Chapter 231: Meisian Pays a Visit

Logically speaking, we should have received our reward by now seeing as we had just taken out Weiderly for Gaiuz, and that Meisian wasn’t part of our agreement. In reality however, he said that only after he became a Cat King would he tell me the method of entering Abaddon. Why? Because at the end of the day, his so-called …

Chapter 230: A Prince Withdraws

“Mama, those kitties are so funny.” Mo Na doubled over in laughter as she pointed a shaking finger at the contestants of Try-not-to-laugh. With regards to such comical sights, there was nothing that could compare to the good old sight of a bunch of crazy cats horsing around, when wanting to grab her interest. “Well, you can make fun of …

Chapter 229: Try-not-to-laugh Challenge

Meisian didn’t leave immediately but chose to stay a while. Once Weiderly was out of the picture, Gaiuz immediately leaped to his paws excitedly and greeted his little sister. Gaiuz: “Sister, it has been awhile, you seem even more beautiful than before.” Meisian: “Gaiuz, you seem more disgusting than before.” Gaiuz: “Can you not call me disgusting?” Meisian: “Can you …

Chapter 228: A Cat Fight

“That’s amazing. But there’s no way moving such a behemoth doesn’t require a ton of energy.” “Hm, don’t think that just because the platform is so gigantic, it can’t be powered up. Just so you know, the Elemental Segregation Platform is powered solely by its user. Gaiuz for example, would spend his days on that platform during which the fire …

Chapter 227: Setting Off

Regardless of whether or not Anmi knew…time marched on. During those days we spent in Gaiuz’s castle, we mostly lazed around while the staff serviced us. Even though I specifically said that Mo Na and I didn’t want barbecued Ashen Fur Mice, the servings came unabated…even though my eyes clearly said that I didn’t want to be a sideshow, the …

Chapter 226: Another Blasted Siscon

“So we’re fighting then?” Anmi abruptly cut off Gaiuz while adopting a combative stance. Having learnt from that painful lesson in Weiderly’s castle, Anmi decided to settled this mission as soon as possible. After all, his weakness was painfully apparent for all to see and in a war of words, his mouth cannon simply didn’t compare to his opponent’s. As …

Chapter 225: Gaiuz

For the mainly fire leaning Purgatory Shadowcats, the fire elements within them were an integral part of their body and purging them would harm their core well-being at best; at worst, it was a form of delayed suicide. Having had to down a ton of nourishments in order to recover, Anmi learnt his lesson regarding that dastardly platform. It was …

Chapter 224: No Wonder

“That device you mentioned, don’t tell me it’s the platform they’re sitting on…” “That’s right, the very same. Those platforms are called Elemental Segregation Platforms and are one of the greatest inventions in our clan history.” Even though those words were clearly filled with respect, Anmi’s mood was still noticeably low: “Unfortunately, because too much time was spent on researching …

Chapter 223: The Past of the Purgatory Shadowcats

“Companions? So now we’re your companions? Well, aren’t you daring one, to betray your companions like that.” ‘Moron, if you hadn’t mentioned the word companions, I probably wouldn’t even be that angry.’ “No.3 de-fur his body first, if he still won’t talk, you can pull out the fur on his tail next, if he won’t talk…then pluck out his whiskers!” …

Chapter 222: A Dribble of Scruples

“Hmph, fine, I won’t fault you for what happened just now but I want you all to surround them right now, I don’t want a single of them to escape!” “Understood!” The guardcats who had all just stood up, swiftly took up positions around us. In front of us was the traitorous Anmi and in the corner were the shadowy elders …