochemical crisis, and the rainy night just happened to cover up many bloody scenes. Even after Clyde killed a high-leveled monster, a black python, the crisis in Conrad Town was still not resolved. Dark Terror Crocodile and Dark Pterosaur, the black …

Chapter 260: The Survivors of Conrad Town’s Slaughter in a Rainy Night (3)

The rainy night seemed to be unending as the torrential rain continuously fell. The ghoul army that surrounded the hotel at the center of the town couldn’t break in because the black python had died a violent death at the hotel’s entrance. They could only stand still anxiously in the torrential rain in the same place. The high-leveled monsters on …

Chapter 259: The Survivors of Conrad Town’s Slaughter in a Rainy Night (2)

The rainy night state of Conrad Town on the other side of Congreve River was clearly visible from this side. A few days ago, Aiden Town had already noticed Conrad Town being enveloped by the dark clouds. The castellan of Aiden Town was considered a responsible person. On the one hand, he reported this emergency situation to the Adrian Empire’s …

Chapter 258: The Survivors of Conrad Town’s Slaughter in a Rainy Night (1)

On a rainy night, the ghoul army besieged the hotel located in the central area of Conrad Town. The lights of the hotel seemed to be the only source of light in this dark town. After withstanding the continuous attacks of the ghoul army, the Owne Ernst Academy’s students, who were defending on the second floor, were now in a …

Chapter 257: Great Escape Operation Under the Terrifying Night (3)

On the rainy night of Conrad Town, the hotel located at the center of the town suffered from a siege of the ghoul army. It had already fallen to a precarious plight. Although the students of Owne Ernst Academy had gathered together on the second floor to make a last-ditch defense, they were still driven to desperation by the simultaneous …