Chapter 191: Biology Lesson

Looking at the Demon Fire Worm run off in two directions, I was suddenly reminded of a joke from Earth. One boring day in the home of the earthworm family, the little earthworm had an idea to split himself into two for a round of badminton. The mama earthworm found it a great idea and decided to split herself into …

Chapter 190: Hair

“Mo Na and I just explored that side so you two can just take the other side, since you’re both alright now. Make sure to watch your surroundings, also, if you find some Red Lotuses, just harvest them.” Not wishing to spend anymore time on the issue of Mo Na’s comatose state, I sent No.3 and Big 4 away on …

Chapter 189: Change in the Grimoire of the Dead

“Okay, okay, this one want’s a new name quick, Mama.” The little scamp cried with glee as she clapped her hands non-stop. “A name…how about Mo Na?” Naturally her name would have to follow mine and since my surname was Mo, hers was as well. To be honest, I considered naming her Brigittte, Moirah, Chaikah, Lorel and etc., but after …

Chapter 188: Breaking the Shell

Tossing away the now-dead corpse of the female imp, Nine-finger turned his attention back onto me: “Since that moron killed herself, how about Master tell me instead; what exactly is ‘that thing’?” “…” ‘For the love of all p0t@t0es, have you no decency?! There’s no way I’m telling you that, not even if you kill me! But then if I …

Chapter 187: Nine-finger’s Counterattack

“Why did you think we submitted to you?” Even without waiting for my answer, One-eye rushed off to his next monologue: “At the very beginning, all I wanted to do was make use of you to leave the Blood Sea. My inherited memories told me that if we didn’t leave soon, there wouldn’t be enough time. Thus, I chose to …

Chapter 186 Part 2: The Betrayer

(TL: Technically, there is no part 2. The author mislabelled this chapter as 186 instead of 187 and ran with it. In order to avoid potential future mislabelling on our side, I decided to label this as “part 2” and follow his numbering.) Stepping through the teleportation gate felt rather different from being summoned –simply put, you took a step …

Chapter 186: Conclusion

Even up to the very end, I tried my very best to persuade her but it failed. After a lengthy exchange with me, Majosha finally came to a decision. Wrapping her tail around Harlow, she pulled herself right up to his face and, with hands clasped around his head and eyes locked with each other, she used her petrification power…to …

Chapter 185: A Medusa’s Fortune and Misfortune

As I stood there watching while the rest of my army entered the teleportation gate for Abaddon, my heart was filled with emotions that I couldn’t really describe. I was the leader of this expedition and I decided that I would be the last to enter the gate. However, it wasn’t just for the sake of appearances that I did …

Chapter 184: Teleportation Gates

Finally with some time on her hands, Manasha decided to comfort her little sister Majosha. Yet before she could even get a word in, Numila sent out a distress call: “Dearest, my mana can’t hold out for much longer, quick, get the others to prepare for battle…” “Alright.” Sweeping my eyes over the battlefield, I found that at least half …

Chapter 183: The Case of Zombification and Schemes

“Harlow!” Majosha screamed in disbelief as she tightly hugged the corpse of Harlow. Unfortunately, his corpse had already begun to turn cold and harden. By now, it had completely lost any previous signs that it was once a living thing. Furthermore, the owner of this body had died from corpse poison, which meant that he could turn into an undead …