Chapter 221: We Have a Traitor Among US

“It’s not a matter of appearances…it’s…you won’t understand…“ Anmi paused for second before staring at the ceiling full of hanging fish bones as if there was something be found there. “What’s the problem?” I suddenly had a bad feeling about this whole situation, and it was getting worse by the second along with my unease. Ignoring my question, Anmi threw …

Chapter 220: Don’t You Dare Force Me, I’ll Force You!

“Huh?” “What do you mean huh? How many times do you want me to repeat myself? It doesn’t count if you bite yourself! What a bother, I swear there’s nothing I hate more than having to say the same thing twice.” “Blast it all, but I’m clearly injured, why aren’t you protecting me…” Having his request rejected so directly, the …

Chapter 219: I Just Knew This Would End in a Fight

“…yes.” ‘I have to say, admitting that I’m here to assassinate someone in front of said person is something…I really can’t get used to…but the circumstances have demanded so. Well, best not to act too arrogant for now…’ Thus, I merely nodded my head in hope that I wouldn’t draw too much hatred onto myself. “Haha, my foolish little sister, …

Chapter 218: Prince Weiderly

She was right…’Cats climb the wall, Dogs crawl through the hole’, that saying was intended as an insult in the first place. If Sinmosa and Sasani were to jump over the wall using brute force, that would defeat the purpose of not taking the hole in the first place. The designer of this insidious, ingenious and infuriating trap clearly intended …

Chapter 217: The Second Castle

“So what comes after the hunt?” “After the hunt, we have a race, a rock-climbing contest and then an eating contest…” “Eating contest huh…that sounds like a burden on one’s stomach, what if the contestant becomes too bloated?” “It’s fine, we give out free antacid at the end of the contest.” Sinmosa: “…you cats sure know how to play…” Anmi …

Chapter 216: The War of the Cats

The laws of the new world and ours differ greatly. Even though this has resulted in countless dimensional tears between the worlds, these tears are simply too small to allow anything greater than a Two-stars undead to cross over…we have tried our best to widen the tears yet their self-regenerative powers are simply too much for us…I beseech your Highness …

Chapter 215: Carrot and Stick

“So the hole then….” Princess Meisian suddenly burst out laughing, moreover it wasn’t some bashful giggle either but a full on guffaw. “HAHAHAHAHA, to think someone actually tried to crawl in through the hole…you’re killing me here…AHAHAHA…” ‘Hole? What the heck is she talking about? That was clearly the main entrance, how did it turn into a hole all of …

Chapter 214: Princess Meisian

“Why is it everytime I visit, I find you two lazing about…” Anmi greeted the two guards with an unabashed tsukkomi you would expect from friends or close acquaintances. “Sir Anmi, what are you doing here? Didn’t you say you wanted to stay away from this fiasco? Don’t tell me you’ve finally seen the light and decided to help Princess …

Chapter 213: Questions

Civil war, words which most clan were undoubtedly familiar with. If a choice had to be made about the most harmful events that could befall a clan, civil wars would definitely clinch the top spot. Before coming to this region, I was told about an existence known as the Cat King. Cat Kings were basically the central authority of the …

Chapter 212: War?

In this world, there was no such as equality, the vast majority of humans were born without the ability to cultivate their own Fighter’s Aura, let alone the necessary Elemental Affinity required to be a mage. Compared to that, elemental creatures could be considered the favored children of Mother Nature herself. These creatures possessed an unassailable advantage when it came …