Chapter 162: Revolution Slice

Terms of surrender? Hah, do you think I’m some kind of kind-hearted samaritan? A cold smile crossed my lips as I waved my hands. “Drag him away and kill him “Understood Master.” No.3 signalled to a few guardsmen and began escorting away the ratman overlord. It was only when No.3 reached out for his furry shoulders did that foolish ratman …

Chapter 161: The Ratman Captives

“This…” That was a thousand rats, a thousand rats burnt to death by a single attack, that’s just imbalanced! Clearly, my companions agree with that statement as well! Puppy dog eyes wide open in disbelief, Violet Snow was just as shocked as I was. “Isn’t that Shadowfang of yours an epic weapon as well, can you do that?” “…” You’ve …

Chapter 160: Undying Flametail

From time immemorial, once one wielded the high ground, it’s over. Especially when said person was flying. The Abaddon Rodents had no ranged capabilities to speak of and neither could they fly though their wall climbing was nothing to scoff at either. Unfortunately for them, these harpies were simply too agile for them to hit even if they scaled the …

Chapter 159: The Rodent Horde

“You’ve arrived.” Long before our arrival, the scouts we sent ahead had already informed Violet Snow of our impending arrival so she wasn’t all that surprised to see us now. She blandly acknowledged our arrival before continuing on, “There’s exactly 300 captives here with us right now, do you want them?” “There’s no such thing as too much fodder.” By …

Chapter 158: Aiding Violet Snow

Should I or shouldn’t I? After giving it some thought, I finally decided to go in the end. Putting aside all the other considerations, losing that much potential fodder wasn’t something I could ignore. If I were to allow Violet Snow to have her way, all the Abaddon Rodents would be slaughtered and I would have to find another fodder …

Chapter 157: Skills Test

Violet Snow brought away the ratman traitor, accompanying her was Big 5 and his hellhound unit, the medusas and Elena. Under her command were nearly 2000 harpies. Having gone through a period of training, this air force of mine should mostly be ready: the bone javelins were all stocked up and ready and everything was basically ready for a field …

Chapter 156: The Start Of Our Conquest

Unexpectedly, what was supposed to be a probing question ended up eliciting a candid confession from the lizardman. “That’s right, we were all awed by Lady Habona’s display of power.” As the lizardman said that, he threw a worshipful glance at Habona. A second later, he withdrew his gaze and humbly asked, “May I know who this Excellency is…” “Do …

Chapter 155: The Captives of the Two Races Part 2

Regarding those captives, I had them sent off for training. For those that did well, they would be promoted to an official soldier in my army and lose their slave status. Basically, this was all a grudge amounted to in this dog eat dog world. As long as you were alive, it was infinitely better than being dead. Recently, Big …

Chapter 154: The Captives of the Two Races Part 1

So far the battle preparations were proceeding smoothly; in other words, I was working my ass off right now. It felt like every single task required my personal attention. Not to brag, but without me, these potatoes probably wouldn’t even know their heads from their tails. As for how I knew this, that’s simple. Because they were potatoes. Naturally, not …

Chapter 153: Battle Preparations

Fine, that wasn’t exactly a scene of carnage since none of them actually asked me who I liked or disliked… Speaking of which, even if they asked me… Due to Eugenia and Elena’s clans being added to our army, we had almost reached our target number of forces. Adding up the harpies from Elena, Eugenia and Numila, that would mean …