Chapter 241: Dream…

Those three Demonic Fire Igneous Giants were not only subdued but the moment Shade uttered the word, “Consume…”, the three giants immediately flailed about frantically as if they were trying to claw their way out of their nightmare. Unfortunately for them, it clearly wasn’t going to work on this fabricated nightmare.   Such a sorry sight continued for a while …

Chapter 240: Nightmare Steed

Nightmare Steeds are the final form of the Purgatory Warhorses. However, not every horse was able to evolve into such a lofty form. Even now, no one knew the exact requirements for becoming a Nightmare Steed, not even the Purgatory Warhorses themselves. Still, that didn’t stop the Nightmare Steeds from being unreasonably strong.   The most basic requirement that everyone …

Chapter 239: The Pursuit of Life and Death

If a fly were to incessantly buzz around you, you would undoubtedly be irritated. However, what if you weren’t able to swat it away despite your best efforts, what would you do then? In all likelihood, anger would be the answer. For the Demonic Fire Igneous Giants, No.3 and Big 4 were just such flies.   Perhaps their constant pestering …

Chapter 238: The Weak Have No Say In This

Regardless of how many snide remarks I made in my mind, there was clearly no way he would have heard them. As for this talk about aid, the Warhorse obviously had something else to add onto that.   Just as I saw him nod his head, the Warhorse elder then spat out a few words that almost made me want …

Chapter 237: I Thought We Were Just Here For the Popcorn?!

The battle raged on… *Bang bang bang* The sounds of thunderous strikes echoed in the air. Because the Warhorses were starting to tire out, their speed had slowed down considerably to the point where the two Four-stars Igneous Giants managed to swat them away like ping pong balls. Those who were sent flying, while not dead, were severely injured and …

Chapter 236: Counterattack of the Giants

With their gigantic size, the sheer power of the Demon Fire Igneous Giants vastly outclassed the Purgatory Warhorses’ own, despite being at the same Star-level. Given that one’s size was directly proportional to his energy, one could only imagine how powerful these towering titans were. “Oh right, what are the levels of those Warhorses?” “The strongest is a Six-stars, 14 …

Chapter 235: Hunting in the Wilds

Our journey northward took us through a number of Purgatory Shadowcat territories of which some belonged to those who took part in the succession war. However, upon recognizing us, they didn’t try to trouble us but instead treated us warmly, going so far as to offer us barbecued Ashen Fur Mice while enquiring about a certain cat couple… The moment …

Chapter 234: A Fight’s Conclusion

“Technically, that’s true. But Princess Meisian seemed to have given me my reward prematurely even though I haven’t finished my mission yet.”   “Didn’t she already say there’s no need for that…”   “Who knows if she was merely trying to maintain that proud facade of hers.”   “Have you ever considered my feelings in this matter? If you do …

Chapter 233: Secret (Part 2)

“So that’s how terrifyingly powerful a Devil King is…”   “You said it, nyah.”   “…” Other than abject shock, there really wasn’t an expression I could think of right now that was appropriate.   Humans…often it was said that ignorance was bliss because one couldn’t fear what he didn’t know existed. Those so-called supreme beings wouldn’t show any interest …

Chapter 232: Secret (Part 1)

Ignoring the devastated Gaiuz entirely, Meisian then turned towards me with eyes more serious than I had ever seen. Gone was the frivolity she showed when we first met, instead what faced me were deeply furrowed brows and a piercing gaze. “Devil, I know you’ve become Gaiuz’s trump card. Back then, I only sent you away to cause trouble for …