Chapter 211: Is This Cat Crazy?

“I caught you red handed, what else do you have to say for yourself!?” Eyes glued to the two fruits in Mo Na’s hands, the flames around Anmi roared with an intensity matched only by his fury. Beneath him, the twisting shadow shot towards Mo Na like some kind of shadow demon. “Step back.” Even while all the arguing was …

Chapter 210: Thieves

Perhaps it was because I was a little too engrossed in my worries and ended up showing them on my face, Mo Na who seemed to have picked up on my mood, and was busy hugging my neck while gingerly asking: “Mama, why are you frowning?” To avoid worrying her any further, I forced out a smile before lightly kissing …

Chapter 209: A Lady Clad in Black?

“No way…even if our Uncle isn’t the most reliable of dogs…at least he won’t try and scam us…right?” Having said that, Sinmosa shook her head: “Well our Uncle is kinda… ‘eccentric’ normally.” “How about we talk about the Purgatory Shadowcats instead. Being solitary, does that mean that each cat lives on its own plot of land?” “Apparently, there aren’t many …

Chapter 208: You Must Be Joking

“Uncle, then will Cinderel…” Hearing Sidarth mention that elemental core’s power, Sinmosa immediately grew worried about her daughter. Up till that very moment, she assumed that her daughter was in the clear, having been born and all, yet that assumption was just proven false mere seconds ago. “It’s all right, as long as she receives timely energy nourishments, she should …

Chapter 207: Sidarth

Having chewed at Uncle Hellhound’s fur for what felt like half a day, Cinderel must have been thinking to herself right at that moment: ‘This old dog’s fur is truly hard.’ “Little puppy, I’m your Uncle, don’t cha know. To think you actually dare to bite me, what if I decide to gobble you up in one bite?” Uncle Hellhound …

Chapter 206: Cruel and Unusual Punishment

“Woof…woof…?” Neanderke barked, voice trembling with every woof he uttered. Sinmosa nodded and barked back at the Cerberus. As if right on cue, Sasani came up from behind and gave the stunned Cerberus a triumphant look before pointing all three of his noses high into the air and snorting proudly. Ever so deliberately, he strutted up to his wife and …

Chapter 205: The Reason for Being Together

“If I’m not mistaken, your child doesn’t have a name yet, do you need my help coming up with a name?” Having came up with so many good names for my subordinates in the past, I was rather confident in my naming sense so I decided to offer my services before asking one last question, a question that I had …

Chapter 204: Walking in the Cold Wind

Sinmosa lost her parents while she was still extremely young and ended up being raised by Sasani. For the siblings, acquiring food in the ruins of what used to be Sable Radiance wasn’t easy as one might imagine, especially since Sasani wasn’t that much older than Sinmosa either. Just feeding himself took a great deal of effort, let alone finding …

Chapter 203:Sinmosa and Sasani

Regardless of how things were in Abaddon, our situation right now wasn’t going to change one bit. For now, the best thing I could do was to find a way to enter Abaddon as soon as possible…lest I spent several hundred years wandering around here…the lifespan of a devil made such a wait technically possible but still, a few hundred …

Chapter 202: I’m a Sucker

With hope in my heart and dreams driving me forward, I chased after the shadow of the Cerberus. Every now and then, the Cerberus would turn around to check if I was still following it. Whenever I lagged behind too much, he would call out to me and rush me along. If I stuck close to him however, he would …